
Yongzheng changed his brother's name beyond recognition, but said to Yi Zongbing: I like your name

author:Respect it

Respect it


On November 20, the sixty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1722), the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor Yin Chan was simple, and even the most basic courtesy of the courtiers was also waived. However, a literary movement to avoid the emperor's name began with great fanfare and great momentum.

Avoiding the name of the emperor was a political movement caused by the privileges of the emperor in the era of feudal absolutism. When the new emperor ascends the throne, whether adults or children, or modern people and ancients, as long as the name is the same as the emperor, it must be completely changed.

Although at this time, the new emperor had not yet adopted the era name of Yongzheng, the authority of the Yongzheng Emperor had become the highest image of the country.

First of all, it was changed from within the royal family.

The first emperor Kangxi gave the yongzheng emperor brothers names, the first word is "yin", now must be changed, whether it is a prince county king, or an ordinary prince, the original name of the "Yin", all changed to "Yun". Only one note is moved, but the pronunciation and meaning have changed.

Yongzheng changed his brother's name beyond recognition, but said to Yi Zongbing: I like your name

Stills of the Kangxi princes

Yesterday it was a brother, today it was a monarch.

Heaven and earth are different, starting with names.

Yongzheng's younger brother, the famous fourteenth son of the Emperor, did not enjoy the joy of the ascension of his brother to the throne. His rank of Grand General of Fuyuan was taken away by Yongzheng in the name of filial piety. This was the result of a political struggle, and the old fourteenth was not a supporter of his brother, but stood in opposition to Yongzheng.

Either Caesar or nobody.

The winner's decision is the command.

The fourteenth old man's name was Yin Zhen, and he had to avoid the secret of The Yongzheng name Yin Zhen, and was changed to Yun Yu, and was changed beyond recognition.

The names of the countrymen are homophones, and they must also be changed.

Yongzheng ascended the throne, made the first meritorious servant Long Keduo the Prime Minister of State affairs, added Taibao, and posthumously awarded his father Tong Guowei as Taifu and his ancestor Tong Tulai as Taishi. Tong Tulai's father, Tong Yangzhen, was also posthumously awarded the title of Duke of the First Rank, given the title of Taishi (太師), a zhonglie (谥曰忠烈), and entered the Zhaozhong Ancestral Hall ( Zhaozhong Ancestral Hall ) , dedicated to the temple , and given the title of "Gong Chongyuan Ancestral Hall".

In the early years of the Mandate of Heaven, Tong Yangzhen surrendered to Taizu NurHaci, who led the army to conquer Fushun, abandoned Shang Congrong, attacked the Ming army, and was awarded the post of third-class light vehicle lieutenant with merit, and was ordered to garrison Zhenjiang City, and in July of the sixth year of the Mandate of Heaven (1621), he was captured by the Ming general Mao Wenlong, escorted to the Beijing Division, and the Ming Zhengdian was sentenced.

His eldest son Tong Fengnian was killed together, and his second son Tong Tulai inherited the hereditary position and became a famous general of the Taizong and Shizu dynasties, and served as the commander of the Han army. His father became one of the fathers-in-law of the Shunzhi Emperor and the grandfather of the Kangxi Emperor.

Yongzheng changed his brother's name beyond recognition, but said to Yi Zongbing: I like your name

The Kangxi Emperor

Tong Yangzhen was Kangxi's grandfather, and his great-grandson's son Yin Chan became emperor, and his name must also be avoided by the emperor.

Tong Yangzhen was renamed Tong Yangzheng, although he died for more than a hundred years.


In this nationwide political movement, no one has changed their name.

It's not that he won't change, it's that he won't let him change.

This person is Lan Tingzhen, who is the chief soldier of Taiwan.

The "Zhen" in his name is homophonous with the "Zen" of Yongzheng's name.

The emperor's brothers and ancestors were all renamed, and The Blue General Soldier did not dare to hide on an isolated island and pretend to be an unpolitical emperor. He did not dare to change it without permission, but to change it solemnly, so he greeted the new emperor and submitted a request for a change of name.

The report was submitted on August 20 of the first year of Yongzheng.

Lan Tingzhen respectfully asked for permission to change his name: "According to etiquette, it is advisable to avoid the name." The name of the subject is Tingzhen, although the character painting is not the same as the holy secret, and the sound is no different, it seems that the meaning of respect is not in harmony, please change the name of the subject Tingzhen to the word Tingying, with the system of etiquette. ”

To Lan Zongbing's surprise, the strict Yongzheng actually appreciated his great loyalty.

Yongzheng returned the favor: "No. I have never kept one word secret, but recently I have kept the next word secret, and I feel too annoyed. There are many homophones under the word Zhen Zhen, and the Zhen character is always irrelevant to the Imperial Secret, if the book is full of characters, they all write Zhen characters, which is still OK, why should the Chinese characters be changed? Your name, which you like very much, is the original word good. ”

You name, I love it!

Yongzheng changed his brother's name beyond recognition, but said to Yi Zongbing: I like your name

Yongzheng Emperor

Yongzheng not only did not let Lan Tingzhen change his name to Lan Tingying, but also praised his contribution to the recovery of Taiwan from Zulanli, and his recent suppression of a rebellion, calling him a famous general who guarded Taiwan!

In April of the 60th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Zhu Yigui, an immigrant from the interior, claimed to be the first person to rebel against the Qing Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, and gathered a crowd to rebel in Jiangyuan, Fengshan, attacked the government of Taiwan, and killed the general Ouyang Kai and the deputy general Xu Yun. Lan Tingzhen, then the commander-in-chief of South Australia, asked man Bao, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and led his troops to Penghu to meet with the admiral Shi Shiqiu and then attack, quickly eliminating Zhu Yigui's rebel army.

Lan Tingzhen was rewarded for his merits, was given the post of third-class light vehicle lieutenant, and was also awarded the title of Admiral of Fujian Water Division, with the addition of Hua Ling.

Some people think that this is Yongzheng's affinity, but they don't know that this is a sign of kindness.

Yongzheng pointed out in the commendation order that Lan Tingzhen was bold and loyal, very measured, and not impeccable, but he also pointed out many times that his personal integrity was not good, and he liked nepotism and nepotism.

For this military general who was "not good in conduct and repeatedly reprimanded" ("Biography of Qing Shi Liechuan Lan Tingzhen"), the Yongzheng Emperor also specially approved him to trek through mountains and rivers and travel thousands of miles to Beijing to see him, and approved him to go to Malanyu to visit Kangxi's Jingling tomb as a special favor.

Some people believe that Yongzheng allowed him to visit Jingling because Lan Tingzhen had great feelings for the former emperor, but in fact, it was not necessary. Although Lan Tingzhen was in the Kangxi Dynasty, he raised the general cadre from the grass-roots level to the commander of the regional military sub-district, relying on military merit and the promotion of Zu Lanli, rather than the special favor of the Kangxi Emperor.

However, Yong yong will cultivate him as a confidant. In November of the seventh year of Yongzheng, Lan Tingzhen died of illness, and the Yongzheng Emperor rewarded the funeral with 2,000 taels of silver, and gave the crown prince Shaobao and xiangyi a beautiful evaluation.

Of course, Lan Tingzhen was renamed not according to the etiquette system, mainly due to the dependence of the new Yongzheng Emperor on the throne.

Wei Tingzhen, a cabinet scholar with another homophone in his name, was not renamed, but was soon appointed inspector of Hunan.

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