
Wang Fei supervised and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

author:Quxian Rong Media Center

On November 5, Wang Fei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, went to some hospitals, schools, stations and docks, cold chain logistics and other on-site supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and control work. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply understand the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, strictly implement the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, and resolutely guard the first line of defense of "external prevention and import".

Wang Fei supervised and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

Wang Fei and his party successively went to the county people's hospital, the cold chain logistics centralized supervision warehouse, the north bus passenger station, the highway intersection, the Chongde school and the Heli Town Health Center, and at each place, Wang Fei inquired in detail about the implementation of prevention and control measures such as epidemic prevention and control investigation, bright code temperature measurement, wearing masks, information registration, environmental disinfection, isolation point safety management, nucleic acid testing, etc., and put forward rectification requirements for the details of the problems found in the inspection.

Wang Fei supervised and inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

Wang Fei demanded that it is necessary to tighten the main responsibility of compaction and the supervision responsibility of industry departments, always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement prevention and control measures such as pre-inspection triage, outpatient screening, code verification and temperature measurement, strictly abide by the bottom line of hospital infection prevention and control, actively learn from advanced regional practices, conscientiously summarize mature experience, scientifically and accurately manage hospitalized patients and accompanying personnel, and protect the health and life safety of the people; we must strictly follow the relevant requirements of cold chain food management for epidemic prevention and control, and strengthen the protection of employees. Strengthen the supervision of cold chain logistics food safety, strictly implement closed-loop management, and make every effort to grasp the risk control of the cold chain food epidemic; we must actively implement active investigation and control measures, strictly enforce the epidemic prevention and control duties of high-speed entrances and exits, national and provincial trunk roads, automobile passenger transport and other bayonets, and resolutely ensure that all inspections should be carried out and comprehensively registered, effectively preventing the risk of epidemic import; we must attach great importance to the daily management of isolation points, refine the work processes of check-in, temperature measurement, nucleic acid testing, meal delivery, daily killing, etc., and encrypt the frequency of nucleic acid testing of key groups. Strengthen the protective measures for medical personnel, ensure that all links are implemented in accordance with standards and norms; we must do a solid job in campus epidemic prevention work, strengthen campus control, conscientiously map out the health and itinerary of teachers and students returning to work and school, strengthen the publicity of epidemic prevention knowledge, increase the frequency of killing in public areas, increase the number of daily temperature measurements, and resolutely build a campus epidemic prevention and control network.

County leader Wang Yongming supervised together.

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