
Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

author:Historic inn

The relationship between Zhou Enlai and Li Fuchun was introduced before, the two became friends when they were working and studying in France, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai served as premier and Li Fuchun also served as vice premier, and worked together for 21 years.

Moreover, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Fuchun's wife Cai Chang served as the chairman of the All-China Women's Federation for a long time, while Zhou Enlai's wife Deng Yingchao was the vice chairman of the All-China Women's Federation.

In fact, the relationship between the two families is far more than this, and Zhou Enlai has also saved Cai Chang's life three times.

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

The first time was during a work-study period in Paris, France.

At that time, Cai Chang was already married and pregnant with Li Fuchun, because of the compulsion of life, he still needed to continue to work, subsidize the family, and was very tired every day. Li Fuchun was also very busy at work, so during that time, Cai Chang could only take care of himself.

Once, Cai Chang suddenly had a high fever, and he could only lie alone in bed, and no one took care of him, and as a result, his condition became more and more serious, and he was unconscious.

At this critical moment, Zhou Enlai came, and there was an urgent matter to talk to Cai Chang, but no one opened the door after knocking on the door for half a day, and there were several bottles of milk that had not been taken into the house in front of the door.

Zhou Enlai knew that Something must have happened to Cai Chang, so he quickly went upstairs, climbed up from the upstairs window to Cai Chang's home, saw her lying on the bed, there was no reaction, Zhou Enlai touched Cai Chang's head, it was very hot, and hurriedly carried her to the hospital.

Afterwards, the doctor told them that fortunately it came in time, and if it was a little later, she and the baby in her belly would be gone.

This was the first time Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang, in fact, he saved two lives.

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

The second time was during their work in Shanghai after they returned to China.

In 1928, Cai Chang and Li Fuchun came to Shanghai and engaged in underground work under the leadership of Zhou Enlai.

At that time, Shanghai was in the midst of a state of terror, the Kuomintang was hunting down Communists and revolutionary masses everywhere, and Cai Chang had to engage in heavy underground work every day under such dangerous circumstances.

Cai Chang's health was not good, so it was getting worse and worse.

One day, Cai Chang went out to deliver documents, walking along, she found that there was a middle-aged man behind her who had been following her, she was a little anxious, she turned left and right, and finally got rid of the person.

However, due to the high tension and excessive physical exertion, Cai Chang fainted on the road, attracting a group of passers-by to watch.

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

Coincidentally, Zhou Enlai happened to be passing by here, saw a group of people around, out of keen vigilance, he went over to take a look, and as soon as he saw that it was Cai Chang, he was surprised!

Years of experience in the struggle made Zhou Enlai quickly calm down, and he asked loudly what was wrong with this woman? While testing whether Cai Chang could still move, after confirming that Cai Chang was just unconscious, Zhou Enlai quietly pretended to be an enthusiastic passerby, beckoning everyone to give way, while carrying Cai Chang to the hospital.

However, because he was in too much of a hurry, after Zhou Enlai sent Cai Chang to the hospital, he did not remember whether there was anything else around Cai Chang, so he immediately returned to the place just now.

As a result, a bunch of agents were there asking passers-by who had just fainted and who had carried them away.

It turned out that the person who had just followed Cai Chang was a secret agent, and after he was dumped by Cai Chang, he quickly found this place, saw Cai Chang fall to the ground, and went back to call for someone to arrest Cai Chang together. Who knew that it was better to come sooner than to come by chance, just when Zhou Enlai passed by here, he found the unconscious Cai Chang, so he sent her to the hospital and escaped a disaster!

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

The third time is after the founding of the country.

At that time, Li Fuchun was working in the northeast, Cai Chang was in charge of women's work in Beijing, and once, Cai Chang was in a meeting, her body was suddenly very uncomfortable, and her stomach hurt, but in order to insist on attending the meeting, she did not say anything to anyone.

At that time, Premier Zhou was sitting not far from Cai Chang, and when he found that her brain was sweating, her lips were white, and she was still holding her elbow against her stomach, he whispered to her if she was uncomfortable.

Cai Chang was afraid of affecting the progress of the meeting, so he shook his head and said that it was okay. However, when Premier Zhou saw her appearance, he knew that there must be something wrong, so he walked over and picked up Cai Chang and went outside.

However, Cai Chang was already in so much pain that he could not stand up, so Premier Zhou shouted for a shunting car while helping Cai Chang out of the venue and sent a car to take her to the hospital.

Later, the doctor said to Cai Chang, fortunately, it came in time, otherwise the stomach would bleed heavily, and it would be fatal!

This is the story of Premier Zhou saving Cai Chang three times, which made Cai Chang remember it for a lifetime.

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

On January 9, 1975, Li Fuchun died of illness at the age of 75.

At that time, Premier Zhou was also seriously ill, but he still insisted on sending Li Fuchun on his last journey, comforting Cai Chang not to be overly sad and to take care of his body.

A year later, on January 8, 1976, Premier Zhou also passed away at the age of 78.

At Premier Zhou's memorial service, Cai Chang also dragged the sick body and held Deng Yingchao's hand tightly, and the two looked at each other wordlessly, tears rippled.

Zhou Enlai saved Cai Chang's life three times, each time more dangerous than ever, what happened

After Li Fuchun's death, Cai Chang gave the 100,000 yuan that the two had accumulated over the years to the state, and did not leave a penny to the child, and many people came to persuade her, saying that they could leave a little for the child, but Cai Chang said: "This money was given to us by the party and the people, Fuchun died, we should return this money to the party and the people." The children are grown up and have to work on their own, how can they spend our money? ”

The two only have one daughter, named Li Tete, who is also a very accomplished person, and after retiring in his later years, he also took the initiative to join the cause of poverty alleviation, exerting his residual heat, and not a penny of salary.

Later, Li Tete told reporters: "I grew up in such a family, and what I received from my childhood was a revolutionary outlook on life and patriotic education, no matter when and where, the interests of the motherland and the nation are always above personal interests." The behavior and feats of my relatives have always been a mirror of my life, and learning from them and being a person like them is completely from the heart for me, and it is a natural thing. "#历史上那些让人敬佩的英雄 #

(References: Zhou Enlai in the Red Lens, Overview of Party History, Exposition of Literature and History)

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