
Reading 41 Mr. Zhang Xianliang's "Half of a Man is a Woman" was unconsciously attracted

author:Literary choice

Aristotle said long ago, "Everything that has not been in the senses is not present in the intellect." ”


The sun was shining directly on me, and the light seemed to penetrate my lungs, and it was as if I had floated up in the golden light and left this noisy earthly world. I took advantage of the fact that I had gained this state of mind, a state of mind of being born calmly, and quickly jumped up and wrote a book...

Reading 41 Mr. Zhang Xianliang's "Half of a Man is a Woman" was unconsciously attracted

Some readers commented:

Travel through the coordinates of time and open the book. Dialogue with the author or with that era, the national conditions of that particular era, has a great influence on love, on family. But love, the essence of the family has not changed.

What touched me the most was that when Zhang Yonglin burned the diary, he also burned his trust in Huang Xiangjiu. He is a soul wanderer, and Huang Xiangjiu is the longing of a family, and there is no result between them. What is missing is their attitude toward the family or their belief in the family.

Yes, the entanglement of the hero and heroine described in the book and the gradual birth and gradual departure of emotions are profound, so that the reader can't help but feel a thousand emotions and thoughts for a long time

In the past, the impression of Zhang Xianliang may only be our desolate film and television city, but now, I have found that he was so talented.

The words are so beautiful, so familiar, as if they are telling the stories around us. The canals, crops, and people in the book are so familiar, just like the living people around them.

And he also gave people a temporary clarity of how to settle their hearts in these days of suffering.

The smoothness of the scene description, the delicacy of the psychological description, the vividness of the character personality, and the suppression of the social environment. The individual is the epitome of society, and it is rare to find people's pursuit of a happy life in that environment.

And the philosophical language hidden in the text is very thoughtful. In fact, there are not many realistic scenes, more metaphors, metaphors, analogies, and symbolic techniques. This makes this story more attractive, bizarre setbacks, simple and touching love, marriage, can make people experience the unique characteristics of that era.

Half of men are women - ideas

Original text: "Some couples divorce because they have no feelings; some couples divorce because their feelings are too complicated." Perhaps, even if I don't go, we'll both get divorced. I smiled faintly, and then said, "Couples who can grow old with white heads are probably couples who can master moderate feelings!"

Thoughts: "Moderate" feelings, the book says, "intense physical labor will arouse the nature of the latent consciousness that has been overwhelmed by civilization and has long since become human, and suddenly make people go back tens of thousands of years, feeling a psychological pleasure that is developing, changing, and enriching their own qualities." The combination of these two people and the separation of the most natural nature of the person and the encounter, the times are different, the needs are not the same, and finally stuck in the "moderation", the moderation is stopped, but also feel that they can receive and understand each other

To be quiet is to be calm, to be fully attentive is to be smooth, to do something properly, it is necessary to rely on the last resort, and to conform to the creation of heaven and earth out of necessity is the way of the saints. ”

For self-awareness:

If you want to see your face clearly, you must be at a distance from the mirror.

Yourself is often the antithesis of yourself.

What should have been crying, but laughing, is this the weakness of human nature or the strength of human nature?

A passage that impressed me:

The contemplative expression is serious, and the seriousness represents the insurmountable line between him and you. This look also indicates that his arrangement is deliberate, that it has been weighed repeatedly, and that even flipping through your archival material is determined by a higher level of collective discussion, and at the same time, it also illustrates the importance of this task.

Cadres with low education and are not good at words often use silence to arouse your attention to his only words. Silence will make you realize that from now on, because of this "trust", the burden on your shoulders is even heavier!

Some readers suggested:

The book should be published in conjunction with Green Tree, with Green Tree being the first and Half Of Men Being Women the next. In this way, the whole vein is relatively complete. I have lived in the north for ten years, and what I write in the text seems to be what happened around me, so unforgettable, sad, until it is brought underground...

Reading 41 Mr. Zhang Xianliang's "Half of a Man is a Woman" was unconsciously attracted

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