
He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

author:Uya Society

The network exposed that Peng Yuyan Tang Yuzhe wanted to come out, and he and the studio refute the rumors overnight: fake, boring, rotten.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

This desire to survive is extremely strong, but it can also be seen that he is helpless.

Although part of the artist's attributes are commodities and are destined to be consumed, at the same time he is also a person with thoughts and feelings, and making things up will destroy a person.

Today, Uncle Bo tells you the story of a beautiful teenager who was destroyed.

Speaking of "the world's first beautiful teenager", who will little spinach think of?

Probably a young plum that claims to unify the global aesthetic. But before Little Plum, there was a more beautiful teenager named Bjorn andresen.

Even if you haven't seen his movie, you should have seen the following picture:

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

Exquisite and noble, unforgettable.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

More than half a century later, Anderson, who had just celebrated his 66th birthday, was now an old man with long flowing hair and a messy beard.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

From the looks of it, he's still cool, but his life has nothing to do with "cool" at all.

At the age of five, Anderson's father abandoned his wife and son. His mother took him to remarry, and it wasn't long before his mother committed suicide, and he lived with his stepfather.

When he was thirteen or fourteen years old, in order to earn some pocket money, he ran dragon sets on the set with his friends.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

He heard about a movie that was picking a young actor, so he went to audition.

The battle on the scene was something he had never seen before, just a role, the people who came to compete were black and oppressive, not to mention there were thousands of people, all of them were handsome men and handsome men.

Originally, the film was called Venice and was adapted from nobel laureate Thomas Mann's novel of the same name.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

The novel was controversial as soon as it was published, as its content was simply "the male version of Lolita".

Same-sex + underage love was undoubtedly a taboo topic in the fifties and sixties, but because the author described it so beautifully, fans could not stop this work.

Hearing that it was going to be made into a movie, everyone was curious about who would play the young Tacchio, who was known as the "beauty god of the world" in the novel.

The description of Tacchio in the book is:

One of his faces is introverted and elegant, pale, surrounded by honey-colored mane, with a straight nose, a cute mouth, and a serious expression as sweet as a god, reminiscent of the sculptures of the highest fashion period in Greece, with the purest perfection of form, exuding an unparalleled personal charm.

Following this criterion, director Lucino Visconti took a fancy to Anderson among three thousand players.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

The 15-year-old Anderson didn't know that the film would suddenly push him to the pinnacle of his life, but Glory had already marked the price, and he would spend the rest of his life paying the price.

The film has been very successful in terms of casting, plot layout, soundtrack and artistic effects.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

In the film, the writer and the teenager do not have any physical contact, at most it is the meeting of the eyes, and there is not much dialogue between the two people, only such a sentence "You can no longer laugh at others like this", you can exert your emotions to the extreme.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

This movie is still a rare classic, let alone at the time. Anderson, who was still worried about pocket money yesterday, suddenly became a star in the spotlight.

Happiness came so suddenly that he was a little overwhelmed.

Along with the praise came more despicable and dirty things.

The director Visconti is a gay man who, on the night of the film's premiere, actually brought the underage Anderson into a gay club to party.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

A group of goblins surrounded Anderson as if they were going to swallow him alive. Anderson, who had never seen the world, was overwhelmed, but he did not dare to resist and run away (and he could not escape).

I was not taken care of decently, and the waiters were very unhappy, and they all stared at me as if I were a delicious dish, and I knew that if I could not resist at that time, it would be ruining the future.

Director Visconti has a lover named Helmut Berg, also a young handsome young man, originally he wanted to fight for the role of Tacchio, but the director approached Anderson, which made him very dissatisfied.

Later, the director often "cared" for Anderson, and the fire of jealousy suddenly broke out.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

Helmut Berg (left), director Visconti (right)

Berg began to pour a pang of anger on Anderson, and he spread rumors again and again that Anderson had died in a drag race and died in an air crash, that he had abused drugs and had an affair with many people.

In the end, Anderson was labeled "gay" and "a young boy who seduces the elderly."

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

Anderson was still a child, and he had no background, so he could only let rumors fly.

In 1976, the hapless child Anderson was inexplicably drawn into a murder.

At that time, actor Sal Mineo (the first male star in Hollywood to come out publicly) was stabbed to death, and it was reported that Anderson was Sal Mineo's lover and that the murder was related to him.

Anderson, though often forced to hang out with homosexuals, is a straight man and doesn't like men.

He strenuously denied knowing Sal Mineo and claimed that he was not in the United States at the time of the murder.

In the end, It turns out that Anderson is innocent.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

Unfortunately, this storm still brought fatal damage to his acting career.

In addition, he has been trying to get rid of the influence of "Soul Break Venice" and refuse to act in any gay-related movies, and the final fate is to disappear.

He was banned from the European film industry.

He remained depressed until he met the poet Suzanne.

In 1983, at the age of 28, Anderson married Suzanne and gave birth to a girl and two boys.

At this point, the gossip outside finally subsided a lot, because he finally proved that he was not gay.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

However, the happy time did not last long, a son suddenly died prematurely, the husband and wife's feelings were severely damaged, and then separated and divorced.

It was the darkest period of his life, with a half-dead career, a split family, and Anderson's entire being completely broken and he began to drink heavily.

He unloaded his glitz and crossed the ocean to Japan to develop.

In fact, before becoming an actor, his dream was to make music, and he had been studying in music school before he became famous. When you arrive in Japan, you are ready to regain your musical dreams.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

He released two albums, shot commercials, and hoped to become a pop singer.

But it was all in vain. "Soul Break Venice" is so famous that Even if Anderson runs to Japan, he can't escape the entanglement of that beautiful teenager.

People always only regard him as a "sexy symbol", thinking that he only needs to eat by the face, and no one appreciates the talent under his face.

He hated his own face.

At that time, his greatest wish was to grow old as soon as possible, so old that he could not see his face clearly.

He also had a desire to meet his biological father.

I wish I could see him, and for just five minutes I wanted to stare into his eyes and listen to his voice. I could look at his hands and know what was going on in his life.
He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

In the '90s, he waddled through the chaos.

As he wished, wrinkles climbed up his face, and he finally shed that beautiful face and became a vicissitudes uncle.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

People no longer cling to and wonder about his youthful appearance, and he is slowly getting back on track in life.

He became an ordinary pianist and occasionally performed with the band, which can also be regarded as the realization of the musical dream of his youth.

Unconsciously, his children grew up and started a family. He became a grandfather, a grandfather who was beautiful when he was young and cool in his old age.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

He said he didn't regret starring in "Soul Break Venice," but if at the age of 15, he knew life would turn out like this, he would refuse.

He was named "the world's most beautiful teenager", but he hated this face so much that he wanted to grow old quickly

After all, Anderson has no ambition, he is just a person with ordinary dreams and hopes to live a safe and stable life.

The ups and downs he has experienced, all the things he has suffered, if there is anything wrong with him, it is to blame him for being too beautiful.

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