
Rutger Hal died as a replicant of Blade Runner

author:1905 Movie Network
Rutger Hal died as a replicant of Blade Runner

On July 19, 1905, local time, the famous Dutch actor, known as "Paul Newman of the Netherlands", died at the age of 75. In an official statement, the cause of his death was caused by a series of minor illnesses. On July 24, local time, his family held a small funeral for Rutger Haar.

Rutger Hal was born in the Netherlands to both parents as drama teachers, and his early films were small-budget B-grade films. At the age of 15, he went to work on a freighter for a year, and when he returned to his hometown, he studied drama at night school. He then joined a touring troupe and began a stage career spanning six years. In 1973, under the appreciation of director Paul Van Hoeven, he starred in his first Dutch film "Turkish Carnival", and the two collaborated on several films, until 1977's "Under the Banner of the Nazi Army" caused a local sensation, known as "Paul Newman of the Netherlands". In 1981, he began to enter the international market, and "Nighthawk" cooperated with Stallone successfully entered Hollywood, followed by "Eagle Wolf Legend" and "Ghost Terminator" have good results. After that, he performed more independent action films.

In 1982, he played replicant Roy Barty in the famous film Blade Runner. This character became the most memorable highlight of the entire film. In particular, the line of "tears in the rain" that he improvised at the end of the film has become a brilliant clip of the entire film. "What I have seen, you humans absolutely cannot believe: the battleship swarm is burning on the upper edge of the constellation Orion, and I watch the c-rays shine in the darkness near the Gate of Don Huaiser. All these moments will disappear into time, like tears in the rain. The time of death has come. ”

Rutger Hal died as a replicant of Blade Runner

Throughout His entire acting career, Rutger Hal has been experimenting with various roles, starring in more than 100 films before and after, and can be described as a prolific actor. His last film was "The Mystery of the Dragon Card", co-produced by China and Russia. In the film, he will play an ambassador and work with Jackie Chan, Schwarzenegger and others.

In terms of awards, Dr. Rutger Hal was only nominated for a Saturn Award and won the 1988 Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in the Television Category for Escape from Sobibor.

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