
Feng Zikai's "Essay on Yuanyuantang"

author:Swallow wing less lord
Feng Zikai's "Essay on Yuanyuantang"
Feng Zikai's "Essay on Yuanyuantang"

About twenty years ago, I first read Feng Zikai's articles, and I liked it, and since then I have bought many editions of anthologies and paintings. Dolphin Publishing House's "Feng Zikai Prose Collection" series, the binding design is acceptable, but it is good that the folio is small, it is easy to read and carry, suitable for placing at the head of the bed, or accompanying when the journey is lonely. The last time I went to a meeting in Quancheng, I reviewed the "Yuanyuantang Essay" - most of the articles have already been read.

You don't need a reason to love someone, but there's always a reason to love a book. I like Feng Zikai's articles naturally because of "his prose style that is both free and compassionate, like clear tea and rice wine, and very human", which is one of them. The author claims to have four things that occupy the highest place in his heart: "the gods and stars in the heavens, the art of the world and the children", which is also what I admire.

When it comes to words, I blurt out an extremely plain word, clean. Reading Zong Pu's novels also has the same feeling, but it has more elegance and nobility, and Feng Zikai's writing is clean and simple. It is not that he does not eat fireworks in the world, on the contrary, he likes to write about chai rice oil and salt, eat and drink Lasa, but there is no tacky, such as a person walking through the bustling downtown, tasting snacks, visiting stalls, rubbing shoulders with various people, etc., and the cloth robe can still be spotless. This may have something to do with his early conversion to Buddhism.

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