
Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (sixty-six)

author:Psychological counselor Miao Baoping
Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (sixty-six)

Friends are friendly, I am Miao Baoping, a psychological counselor, and the name of the network is like dust.

Today we continue to read dr. Yue Xiaodong's book", "The Feeling of Ascending to Heaven: I Did Psychological Counseling at Harvard University", "Chapter 4 The Dissolution of the Myth of Love".


After a few conversations, Charlie was able to reflect on himself.

So I asked him another important question: "Charlie, I want to ask you, do you think that your love affair with Helen is a combination of David and Venus, in which David is a perfect man and Venus is crippled, do you think this metaphor is purely accidental coincidence, or does it have some kind of subconscious effect?"

To my question, Charlie took a breath and said, "Well, this is really a psychologist's question!"

He pondered for a moment and said, "Really, how could I never have imagined that there could be such an obvious problem with my metaphor?"

"What's the problem?"

"I know I compare myself to David because David is perfect, and that's what I'm after. Comparing Helen to Venus doesn't seem to fit my way of thinking. ”

"How come it doesn't?"

Charlie thought for a moment and said, "Because by my standards, I should have wished my lover would be as fit on all fours as David, and Venus would have no arms." This is not to say that I am subconsciously

"Well, your explanation is interesting, what are you referring to in the subconscious?"

"Well, I wonder if I subconsciously always think that what I do is correct, and what Helen does is not necessarily the same.


"So one—I wasn't very aware of my problems and was too demanding of Helen..."

"For example?"

"For example——, I have always felt that I was innocent in this incident, and now it seems that Helen does have a lot of grievances..."

This is my long-awaited reply! Charlie finally sees the self-centered side of his personality, which is crucial for him to shift his perception of the whole affair.

From this, I delved into the symbolic significance of Venus's arm to their love affair, which made Charlie realize that because he regarded Helen as inferior to himself, he had always placed himself in the dominant position of the relationship between the two, so he did not respect Helen enough; Because his match with Helen is a match within his identification range, he can't well understand that Helen is not all satisfied with the matches between them, for example, Helen is very dissatisfied with his machismo and self-centeredness; Because he is self-centered and does not think that he has any flaws, he does not see his responsibility in this emotional crisis, but puts the responsibility on Helen, thinking that Helen is as inherently imperfect as Venus...

Charlie concluded, "I know I'm a strong self-conscious person. And now, I need to re-recognize myself. ”

I nodded deeply.

Next, I discussed with Charlie another, more psychologically symbolic question—the beauty of the Venus statue lies in its incompleteness, and what does that inspire human love?

Charlie didn't understand what I meant at first and asked me to explain. I told him that when we admire Venus's work of art, we also appreciate its incomplete side to a large extent, so is there also this consciousness of "mutilated beauty" in human love?

Charlie replied that from the point of view of art appreciation, it should be so.

"Where is the reason?" I asked next. "Because it will give you space for all kinds of artistic reverie, but also give you the opportunity to pursue perfection." Charlie replied.

"That's right!" I took over and said, "It is precisely because of the broken arm that Venus has inspired people to pursue perfection!" In love, people's emotions can also be sublimated because of mistakes and forgiveness, and forgiveness is not a kind of 'mutilated beauty'?"

"Yes, yes, then you mean, it's time for me to cut off Venus's arm?" Charlie asked me.

Follow the dustless reading of good books, build a good intimate parent-child relationship (sixty-six)


What does the beauty of Venus and the mutilated beauty of Venus statues teach us? Let's take a closer look today

Venus' true identity is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. Venus, latin for venus, is the embodiment of love and beauty, that is, the god of love and beauty. But at the same time, Venus was the goddess of fertility and navigation, and the Latin words "Venus" and "Friday" were derived from him. Venus rises from the sea. Venus has also appeared in many literary works of the past and in Western oil paintings. The most influential work of art is the statue of Venus found in 1820 in a cave on the island of Milos in the Aegean Sea.

"Aphrodite of Milos" is commonly known as "Venus of Milos", "Venus of the Broken Arm", "Venus of Venus", etc., marble statue, 204 cm high, Alexandros was created around 150 BC, and is now in the collection of the Louvre in Paris, France. From the first day the statue was discovered, it was recognized as the most beautiful statue of a Greek woman to date. This statue is also the treasure of the louvre's three major town halls.

The statue shows Venus, the god of love, with a dignified and beautiful body, plump skin, a beautiful oval face, a straight Nose Bridge in the Greek style, a flat forehead and a plump chin, and a calm face, revealing the ideological tradition inherited from the heyday of Greek sculpture art. Her slightly twisted posture makes the half-naked body form a very harmonious and graceful spiral-shaped ascending posture, full of musical rhythm and full of great artistic charm.

The statue does not pursue small and delicate, but adopts a concise artistic treatment, reflecting the youth, beauty and inner virtues of the human body. The whole statue can be admired from any angle, and a certain unified and unique beauty can be found. This beauty is no longer the "sensual beauty" expressed in most female statues in Greece, but a classicist ideal beauty, full of infinite poetry.

So, why is such an eye-catching artwork a broken arm?

One explanation is that Venus was acquired by the Greek Milo farmer Iorcus in the spring of 1820 while plowing the ground. Venus's right arm was drooping, his hand caressing his clothes, his left upper arm extended over his head, and Venus of Milos holding an apple. When louis brest, the French consul in Milo, learned of this, he rushed to Iolkos's residence, saying that he would buy the statue at a high price, and received Iolkos's permission. However, due to not having enough cash on hand, he had to send Güvier to Constantinople overnight to report to the French ambassador. After hearing the report, the ambassador immediately ordered the secretary to bring a huge sum of money with him to Milo overnight to buy the statue of the goddess. Who knew that the farmer Iocorcus had sold the idol to a Greek merchant at this time, and had already shipped it on ships. Guffel immediately decided to intercept it by force. When the British learned of this news, they also sent ships to fight, and the two sides engaged in a fierce battle, in which the arms of the sculpture were unfortunately smashed. Since then, Venus has become a goddess with a broken arm.

Another explanation is that after the statue of Venus was completed, the sculptor asked many celebrities to evaluate it. Everyone said it was very beautiful after watching it, and the most beautiful thing was her left arm. All eyes were on the statue's left arm, but the author immediately broke it. When asked why, the author said that the beauty of the whole could not be destroyed by the beauty of the part, and if so, I would rather it be a crippled beauty!

 There are many legends about Venus.

It is said that at the beginning of the world, the goddess Caia, who ruled the earth, combined with Uranos, who ruled heaven, to give birth to a group of giants. Later, the couple turned against each other, and In anger, Caia Sheng ordered his youngest son Kronos to cut his father with a sickle. The flesh of Uranos's body fell into the sea, stirring up bubbles, and Venus was born. Originally she was a kind of orchard spirit that made the orchard harvest. During the celebration of the Festival of Venaria, orchard workers take a holiday. Her Roman nickname, Murtea, may derive from the Latin pecan or guava tree, representing her identity as the goddess of the orchard. At the same time, she was initially personified by "God's grace." Because of the late Aeneas myth in Rome, Venus was corresponded by the Romans to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, so Venus became the goddess of beauty and love in the later period.

It is reported that Venus has the most perfect figure and appearance in Roman mythology, and has always been considered the highest symbol of female physical beauty. Her beauty made the goddesses envious, and also fascinated countless gods, and even her father Zeus once pursued her. But zeus's courtship was rejected, and he was so angry that he married her to the lame smith God Vulcan (known in Greek mythology as Hefiestas). However, Venus later fell in love with Mars, the god of war, and bore him several children, including Cupid, the little god of love.

According to legend, the red rose, which represents passion and deep love, is also associated with Venus. Because Venus has pursued love all his life, but the heat of love is always short-lived, Venus is not specific to love. Among her countless romances, the most poignant and touching story is between her and Adonis. Adonis is a handsome and brave young hunter, and one day Venus meets Adonis, who is hunting, and soon falls in love. Later, while hunting, Adonis was killed by a ferocious wild boar, and Venus arrived, only to see his bloodied corpse. Terrified, Venus spilled the wine on Adonis's body, blood and wine blending together, bubbles of air, and then falling to the ground like raindrops. Soon a flower of blood color grew on the ground, poignant and charming, but its life was very short, and it is said that after the wind blew it away, it immediately blew its petals off. This is the autumn peony, also known as the "Flower of the Wind" and the red rose, which becomes the beautiful flower festival of this moving love story. Since then, the red rose has represented love and deep love.

So, where is the beauty of Venus?

The body is plump and full, full of youth, fitness and vitality - from ancient times to the present, Venus has represented the standard of women's perfect body in people's minds, and most of the beauty standards in various countries in the world are based on the size of the body parts of "Venus of Milos".

There is also the mutilated beauty of the Venus statue, which not only benefits artists a lot, but also allows people to get a lot of inspiration in life. According to the Venus of Milos, the sculptors began to consciously or unconsciously "leave blank" in their own creations, deliberately omitting certain parts of the figures, leaving people with room for imagination and allowing people to play their imagination freely. The marble statue "Meditation" is an artistic conception that flashes in the spark of this creative inspiration. Including people's practice of leaving room for doing things and talking in work and communication, is it related to this? Although it is not elaborate, it is similar to the mutilated beauty of the Venus statue!

Therefore, in the consultation with Charlie, the author inspires Charlie's re-understanding of perfect love, continuous reflection on perfectionism and self-centeredness through the imperfect beauty of the statue of Venus, and constantly promotes Charlie's self-awakening and returns to the correct understanding of love. "Yes, yes, then you mean, it's time for me to cut off Venus's arm?" This passage by Charlie is also a prelude to his repair of his relationship with Helen, and it also shows that Cha-Gue's one-sided recognition of perfect love has changed in his understanding of the true meaning of love.

(This interpretation refers to the content of Baidu Encyclopedia)

November 6, 2021 #Counselor said #

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