
Yang Guifei's maid Zhang Yunrong's ghost marriage and poetry

author:Kiyama text

Yang Guifei has a maid, Zhang Yunrong, who is good at dancing the neon dress feather dance. Once they followed Tang Xuanzong to the Xiuling Palace, Zhang Yunrong performed the neon dress dance, which was extremely outstanding. Yang Guifei wrote a poem on the spot, praising his dancing style.

Gift Zhang Yunrong Dance (Yang Yuhuan)

The sleeves of the sleeves are fragrant, and the red argons are in the autumn smoke. The wind on the light cloud ridge is shaking, and the water is first blowing by the tender willow pond.

The meaning of the poem is that Ayara's sleeves dance with incense, like the bright red lotus flowers swaying slightly in the light smoke of autumn. The wind on the ridge blows the floating white clouds, and the tender green willows on the edge of the pool blow on the calm water. All this is not as wonderful as his dancing style.

According to the rules of the feudal era, girls could not come out for the rest of their lives after entering the palace. As for the free choice of the marriage of the beloved, it is completely delusional. Zhang Yunrong followed Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei for a long time, when Emperor Xuanzong loved the art of immortality and often talked with Shen Tianshi, and Zhang often eavesdropped nearby. After a long time, Zhang became familiar with the Heavenly Master and bowed to the Heavenly Master for the elixir. The Celestial Master gave him a grain of DaixueDan and said, "After you die in the future, you will ask for a large coffin with beautiful jade in your mouth, and this dan can make you not be bad, and after a hundred years, when you meet the person you love and marry, you will become an earth immortal." "

Zhang Yunrong later died in Lianchang Palace and was buried there. In the last years of Tang Xianzong's reign, Xue Zhao, a lieutenant of Pinglu County, had secretly released a prisoner who had killed someone to avenge his mother. As a result, the crime was exiled to Haidong. At the time of departure. There was an old friend, Tian Sansuo, who must accompany him to Sanxiangyi (located in present-day Yiyang, Henan, not far from Lianchang Palace). Shan Shuo told Xue to flee and gave him a pill, after which he could be persuaded to die of illness (to prevent illness and not eat food). He also told him that when he fled, there was a dense wood on the north side of the avenue, and he could go in for temporary hiding, not only to avoid disasters, but also to get a happy marriage.

According to Tian Sansuo's instructions, Xue Zhao, on the way to escape, hid in the Lianchang Palace, which was already desolate and abandoned at that time, and hid in a hall. In the evening, when the moon was clear and the wind was clear, three beautiful girls came in and served wine and talked. A girl poured wine and said, "Auspicious and auspicious, good people meet each other, and the wicked avoid each other." The other girl said, "Although there are good people at the feast, is it easy to meet Ye?" Xue Zhao heard through the crack in the window and remembered again. TIAN Sansuo. If you say it, you boldly jump out and say, "It's not difficult to be a good person!" I'm a good guy! "III. The girl was startled and asked who he was, and Xue told them the truth and asked them their last names. The oldest girl said that her name was Zhang Yunrong, and the other two were Xiao Fengtai. and Liu Lanqiao. Xiao and Liu were also palace maidens, who were poisoned by tang Xuanzong's ninth daughter and buried next to Zhang Yunrong's tomb.

The four people (actually one person and three ghosts) drank wine together and admired the moon, and during the banquet, they talked about Shen Tianshi and Tian Sansuo, comparing the faces and figures of the two, and it turned out to be a person. According to Zhang Yunrong's words before his death, Xiao and Liu made a matchmaker and asked Zhang and Xue to marry that night. So Xiao Fengtai toasted and congratulated Zhang and Xue and recited the following poem:

Xue Zhao's marriage poem (I), Xiao Fengtai

The face flowers do not bloom a few shades, and this sunset and spring change autumn alone. I keep the lonely lamp without daylight, and the cold clouds are even more sorrowful.

The meaning of the poem is that in the past, Sister Yun Rong, your face without a smile contained a lot of gloom, but tonight it was like a sunny spring that replaced the sad late autumn, leaving me to keep the lone lamp and not see the day. Like a cold cloud enveloping the wasteland, it is even more worrying.

From the last two sentences of Xiao Shi, it can be known that this girl, who was confined to the court when she was a girl, and finally was innocently killed, has never experienced the youth of life. Joy, now how envious Zhang Yunruo can come back from the dead, and get a happy marriage luck. After listening to Xiao Shi, Liu Lanqiao remembered that he had the same life as him, and felt even more deeply, so when he toasted Xue and Zhang, he chanted the following more desolate seven poems:

Xue Zhao's marriage poem (II), Liu Lanqiao

The valley cries the whole feather, and the rhinoceros sinks the jade coldly sighs. Yuehua could not bear to touch the spring household, and the dew drop pine branches were cold overnight.

The meaning of this poem is that the warblers crying in the dark valley are sorting their feathers, and the buried rhinoceros (rhino horn) jade is so cold that people can only lament alone. The moonlight could not bear to look at the closed graves of the dead underground, and the cold dew dripping on the pine branches in the middle of the night was so poignant.

Xiao and Liu Yin, the new couple Zhang Yunrong and Xue Zhao each made a seven-song.

Xue Zhao's marriage poem (III), Zhang Yunrong

Shao Guang did not see the dust, and once baited Jin Dan suddenly had a god. Unexpectedly, Xue Sheng took the old law and opened the valley alone.

Xue Zhao's Marriage Poem (IV.), Xue Zhao

Mistakenly entering the palace wall slipped through the net, and Yuehua cleaned the jade step dust. Self-doubt flew to the top of Penglai, and Qiong's three branches were spring in the middle of the night.

Zhang Yunrongshi and Xue Zhaoshi both wrote about their own encounters and feelings. Zhang Shi's meaning is: What a long time, I should have become dust, but the Jindan I took protected my body and spirit. Unexpectedly, Xue Sheng brought the agreement of the year, so that this quiet valley opened my spring flower alone.

Xue Shi's meaning is: I, a prisoner who slipped through the net by mistake, actually came to the jade staircase sprinkled with moonlight, and I wondered if I flew to the top of the fairyland Penglai Mountain and saw three beautiful spring flowers blooming in the middle of the night.

Xue Zhao lived in Zhang Yunrong's place, and saw that the furnishings were very gorgeous, but he did not know day and night. After about a few days, Yun Rong said, "My body has awakened, but my clothes are all torn, so you can buy me some new clothes!" So I gave it to Xue

Yang Guifei's maid Zhang Yunrong's ghost marriage and poetry
Yang Guifei's maid Zhang Yunrong's ghost marriage and poetry
Yang Guifei's maid Zhang Yunrong's ghost marriage and poetry

A gold bracelet. Xue did not dare to go, for fear that when selling the bracelet, others would catch him as a tomb robber. Yun Rong gave him a piece of white silk and said that if you cover your head with silk when you are in an emergency, no one else will be able to see you. Xue returned and opened the coffin, and Yun Rong was indeed resurrected. The couple returned to Jinling (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu) to live in seclusion together.

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