
How to make grapefruit honey juice

author:The world of food
How to make grapefruit honey juice

1. The whole grapefruit is shaved off the yellow skin, and the white flesh is used only to make the grapefruit honey juice, and the yellow skin is not wanted.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

2. Then separate the pulp and peel, cut the peel into small pieces and boil it soft with boiling water, cook until it is a little soft, and then soak it in water for 2 days, change the water several times during the brewing process, and soak all the bitter taste of the grapefruit peel.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

3. Remove the grapefruit meat and tear off the coat, and break the flesh as much as possible for later.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

4. Cut the soaked grapefruit peel into cubes, and then put it in a pot with water to boil, the amount of water should be so that the grapefruit skin is full of water, and the water level is just enough to flood the grapefruit skin.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

5. When the heat is boiling, you should turn the heat to a low heat and slowly boil, before adding sugar, you can cover the lid and slowly boil, boil until you can add white sugar with a little viscous as shown in the picture, stir with a spoon while adding sugar, be careful, otherwise you will dip the pot and cook the paste.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

6. Cook until the grapefruit juice is very viscous, pour in the spare pulp and mix well, turn off the heat immediately after boiling, do not let the pulp cook for too long, so that the taste will be better.

How to make grapefruit honey juice

7. Cooked grapefruit juice to warm can be added to honey stir evenly, honey with the original taste of better, add other can also, wait until the good grapefruit honey juice is completely cool, with a bottle into the refrigerator refrigeration, when you want to drink it pour some into the cup, pour some cold boiled water is a cup of grapefruit honey tea.

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