
Zhao Zhong: The role is changeable, and the original intention remains unchanged

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Guang'an Daily - Guang'an Online

Ordinary people called him "Zhao Good Man", his work partners called him "Zhao (Hood) Can Live", and the children affectionately called him "Professor Zhao". He is Zhao Zhong, director of the Yankou Judicial Office of the Wusheng County Justice Bureau. In addition to these titles, he also has honorary titles such as "National People's Mediation Expert", "National Model Judicial Director" and the Ninth National "People's Satisfied Civil Servant". In the face of these honors, Zhao Zhong smiled frankly and said: "An honor is a responsibility, a title is a benchmark, keeping in mind the original mission, guarding fairness and justice, I still need to do a lot." ”

Mass trust, find "Zhao good people" when there is something to do

"Director Zhao, I have something I would like you to ask me to come up with an idea." On April 23, Huang Jingming, who lives in Yankou Town, Wusheng County, walked into the Yankou Judicial Office to ask Zhao Zhong for help.

Huang Jingming, 62, runs a small cattle farm with more than 20 cows in addition to growing crops on weekdays. A year ago, because the family was in urgent need of money, Huang Jingming rented part of the cattle farm to his wife's brother-in-law, hoping to use the rent to solve the urgent need. However, in the past year, Wong has not received any rent.

"At that time, I said that the annual rent was 26,000 yuan, and I thought that my relatives did not sign the contract, and now the other party actually has to pay the bill." In the meantime, Huang Jingming repeatedly found the other party to ask him to pay the rent, but he was blocked by various reasons.

The delay in receiving rent not only made Huang Jingming anxious, but his wife was even more uncomfortable sandwiched in the middle. "My wife has no intention of doing things, and she is anxious to say that she wants to take her life lightly." Seeing that things were about to get bigger and bigger, Huang Jingming had no idea in his heart. So, there is the opening scene.

"First of all, you have to appease your wife, and you can't expand the situation. Then, you have to find a way to mediate with the other party, if not, come to me, I will help you mediate. After understanding the situation clearly, Zhao Zhong immediately put forward two suggestions for Huang Jingming. Zhao Zhong said that mass work is no small matter, just like this dispute, it seems that things are very simple, once it is not handled well, it is very likely to become a "civil transfer" case.

In more than 30 years of grassroots people's mediation work, Zhao Zhong does not know how much he has mediated in contradictions and disputes like this. Over time, Zhao Zhong's mediation ability has been recognized and praised by the local people, and the masses have said: "In the face of difficult disputes, find Zhao Zhong to help protect his rights, and be allowed!" ”

As of press time, Huang Jingming, with the advice of Zhao Zhong and the help of relevant departments, has reached an agreement with the tenant and successfully received the rent.

The original intention does not change to resolve the dispute "Zhao (hood) can live"

In June 2019, Zhao Zhong was named the ninth national "people's satisfactory civil servant", at that time, he was the director of the Jinguang Judicial Institute of the Wusheng County Justice Bureau, and a year later, Zhao Zhong was transferred to the Yankou Judicial Office.

From the Jinguang Judicial Office to the Yankou Judicial Office, although the work place has changed, Zhao Zhong's original intention of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses has not changed.

Coming to the Yankou Judicial Office, the eight characters of "Air conditioning is open, please enter if there is something" posted on the door of Zhao Zhong's office are clearly visible. "Now there are many people who come to me for advice when they encounter difficulties, even in Chengdu, Chongqing and other places." The masses came to the door, and even if it was not a matter within the jurisdiction, Zhao Zhong would never turn him away. Over time, Zhao Zhong posted this sentence on the office door, saying, "This means that I welcome everyone." ”

The more people looking for Zhao Zhong's help, the more difficult it is to mediate the incidents involved. "The area under the jurisdiction of Jinguang Justice is almost all remote rural areas, and most of the contradictions and disputes mediated are neighborhood disputes and family disputes, which are relatively single." After being transferred to the Yankou Judicial Office, Zhao Zhong obviously felt that the work he had to deal with every day had become heavier, and the contradictions and disputes were more diverse, many of which he had never encountered before.

"For example, demolition disputes and property disputes have never been encountered before at the Golden Light Judicial Office." Not long ago, Zhao Zhongcai participated in the handling of a property dispute.

A community in Wusheng has a large population, with more than 1,500 households and more than 4,000 people living in it. On April 8 this year, more than 30 owners of the community requested that the director of the industry committee be re-elected.

"The dissatisfaction of these more than 30 owners with the current director of the industry committee is mainly twofold, one is that they believe that the accounts of the community industry committee are not public, and there is a suspicion of using power for personal gain, and on the other hand, they feel that the rectification of fire fighting facilities in the community is not in line with the norms." Zhao Zhong said that based on these two points, some owners believe that the current director of the industry committee is not qualified and ask for a new selection.

"The law stipulates that more than 20% of the owners propose that a meeting of owners or representatives of owners may be convened, and the majority of the owners' meeting or the meeting of representatives of owners can be dismissed in order to remove the chairman of the property committee, which must be handled in accordance with legal procedures." Zhao Zhong gathered the members of the property committee and the representatives of the owners together to sort out the owners' demands one by one, and finally the reasonable requirements of both parties were met.

"The resolution of contradictions is essentially to serve the people, as long as the interests of the masses are always in mind, coupled with the basic skills of many years, no matter where they go, any kind of dispute can be resolved." For more than 30 years, Zhao Zhong has mediated more than 1,000 contradictions and disputes, and the satisfaction rate of mediation has reached 100%. Behind this, it is inseparable from Zhao Zhong's intentions and efforts.

Courageously undertaking the mission of campus law popularization "Professor Zhao"

With more than 30 years of work experience, Zhao Zhong has deeply realized that in order to fundamentally change the people's weak legal awareness and truly guard the "gate" of fairness and justice, it is necessary to carry out legal popularization education to the end, so that everyone knows the law, understands the law, abides by the law, and uses the law. He often said: "Young people are the hope of the country and the future of the nation." Doing a good job of education on the rule of law for young people is the basic project for comprehensively ruling the country according to law and accelerating the construction of a socialist country ruled by law. ”

To this end, Zhao Zhong always used every opportunity to go to the primary and secondary schools in his jurisdiction to give students rule of law classes and legal knowledge competitions. "The Public Security Administration Punishment Law is closely related to you, and today I will tell you some of its most common and easy violations." In recent years, in Wusheng County Bayi Junior High School, Zhao Zhong's figure of popularizing the law can be seen every semester. In addition to being a judicial administrator, he has also served as a rule of law counselor in more than 10 rule of law education demonstration schools in Wusheng, and it has become his habit to go to the campus every year to carry out legal popularization work.

Not only that, Zhao Zhong will also focus on the popularization of relevant legal knowledge for children of different school ages, organize legal knowledge competitions, "moot court" and other activities, stimulate students' interest in learning legal knowledge, and feel the majesty of the law.

In recent years, Zhao Zhong has written legal publicity pamphlets on many occasions, carried out more than 30 rule of law publicity sessions for young students, held more than 10 lectures on various types of rule of law, and distributed more than 1,000 copies of rule of law publicity materials.

"Keeping in mind the original mission and guarding fairness and justice, these are the 12 words in my heart." Zhao Zhong said that as a party member, there are still many things that need to be done, and on the road of judicial administration, we will continue to take root in the grass-roots level, do a good job in small and practical matters that concern the vital interests of the masses, always adhere to the original intention, and guard fairness and justice. (Trainee reporter Huang Zhongrui)

This article is from [Guang'an Daily - Guang'an Online] and only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.

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