
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies

author:Family Doctor Newspaper

In order to promote the improvement of neonatal respiratory support technology, further improve the level of respiratory support for critically ill newborns, and provide more high-quality and safe health care services for newborns, the 2021 Academic Annual Meeting of the Neonatology Branch of the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association and the Evidence-based Medicine For the Treatment and Management evaluation of neonatal diseases were held on the cloud. The theme of the conference is newborn respiratory support technology, according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the online conference mode was adopted, with a total of 2,085 participants and more than 18,000 people watching the online meeting.

Opening ceremony of the conference

On the afternoon of October 16, 2021, the 2021 Academic Annual Meeting of the Neonatology Branch of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association and the Evidence-based Medicine For the Treatment and Management Evaluation of Neonatal Diseases were officially opened.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Han Shuping, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shen Rong, secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Gu Xiaoqi, vice president of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Zhang Huayan, director of the Neonatal Medical Center of Philadelphia Children's Hospital and Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, and Cheng Tax and Wang Sannan, vice chairman of the Neonatal Branch of Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association.

Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies

Shen Rong, secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital, delivered an opening speech, saying that with the opening of the national three-child policy, the improvement of the quality of neonatology is in line with the changes in the national population policy and is an important support for the implementation of the national population policy. It is hoped that through the theme of this meeting, the respiratory support of newborns will be more standardized, and the level of respiratory support for critically ill newborns will be continuously improved, so that the families of the majority of children will truly benefit. After the short opening ceremony, the wonderful lecture officially began.

An academic feast

The course invited well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to give online lectures, and the courses were rich in content and wonderful.

This course is based on evidence-based medicine, closely combined with clinical practice, whether it is respiratory mechanics, physiology, respiratory cardiopulmonary effects, the working principle of ventilators, the mode selection of ventilators, or respiratory support in specific diseases, are all hot issues that clinical medical care care cares about in respiratory treatment, and we have also brought new ideas in scientific research, which have been welcomed and praised by online peers.

Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies
Experts at the Annual Conference on the Cloud focused on neonatal respiratory support technologies

Through the five-day expert lectures and academic exchanges, the participants said that they would apply what they had learned to the clinic, provide better neonatal clinical services for newborns, and better escort the health of newborns.

Source: Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Correspondent: Zhang Hui

Editor: Hu Ying

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