
Si ren has passed away, the ink fragrance still exists| Mr. Zhang Xianliang's 23 works, have you read it?

author:Zhenbeibao Western Studios
Si ren has passed away, the ink fragrance still exists| Mr. Zhang Xianliang's 23 works, have you read it?
Si ren has passed away, the ink fragrance still exists| Mr. Zhang Xianliang's 23 works, have you read it?

Today is the 7th anniversary of the death of Mr. Zhang Xianliang!

Zhang Xianliang, born in 1936, originally from Xuyi, Jiangsu Province, settled in Ningxia after 1955. At noon on September 27, 2014, the famous writer Zhang Xianliang died at the age of 78 due to ineffective medical treatment. Its main literary works are as follows, have you read them all?

I. "Spirit and Flesh"

Xu Lingjun did not expect to see his father again. It is a well-furnished living room on the seventh floor of this high-end hotel. Outside the window, there was only an empty blue sky, smeared with a few traces of white clouds that had fallen out of thin air. And there, on the farm of the Loess Plateau, outside the window were green and yellow fields, open and full. When he arrived here, it was like suddenly rising into the clouds, there was a feeling of dangling leisurely, and the green smoke from his father's pipe floated indoors like fog, making everything in front of him even more like an elusive illusion. However, my father still smoked the kind of pipe silk with the head of the Indian chieftain, and the slightly sweet aroma of coffee that he often smelled when he was a child confirmed from his sense of smell that this was not a dream, but a real reality. "Let the past pass!" Father waved his hand. After earning his bachelor's degree at Harvard in the early 1930s, he maintained the style of his time at Kenbridge, and now he wears a tweed suit and sits on a couch on his legs. "As soon as I arrived on the mainland, I used a political term called 'look forward.'" You better hurry up and get ready to go abroad! The furnishings in the room and his father's clothing made him feel inexplicably depressed. He thought that the past was already in the past, but how could he forget it.

II. "Marginal Fiction"

When he returned from Australia, he fell ill and lay in bed recuperating. Suddenly, I received an international call from Mr. Shen Hanbing from Sydney, saying that he and his friends wanted to run a pastime magazine and hoped that I would write a short article. Remembering the warm reception in Australia, a friendly face emerges. Requests from Oceania cannot be rejected, and even if you are sick, you have to talk about entertainment in your illness. In fact, a small illness is also a pastime, which Mr. Lu Xun has already said. However, to be sick just right, neither to die nor to fall into the sequelae, and not to be "poor and sick", can afford to pay for medical expenses, this disease is to enjoy, a bit of "stealing a floating life for half a day". It is said that Napoleon used work as a pastime, of course, since ancient times, there are many people who suffer from such workaholics. Today's rich people have fun on the "golf" course. G。 L。 F - Green, sunny, walking, how beautiful! Don't talk about batting, it's comfortable to listen to. I don't play golf, but I often see fans walking around with their clubs on the sidelines.

III. "The First Kiss"

In the new semester after the end of the summer vacation, I changed schools. My mother said that I was already a middle school student, and I couldn't do it in any elementary school like I did in elementary school. My mother said that this middle school was a famous middle school, and she still asked someone to intercede before sending me in, because such a famous middle school generally does not accept transfer students. When my mother told me to go to school well, she had tears as usual. I was afraid to look into her tearful eyes. Mom usually likes to laugh, and as long as there are tears in her eyes, it means that something has happened between her and her father. I don't know what it was, but it was always something terrible. Every time she looked at me with tearful eyes, I always turned my head, avoiding her gaze, and my heart was pounding, facing the good spring color outside. By that time, the willow trees had already fallen with tender green branches, and the two peach trees in the courtyard had also bloomed in clusters of pink flowers; and we had a large ancient locust in our yard, on which all kinds of birds were often resting, chirping and chirping when I was about to go out.

IV. "Green Tree"

The cart struggled over the rattling arched wooden bridge to reach the farm where we had come to work. Under the wooden bridge is a channel that has dried up in winter. On both sides of the canal dam stood the yellow ice grass, which did not move in the slightest, and several lizards startled by the big cart crawled in the grass. The wooden bridge is rudimentary, and the loess paved on the bridge deck has been crushed into a fine powder by passing vehicles. Under the loess soil, the reed handles that serve as a substrate are uneven at both ends, almost hunched over to the bottom of the canal covered with a layer of mud, so that it looks like the bridge deck is much wider than the actual width. However, the handlebar style still did not get out of the car, and although the three horses were huffing and whirring backwards and backwards, rolling their begging white eyes, and spewing out a cloud of cloudy white gas from their thick nostrils, he sat upright on the rim, bent his knees and clamped the chassis of the car, skillfully and steadily driving the car across the trap-like bridge deck. The cattle are no stronger than me. I was already thin enough, one meter seven or eight tall, only forty-four kilograms, so to speak, it could be said to be skin and bone. The doctor of the labor camp smacked his lips as I stepped down the scale and praised me: "Not bad! You're still alive. "He thought it was a miracle that I was able to survive; he had the right to share my pride. But these animals were not cared about. The big, skinny head rests on a stick-like neck with deep pits above the eyes. When they are working hard, they can see the worn and mutilated yellow teeth in their grinning mouths. The lips of one jujube red horse were also cracked by the head of the cage, and a wisp of bright red blood flowed from the wound and dripped along the road, conspicuous on a yellow dust.

V. "160 Million"

This book recounts how an embryo was formed by one of China's future great and illustrious figures. By the end of the book, this great and illustrious figure has not yet been born, but has only been conceived in the mother's body, so this book can be regarded as his prequel. More than forty years later, around 2050, everyone in the world will know about this great and outstanding figure of China. However, at present, his parents, relatives, their friends and lovers, etc., the vast majority are not only alive, but some are still very young. In order for the lives of all the people mentioned in this book to be undisturbed in the present, the author does not write out their real names as much as possible. In order to facilitate the narrative, some places must have someone's name and the name of the organization as a symbol, and the author will give a name at will. If in today's reality, someone's name is similar to the name of the institution and the name of the author's random name, it is purely accidental, please do not enter the seat.

6. "Half of a Man is a Woman"

How many times have I wanted to document this experience, but either I felt sorry for it or ashamed to realize that I was hiding something from it, and finally put my pen down. Yourself is often the antithesis of yourself. Sunlight poured in through the window, and the slanting light painted the east wall brilliantly, golden. Moths that rest on the axis of the landscape and water fly up and silently swirl around the house. The sun is about to finish its own way, but she will rise tomorrow, still following the unchanging path of the stone; the moth may not wait until tomorrow to die, turning into a handful of dust. Thousands of creatures in the world have lived and died, some consciously, some unconsciously, but all pursuing ridiculous immortality or eternity. In fact, all living things have attained eternity, even if it has only existed in the world for one second. In that second there is eternity. I don't want to pursue the eternal of nothingness. Eternity is already in my life.

VII. "Another Way of Thinking of Chinese Literati"

Everything begins with the liberation of man – I would like to commemorate the "ideological emancipation" movement advocated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s of the 30th year of reform and opening up, which I think greatly exceeds the "May Fourth Movement" in the history of Chinese thought, culture and even the entire history of The 20th century in China. It was not an enlightenment-style trend of thought raised by a small number of cultural elites holding up the banner of "Mr. Sasyder", but a burst of thought, a universal outpouring after a long period of repression; not only were the chains of thought loosened, but the shackles on the hands and feet were also broken, and the whole society suddenly had an unprecedented tension. From the top and the elite to ordinary people, almost everyone in the Chinese has something to say. What is more important is that it is not only the emancipation of the mind, everything begins with the emancipation of man. Without liberation, there is no emancipation of the mind. That's why people call that period the "second liberation," and I think that's the real "liberation."

VIII. "The Old Man and the Dog"

This dog, like thousands of dogs in the countryside, has no significant characteristics, let alone a valuable purebred dog. This is a yellow native male dog. Perhaps, its coat color is smoother than other dogs, and its body is stronger than other dogs, but it has never performed a moving deed that can be included in the legend. Its owner, like the hundreds of millions of peasants in the countryside, could not have noticed such an ordinary old peasant in the countryside if it had not been for the fact that I had worked in his production team, and had it not been for his special relationship with his dogs, which had aroused my interest. This was a lonely old man of about sixty years old, not very tall or short, with a slightly hunched back, walking with his hands slightly extended forward or backwards behind him, always with a hurried and solemn look. When I was idle, I squatted under the wall or sat cross-legged on the kang, with a long smoke pot in my mouth, and smoked pot after pot. Although his purple face is outlined with wrinkles, these wrinkles are developed along the texture of the facial muscles, not as fine as the wrinkles of the faces of elderly intellectuals. His eyes were small and cloudy, but sometimes he flashed a little bit of the experienced wisdom of the elderly. Of course, his hair and beard were gray, but he wasn't bald. In short, as soon as you see him, you can see that although he has the depression and dullness of the average lonely person, he is still a clear and healthy old man. He was a versatile generalist in production, sometimes growing vegetables, sometimes driving cars, sometimes feeding livestock, and the production team sent him to do whatever he wanted, and never counting the remuneration for his work.

IX. "Descendants of the River"

When the sun fell behind the Human Face Peak, Wei Tiangui's donkey cart just walked to the fork in the side slope of the highway, and with a momentum, he slipped down the ancient road along the riverbank. Thus the whining of cars on the asphalt road faded away; the thin twilight spread wearily from the east, from the beach of the Yellow River. This pale blue twilight seemed to filter out all the noise. Now, there is only the frog chirping of the "lattice-lattice", which from time to time lazily rings here or there for a time or two. Only when we came here could we get out of the city and set foot on the land of the countryside. To the west, over the asphalt road like the embankment of the Great Wall, you can see the highest part of the rolling mountains, and the afterglow of the sunset outlines the outline of the human face peak. It lives up to its name, it really looks like a human face facing upwards. The platform at the top of the hill resembles a broad forehead, a protruding rock and a steep cliff below, forming a towering brow ridge and deep eyes. Down, a sloping mountain beam and a high cliff at the end of the mountain beam that descends vertically are slightly arrogant noses. Then, a clearly defined, jagged mountain cut out two pieces of tightly closed lips, and finally, a dome of high rock put a stubborn chin on the whole face, and it had been lying on the ridge for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of years.

10. "Romantic Black Cannon"

Some people think that writing novels is difficult, that this kind of mental work must have some unspeakable know-how, or that it absolutely needs genius, it needs Aura, it needs imagination beyond ordinary people. Not really. Life is full of stories anytime, anywhere, almost ready to go. You see, this road is bustling, walking shoulder to shoulder, some are leisurely, some are rushing with interest, some are looking east and west, some are buried in the road without squinting, some are paired up on their shoulders, walking around without anyone... Not to mention the multitude of people on bicycles, on trams, on buses and on the comfortable sofas of cars. You just have to keep an eye on any of these thousands of people, and if you have a drilling force, a tenacity, a stubborn temper that doesn't stick to the root and never give up, then you're bound to get an interesting story from this person. If you record his affairs and the things that unfold around him as they are, it is a novel.

XI. "Adolescence"

By the early eighties, I had lived to be more than fifty years old before I knew the word "adolescence." In the past, I only knew that there was a word called "youth", and when I first read it, I was just six years old and didn't understand what it meant. The teacher who enlightened me was an old Xiucai in the countryside of Chongqing's south bank, but he was not from Chongqing, and his mother said that like us, he also fled from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to "accompany the capital", and was called "Xiajiang people" by the locals in Sichuan. Now that I think of him, I can't help but admire the ability of comic strip artists and film and television makeup artists to reproduce the historical appearance, and now all the mr. private schools in the picture of the past are very similar to my enlightenment teacher, including the classical melon skin hat, so I can never forget his appearance. He only taught a few children in my family, and read "Three Hundred Poems of Tang Dynasty" at the beginning of the school year, unlike mr. Ordinary Private School, who used "Thousand Character Text", "Hundred Family Names" and "Kindergarten Qionglin" as teaching materials. He seemed to like Du Fu's poems very much, and the first poem I learned was "Wangyue": "How is Dai Zongfu, Qilu Qingwei", and the first word I know is the cold "Dai", which I can't find anywhere else for a long time. Once, he read, "Outside the sword, the thistle was suddenly transmitted, and the first smell of tears filled his clothes." But he saw where his wife was worried, and the book of poetry was ecstatic. Singing in the daytime must indulge in alcohol, and youth is a good companion to return home. That is, from the Ba Gorge through the Wu Gorge, then down Xiangyang to Luoyang", suddenly covered his face with books and cried bitterly, and really "wept and filled his clothes". The nose is crawling, and hearing such a loud noise, everyone will be amazed that the person's nostrils are not trivial. He cried so much that his whole body trembled, especially the white beard under his chin shook even more, and the tears and snot were casually wiped on the bookcase. Seeing an adult, and the teacher we have always feared, would actually cry like us, a group of six- and seven-year-old children below laughed and screamed. From then on, we are no longer afraid of him.

XII. "Habitual Death"

I can't remember exactly when I started trying to kill him. Of course that must have been after I separated from him. But I didn't have that kind of thought when I first looked at him, and he became more and more intolerable to me, or later. But things can turn out to be this way: he and I eventually converge on each other's wishes. By the time I told him to die, he himself had gladly agreed to surrender his body to death. This saves me a lot of things, saves me a lot of trouble. At the moment of his death, we finally became one, and that moment was incomparably pleasant, more pleasant than any sexual intercourse with any woman.

XIII. "Unable to Wake Up"

Until he went to jail, he didn't believe that what he was experiencing was real reality. When he was arrested, the public security officers were still smiling, as if to arrest such a famous big entrepreneur in the city, a famous inventor, and the owner of several patents, it was a very fun game, before getting into the police car, the police pulled the car door, and gently supported him with an arm, polite like the "red-headed Ah San" at the entrance of the Hong Kong Hotel, so he also smiled at the police, "Still the same dream." He thought that every time he had such a dream, when he had the dream of being arrested and then being re-educated through labor, he was both afraid and sorry. It is a pity that such a dream always has no results, and he can't "rehabilitate" and wake up halfway. The tail of each section is suspenseful, making him toss and turn and can no longer sleep, "This time it looks like it is real, it must be done." So he obeyed, without the slightest excuse or resistance, and followed the police, even faster than the police, as if he knew where to go, and he was indeed familiar with the road, and sure enough, he walked into the prison at once.

XIV. "Shorebrak"

In 1960, at the age of 17, Li Shiying bid farewell to his elderly parents and hungry hometown and went to Xinjiang alone to earn a living. In order to help two hometown girls he never knew, he sold his clothes and even lost the job he had just found. By chance, he met the old driver Master Xu, and the enthusiastic Master Xu accepted him as an apprentice. After the "Cultural Revolution" began, Li Shiying, who felt bitter and lonely, was full of hope to build a happy little family. Under the care of the drivers of the convoy, he hurriedly married Qiao Zhen, a girl who had fled from northern Shaanxi. After marriage, although Li Shiying was considerate of Qiaozhen, Qiaozhen was always cold. She waited for Li Shiying like a maid, without a smile on her face all day. A few months later, Li Shiying finally learned from the mouths of the drivers of the same team that Qiao Zhen had an affair. He was shocked, pained, and unwilling to believe it. Under his angry questioning, Qiao Zhen finally confided her true feelings. It turned out that Qiao Zhen and Chun Sheng were lovers of a pair of green plum bamboo horses, due to the disaster in their hometown, Qiao Zhen's father and mother died, so she had to come to Xinjiang to join her aunt. Qiao Zhen sent people to the fence, and her fiancé heard nothing, so she had to marry Li Shiying under the master of her aunt. Shortly after the marriage, Chunsheng traveled thousands of miles to Xinjiang to find Qiaozhen. She loves Chunsheng, but she can't bear to hurt Li Shiying, who truly loves her. In order to fulfill this pair of lovers, Li Shiying and Qiao Zhen divorced. Seven years later, once Li Shiying was driving to southern Xinjiang when he met a young woman holding a child. She was a Shanghai Zhiqing named Ye Juan, and her son Xiaoyuan returned to the company station in Shorebulak. On the way, Li Shiying found that Xiao Yuan was seriously ill, so he drove Ye Juan's mother and son to Korla Hospital overnight. Xiao Yuan was saved, but Li Shiying, who had been tired all night, quietly left. This deeply touched Ye Juan. A few days later, Li Shiying visited Xiaoyuan in the hospital and sent Ye Juan's mother and son back to Shorebrak. On the way, Ye Juan told Li Shiying about her experience of being insulted by the company commander after going to the countryside and giving birth to an illegitimate child, Xiao Yuan. Ye Juan did not bow her head in adversity, and her strong will not sink deeply attracted Li Shiying and ignited the spark of love in his heart. Two hearts that had been soaked in bitter water and shone like gold collided, and two people who had experienced the tribulations of life were happily united.

15. "The Style of Men"

"Men's Style" tells that: China's giant ship, riding the wind and waves, singing and advancing, in just sixty years, has stood in the forest of the world's great powers, and has become a great miracle in the history of human civilization. Chinese literature, with its ups and downs, is thriving, with a variety of genres and masterpieces, which also attracts the attention of the world. In order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, our company launched the large-scale literary project of "Republican Writers Library", which strives to include the representative works of important contemporary writers with wide influence, and to display the peaceful rise, historical process, social changes and realistic pictures of the ancient civilization of the Eastern Civilization with the people's standpoint of Chinese style, Chinese style and literary values, and to show the arduous quest, brave practice, innovative ideas and survival wisdom of the Chinese nation. This set of libraries is not only a microcosm of the thriving Cause of Chinese Literature, but also a grand event in the vigorous transition period of China's publishing industry, and its literary value and social significance will be increasingly revealed with the passage of time. At the same time, we believe that China's literary cause will become more prosperous and more splendid with the thriving great motherland. I sincerely thank the relevant departments of the Central Propaganda Department, the Chinese Writers Association, and the vast number of writers and literary critics throughout the country for their strong support to this library.

16. "My Bodhi Tree"

This is a story of love for life that has not been knocked down by suffering and has been circulated all over the world. A young man who was branded a "rightist" for his expressive poem began his twenty-two-year-long career as a labor camp: in the midst of hunger and cold and fatigue, he had to endure constant mental torture, and he could only secretly express his humble and powerless cries with a bald pen, like a "Bodhi tree" that cleared his soul. Zhang Xianliang examines the diary of that year, calmly and even humorously narrates the most desolate life experience in the form of annotations, and the greatest love for life bursts out of the abundant text, naturally placing footnotes for the suffering of the past forty years Chinese. In the form of a diary gift, he pushed the art of fiction to another peak.

17. Novel China

This book expresses my views, ideas, and thoughts on social reform in China, and I do not want my thoughts to be unfortunate, but I hope that I am unfounded. In this book I say that our modernization is based entirely on the sacrifice of the peasants. I am very pleased that the central authorities have begun to pay close attention to the "three rural areas" issue, not only abolishing all kinds of taxes and fees imposed on the peasants, lightening the peasants' burdens, but also proposing the policy decision of "building a new socialist countryside." Zhang Xianliang is a famous Chinese writer, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the current chairman of the Ningxia Literary Association and the chairman of the Writers Association. His works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Japanese and German. Spanish, Hebrew and other 27 languages, have a certain influence on the world, in November 1994 won the American Biographical Institute "International Cultural Honor Award". Speaking of Zhang Xianliang, most people who know something about the Chinese literary world will not be unfamiliar. In the 1980s, this maverick writer published works such as "Spirit and Flesh", "Green Tree", and "Half of a Man is a Woman", with his stories full of human warmth and cutting-edge ideas, which stirred up huge waves in the reading of The Chinese people. After entering the 1990s, in the wave of "literati going to the sea", Zhang Xianliang founded a film and television entertainment city in Ningxia, known for "selling desolation", which has become a unique scenery in today's literary world. Now Zhang Xianliang has set the dual identity of writer and entrepreneur in one, this book selects 5 of his best works, from which you can taste the unique style of this "writer and entrepreneur" type of literati.

XVIII. "The Course of Feelings"

This book collects three of the most representative and influential novels by the famous writer Zhang Xianliang, such as "Green Tree", "Half of a Man is a Woman", and "First Kiss". Zhang Xianliang is particularly good at describing the complex and subtle original desires of men and women. Most of his works reflect the most primitive and essential emotional relationship between men and women.

19. "Zhang Xianliang's Recent Works"

This book can be said to be the most practical book published by Wenhui Publishing House. The insights in this book on business management and cultural industries will be helpful to readers, especially those who are working in this area. Readers will find that many of the ideas and opinions inside are novel. The "Wenhui Original Series", which is quite influential in the book industry and readers, has launched a new work, and this collection of essays, "Zhang Xianliang's Recent Works", is one of them. This book vividly describes the author's wonderful episodes of establishing cultural industries such as the Western Cinema in Ningxia, and makes witty and sharp comments on the characters and social phenomena in the west.

20. "Me and the Town North Fort"

Zhenbeibao Western Cinema undoubtedly announces to contemporaries that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and culture and art as humanities are also a productive force! Culture and art can greatly increase the added value of goods. After the market economy is highly developed, cultural artworks will be one of the most expensive commodities! Maybe in the near future, shooting film and television no longer needs the scene as a background, all the backgrounds and even actors can be produced by computers; it may also be that in the near future, Western Film and Television will be used by the crew who come here to shoot the film can no longer use the venue, at that time, the Western Cinema will become a film and television drama history museum and exist, and more and more historical value, forever standing on the ground in Ningxia, always a beautiful scenery in Yinchuan. This book is one of the "Ningxia Tourism Series", which mainly introduces the tourist attractions in Ningxia - Huaxia Western Film and TELEVISION City. The book is rich in content and easy to understand, and the characteristics of this attraction are described in concise and clear language, accompanied by exquisite coloring pages, which is a practical travel guide.

21. "Selected Works of Zhang Xianliang"

Speaking of Zhang Xianliang, most people who know something about the Chinese literary world will not be unfamiliar. In the 1980s, this maverick writer published works such as "Spirit and Flesh", "Green Tree", and "Half of a Man is a Woman", with his stories full of human warmth and cutting-edge ideas, which stirred up huge waves in the reading of The Chinese people. After entering the 1990s, in the wave of "literati going to the sea", Zhang Xianliang founded a film and television entertainment city in Ningxia, known for "selling desolation", which has become a unique scenery in today's literary world. Now Zhang Xianliang has set the dual identity of writer and entrepreneur in one, this book selects 5 of his best works, from which you can taste the unique style of this "writer and entrepreneur" type of literati.

22. "People Are Important"

Yes, there is nothing more painful in the world than being misunderstood by those closest to you. Yes, there is nothing more painful in the world than the people who should care most about himself and his people are the most indifferent to him. This can make people feel particularly lonely. This sense of loneliness can most destroy people's will to struggle. Art can be intoxicating, and thought can be intoxicating. If art and thought are of the highest quality, then this is a two-ingredient wine. China is now facing a major change that has not been seen in five thousand years! What has been formed and accumulated over the past five thousand years, whether spiritual or external material life, has suddenly flipped over in just twenty years! The cherishing of life, human rights and freedom, the fundamental human values, has gradually replaced empty ideals that seem attractive but are actually anti-science.

23. "Love Story of the Earth"

I was shocked. Although I knew she wasn't dead, I was still shocked. I recognized it as her from the black mole. I looked at her and she looked at me. The passengers who came and went, the electric clocks on the walls, the huge train timetables, the white lights, the green lights, the red lights, everything, all turned into a mottled patch of color on the color palette. Only she, standing across from me in front of the hazy background, was so clear and distinct. "How are you?" She smiled miserably at me, and I didn't hear what she was saying, but I could tell from the flutter of her lips that she was saying it. My lips twitched too, but I didn't know what I was saying. I trembled like a fever again, just like that night twelve years ago.

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