
Li Shangyin's poem "Night Rain Sent to the North" appears twice as "Bashan Night Rain", is it intentional? Article Hate Destiny: Career Inaction, Poetry Talent Eight Buckets of Ink Splash art: From the repetition of words to the circular appreciation of condensed imagery: The emotion of words in the poet's phalanx The flow of time in the eyes of novelists


Li Shangyin's poem "Night Rain Sent to the North" appears twice as "Bashan Night Rain", is it intentional?

It is said that poetry is a literary genre that uses highly condensed language to express the author's rich emotions, concentrate on reflecting social life, and has a certain rhythm and rhythm. In the seven-sentence sentence of Li Shangyin's "Night Rain Sends North", there are two "Bashan Night Rain". From the point of view of poetic art, this is of course intentional, because it is by no means a banal repetition. "Poet, chanting temperament", from the perspective of emotional expression, it can also be said that it is not intentional, perhaps it is just an accumulation of emotions to a certain extent, and the poet Li Shangyin subconsciously has a lyrical behavior.

In the true sense of poetry, this is not an ancient poem that is difficult to understand. Autumn night is long, the poet is alone, thinking of the jun in the north, the letter from the other day, the most touching poet is the letter on the "jun ask the return date", which is the most common greeting between husband and wife, but the cruelty of reality, so that "I" can only answer with "no period". why? All blame this weather, Bashan night rain for the first time on the field. And the facts? Men are running around, there are always too many unspeakable bitterness, then let this full of autumn pools of "Bashan night rain" as a pretext. He transforms the abstract, inaudible, and unseen sorrows into concrete scenes that are also hidden in the visible and knowable scenes - "Bashan Night Rain" through imagination and association, thus turning them into a highly condensed image, writing out the poet's current loneliness and desolation. At this moment, it is too painful, and the thought of his wife in the north is also like this flood of autumn water, the autumn rain drops down, but the sorrow that surges in the heart rises little by little from the bottom of the heart, turning into the poet's expectation for the future. "Cut the candles in the west window together" and relive the good times when the couple talked about the night with candles, which has both hope and memories. "But", the warmth that stopped in the memory was shattered in an instant, and what did the two say at that time? Or talk about each other's current tormented situation, if everything is not worth mentioning at this time, then the future of the two should be a better topic. But it is precisely because of the night rain in Bashan this night that it is difficult and important, so it can only be endured, which is a more pessimistic interpretation. Another understanding is that standing in the future and looking back at the night rain of Bashan with you, the pain at this time will become a joke when you and I cut the candles in the west window in the future, which is even the poet's self-regulation and rehearsal.

Li Shangyin's poem "Night Rain Sent to the North" appears twice as "Bashan Night Rain", is it intentional? Article Hate Destiny: Career Inaction, Poetry Talent Eight Buckets of Ink Splash art: From the repetition of words to the circular appreciation of condensed imagery: The emotion of words in the poet's phalanx The flow of time in the eyes of novelists

"Bashan Night Rain" is not the only repetition in this poem, the first sentence "return period" and "no period", the symmetrical arrangement of words, bringing about the loops on the syllables, which sets the tone emotionally, and here echoes a kind of leisurely melancholy. The repetition of the second sentence of "Bashan Night Rain" to the end, the bitterness gushing up again and again, the self-relief again and again, this night Bashan Night Rain is sad and sad, from this moment to the future, can not be broken.

Why did Li Shangyin have such sorrows, or why did he express such expressions? In fact, this symmetrical (or mirror)-style artistic beauty is not only reflected in his poem, but also traced elsewhere.

At a young age, Li Shangyin's father died. As the eldest son, he had to "help the book dealer" to subsidize the family. In his poor life, there has always been a lighthouse-like elder who encourages and values him. This elder was Li's reclusive uncle of the same ethnic group, and under his influence, Li "could be an ancient Chinese, but did not like to be paired".

The early accumulation was not in vain, at the age of nineteen, Li's article "On Talent" attracted a wave of attention, including Li Shangyin's first nobleman in life- Ling Huchu. Ling took care of him like a son, gave him literary guidance, guaranteed material life, and let his son Ling Fox take him into high society. "Learning and excelling", the only way to change the situation of life is to become an official in the middle. What Ling did was also to allow Li to one day get an official and a half-job. By the time Li was finally admitted to the jinshi, it had taken ten years. "A hundred lives will never be forgotten, and nine deaths will be difficult to chase." It was Li's heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Ling Huchu.

When the spring breeze was triumphant, Li Shangyin met a second nobleman, Wang Maoyuan. The king's admiration made Li dizzy for a while, one was to promise the shogunate an important position, and the other was to decide to marry his daughter. Perhaps because of his family's poverty, Li Shangyin was already twenty-eight or nine years old at the time and had not yet been hired. As an old bachelor, it is not happy to be able to solve the two major life events of work and rice bowl and marrying wife at one time! Therefore, when Old Mr. Ling Huchu wrote a letter calling him back to Taiyuan, he also kept finding excuses to delay. Until the end of the year, Ling Huchu was critically ill and dying, "I have lost my courage, my feelings are exhausted, but I have not yet cherished it, I want to write myself and smell the sky, I am afraid of words and words, and the son should help me to become successful." This letter is Mr. Ling Huchu's last request to Li Shangyin, and the so-called "help me become successful" is just a pretext, just to see the last side of the young people who have cultivated themselves. Li Shangyin finally hurried back, but this "white-eyed wolf" behavior had made Ling Huxuan and the other families very unhappy and cold. This also laid a tragic foreshadowing for Li Shangyin's final life of "being vain and overbearing, and having never opened his arms in his life".

Since then, from the removal of the official examination to the re-examination the following year, with the controversy between Niu and Li and the controversy of several ups and downs, the small officials have continued, and the hopelessness of the big officials is a portrayal of his career. "Night Rain Sending North" was written during his time as an official in Bashu, which was his last time as a shogunate official in other places. In the long river of history, compared with many unexpected readers, Li Shangyin is still lucky, he still has eight buckets of poetry to splash ink, and finally left his own figure in the poetry of the late Tang Dynasty.

Li Shangyin's poem "Night Rain Sent to the North" appears twice as "Bashan Night Rain", is it intentional? Article Hate Destiny: Career Inaction, Poetry Talent Eight Buckets of Ink Splash art: From the repetition of words to the circular appreciation of condensed imagery: The emotion of words in the poet's phalanx The flow of time in the eyes of novelists

In "Fascinating Poetry Mysteries: Li Shangyin's Poems", Mr. Ye Jiaying said: "We evaluate a poem, mainly about the aesthetic value of this poem."

The poem "Night", like Li's other poems, carries a little bit of melancholy and exclamation. He and Du Fu are two types of poets with completely different temperaments, and Du Fu is sad and worried about the country and the people, "when he feels the flowers splash tears, hate other birds and frighten his heart." ", joy is wild and uninhibited," ... The long book of poetry is ecstatic. Singing in the daytime must indulge in alcohol, and youth is a good companion to return home. And Li Shangyin has always suppressed hesitation and worry, "This situation can be turned into a memory, but at that time, it was already confused." The melancholy of "the sunset is infinitely good, but it is nearly dusk", "eight years old stealing the mirror, long eyebrows can already be painted." ...... Fifteen weeping spring breezes, under the swing on the back. If Du Fu is summer, Li Shangyin is autumn.

And the creation of this melancholy atmosphere lies first and foremost in the loop of words. In his poetry, this is not an isolated case. For example, in "Tianya", "Spring is at the end of the world, and the day of tianya is oblique." The warbler cries like tears, for the wet highest flowers. Shi xian Li Bai also tried this way, such as "On the Three Gorges", "Wushan is sandwiched by blue sky, and ba water flows Ruozi." The water is suddenly exhausted, and the blue sky is not there. Three facing up the scalper, three twilights are too late. Three dynasties and three twilights, do not feel the sideburns into silk. In the poem, "Qingtian", "Bashui", "Three Dynasties", "Three Twilights" and so on are repeated. The classic point of "Night Rain Sending North" lies in the artistic breakthrough on this basis, Li Shangyin turned the repeated "Bashan Night Rain" into the most condensed scenery language, but also the deepest love language; both writing scenery and lyrical. As if, these four words are the unity of the mental image formed by the poet's inner life experience and feeling, which is integrated with the object in front of the eyes or derived from memory and imagination.

Li Shangyin's poem "Night Rain Sent to the North" appears twice as "Bashan Night Rain", is it intentional? Article Hate Destiny: Career Inaction, Poetry Talent Eight Buckets of Ink Splash art: From the repetition of words to the circular appreciation of condensed imagery: The emotion of words in the poet's phalanx The flow of time in the eyes of novelists

In the Seventeen Lectures of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Mr. Ye Jiaying said: "Because each of us who pursues has our thoughts, our educational background, social and cultural background, and the background of the times. Everyone's personality and feelings are different, so when we read a poem, we will have different feelings and thoughts, that is, we say 'the benevolent see the benevolent, the wise see the wise'." Different people see different reflections in this poem.

In the eyes of the poet, such as the emotions conveyed in "Night Rain Sending north", the appreciation of the blending of scenes and other appreciation comments has been very much, Mr. Gu Sui once commented, "This poem is very mature in technology, the mood is very harmonious, can represent the righteous mountain, this poem is like a swallow facing the wind, rising and falling, it is really good."

For novelists a thousand years later, they marvel at the trajectory of time traveled by poetry. If poetry is a one-word consideration, then novelists tend to pay more attention to narrative strategies and the arrangement of time in novels. Speaking of which, it is necessary to mention a foreign novelist named Borges. Ge Fei once said: "In the literary circles of the mid-to-late 1980s, the words Borges seemed to absorb some kind of magic, shining with magical brilliance, and its power was roughly equivalent to that of Haruki Murakami today." Under the influence of Borges, the name "avant-garde literature" at the end of the last century was popular in the literary circle for a long time. Borges's novels are best known for their unique grasp of time in their work—an arbitrary splicing and appropriation of time that is almost a game. In his famous work "The Garden of The Fork of the Path", the linear characteristics of time disappear, the countless "forks" represent the infinite possibilities of time, and the overall time becomes an intricate web, the longitude and latitude of the network, which are the specific time of various tenses, they are no longer just parallel, but intersect with each other under certain circumstances, and the intersection is a chaotic and disturbing system of individual time, and it is involved in each other and circulates with each other. Cycle and reincarnation, or the pluralism of individual time systems, eventually disintegrated the specific meaning of overall time, and Borges's concept of time, thus moving from microscopic neatness to macroscopic chaos, finally to the overall loss. To quote from the work, "What distinguishes your ancestors from Newton and Schopenhauer is that he believed that time was not identical or absolute." He believed that time had countless series, and that divergent, converging, and parallel times weaved into a growing, intricate web. A web of time that draws closer, diverges, intertwines, or never interferes with each other encompasses all possibilities. Most of the time we don't exist; at some times, there is you without me; at other times, there is me without you; and at other times, you and I exist. "

As early as the Tang Dynasty, Li Shangyin had already made such an attempt. Time in poetry is not linearly arranged, but is connected into a web. For a specific analysis, see the analysis of the two novelists below.

In an interview with Southern Weekend, Liu Zhenyun once praised Li's "Night", "I think the history of Chinese literature, including the world," is the best. There are three structures in the four poems, one is that he is in Shudi, and Luoyang's wife asks him when he will come back, and he says he does not know. The situation in Bashan is that the autumn rains are continuous and the pond water is constantly rising. He was especially looking forward to talking to his wife night after night in Luoyang, talking about the living situation and mood of Bashan Night Rain now. A present tense, a future tense, the future wants to say the present, the most important thing is that his wife has passed away. He imagined that his wife was still in Luoyang and asked him when he would return. In terms of literary structure, these twenty-eight words are very great. "

At the 2017 Tsinghua University Times Forum, Bi Feiyu talked about the intertextuality of time from the poem "Night" to the famous beginning of Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

"Li Shangyin set a Guinness World Record, a literary record,—— he depicted the longest autumn rain in the history of Chinese poetry," he said. In addition to the repetitive 5 words, he used 23 words to write the longest rain in the history of literature, and the secret is that he geniusly handled the temporal and spatial relations within poetry. Unlike physical time, time in the psychological and literary sense is full of elasticity and constitutes the difficulty of art.

"In "Night Rain Sends North", his treatment of time and space has been infinitely close to novels, and even movies. The first two sentences are in progress now, when the candles in the west window are cut together - time rushes to the distant future, the future tense, the other place. But when it rains at night on Bashan Mountain—when the future passes, it is also here. Time went around in a huge circle and returned to the original point. "But" means to go back, very sure, to put everything into practice, but since it corresponds to "Ho", it cannot be sure that this "real" or "virtual" is the bread in "painting bread to fill hunger". Here, time becomes very magical, like the noodles in the hands of the ramen master, one moment it is dough, one pull, it becomes noodles, and then it becomes countless noodles, infinitely complicated. "

Let's talk about the beginning of "One Hundred Years of Solitude":

Years later, Colonel Aureliano stood before the firing squad and would surely remember the distant afternoon when his father had taken him to see the ice.

The narrator of the novel narrates the time of the present, but it depicts the future; from the perspective of the future, the so-called "many years later" is again the time when the past is completed.

The biggest charm of the poem "Night" is that it compresses time, in the words of Bi Feiyu, there is the capacity of a long novel hidden here, there is a turbulent life, there is a vast, ghostly, dragon tail, involuntary fate. The elasticity of time that permeates the poems and how much explosive yield can be produced depends entirely on the imagination and life experience of you and me as readers. And whatever your imagination, it must be accompanied by dampness, accompanied by endless autumn rains.

Finally, I end with the poet's "Feeling",

The middle road follows my strengths, and it is only in ancient times that the fate of the two is in the way.

Advise Jun Mo Qiang'an snake foot, a lamp of fang mash can not be tasted.

Eight years after the death of his wife Wang, Li Shangyin also hurried away, and his life was depressed. Among the many poems, this one is the mystery or background of countless untitled poems. He regretted most of his life, if there is a if in life, then... But everyone's life is a one-way trip, in a specific era, in a specific place, in the current time and space of a specific self has made what seems to be the most correct choice, regret missed from this. If Li Shangyin had not been married to the Wang family, would the rest of his life have been a clear sky? Not necessarily.

Life is long, it is not a bashan autumn rain. (Ichigo Literary Author: Ogi-Ash Night Snow)

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