
Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

author:Military sub-plane
Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

[Military Sub-Plane] Author: 262

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

Wangjun raised his arms and shouted, commanding thousands of troops and horses, how was the "God of War" refined?

What is history like?

Is this ↓-like?

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

Or is it like this↓?

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

But in fact, in the memory of our generation, most of the history is like this↓!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲The movie "Pharaoh and the Gods"

Film and television art turns illusion into "reality" and reshapes the history in people's minds. As mentioning Sparta, our first impression must be this ↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ Movie "300 Spartan" (2007 version)

But were the Spartans of history really all naked and muscular in battle???!!!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ 19th century oil painting "Leonidas at the Hot Spring Pass"

In the movie, the Spartan king also has a trouser, and the artist 200 years ago directly stripped ( ̄▽ ̄) him ╮╭

So did the ancient Greeks really like nudity so much? It is also true that the ancient Olympic Games were all naked, and you look at the cool breeze under the crotch ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

So are they naked when they fight? It doesn't seem to be ah↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

↑↑↑ Whether the upper body is wearing armor or not, I can't see, but the 1962 version of the "300 Spartan" movie is tightly worn Oh ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

This is called "heavy infantry"

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

But how to look more and more like a Roman legion ( ́_ゝ')

Therefore, it is difficult to absolutely restore history, and the new version of the "Spartan" film is adapted from a comic book, and it does have an incomparable advantage in the artistic tension of the old version

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ 300 Spartan comics

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ "300 Spartan" movie

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam
Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

Having said that, artistic exaggerations, and even virtual magic and fantasy works, have indeed made important contributions to the development of epic films, of which "The Lord of the Rings" is the first contribution. The big sale of the "Lord of the Rings" series that year blew up an epic film whirlwind for the film industry, which was accompanied by a breakthrough in a major technical difficulty.

In the past, the big scenes of thousands of troops and horses relied on real scenes

Look at the 1970 movie "Battle of Waterloo", which shows how many people and horses, should set a record ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam
Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

This last aerial phalanx is also a bunker ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

But not every crew can be so trenched, and "The Lord of the Rings" provides a solution for the latecomers - CG replicants!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲The Lord of the Rings 3 movie

Since then, epic films seem to have ushered in a new spring, and the attacks of replicants such as Troy, Heavenly Dynasty, and Alexander the Great have followed.

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ Movie "Troy"

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲Movie "Heavenly Dynasty"

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲The movie "Alexander the Great"

Advances in technology have allowed directors to play more freely and "restore history" at a lower cost, which is of course a benefit for those of us who are in the audience. However, the audience's taste is always higher and higher, and the "thousands of troops" will also be aesthetic fatigue when they see more. So this epic fever lasted for a while. However, in this wave of epic fever, there is a point worth playing, which is to turn "mythology" into "human words", and "Troy" is a typical example.

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

The story of "Troy" was originally based on the "Homeric Epic", which is a famous ancient Greek myth, and the film directly turned the story "human words" into the creation prototype of "Homer's Epic"- the Mycenaean era in 3200 BC.

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ The background introduction screen of the opening scene of the movie "Troy"

Here, there is no supernatural force of strange forces and demons, only the "real history" that human beings can control. So, how to restore the classic bridge in the story of Homer's Epic? Here, we will not repeat the plot in detail, but only a few of the most ingenious details that I think are round.

Legend has it that Achilles offended the sun god Apollo, and in the movie it is like this ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ Achilles angrily cut off the head of the statue of Apollo after capturing the temple of the Trojans

Apparently in the movie, Achilles was a godless "warrior king". In mythology, Achilles was immersed in the Styx River by his mother after birth, so he could not enter the sword, and because at the time of the immersion, his mother was grasping the heel of Achilles, so he did not get immersed here, leaving the only weakness of Achilles' heel. And then the arrow hits the heel... Hung up ~ (fortunately not a knee ( ́_ゝ') ~ fog)

So how did Achilles hang up in the movie?

First of all, since it is "human speech", the immortal body is not dripping!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ Meng Xin looked up at the big guy

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ The big guy spits out the truth - not pretending to be forced is the most invisible force

Although it is not invincible, Achilles in the movie, as the "king of soldiers" who has experienced hundreds of battles, is strong in martial arts and can dodge 100% easily with any flying stone and arrow.

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ Brother hiding is so dashing

So, so how did he end up dying? The answer is... Battlefield Girl!

That night, Troy was attacked by the Greek coalition army with a "Trojan horse plan", the beautiful city was destroyed, and in the chaos, Achilles found the princess Troy that he had previously picked up through the "Stockholm Syndrome" and decided to pluck it again ↓↓↓

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

Just then, prince Trojan arrived

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲Dare to be strong X sister!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ He hugged his sister, he couldn't hurt her, he could only shoot him in the foot

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ "The tracks were broken and we lost our mobility!" ”

Normally speaking, for a heroic protagonist, even if he is injured, he must come to a counter-kill, or a key moment god teammate to break the siege and escape from danger, etc., but it ~ The ending of this story is already doomed in mythology, so don't blame the opposite IQ line, timely repair the knife... Oh no, it's an arrow!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ All the villains, you are all optimistic, learn a little!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲ "The iPhone was shot, we can't move!" ”

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲▼"No, before I die, I still have to pick up my sister, the arrow shaft is really a hindrance!" ”

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲▼ It's much better to pull it off, and you can hug it.▼

What, not afraid of excessive blood loss? tan90°!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▼ After the sister can be shi

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

When the people found the sacrificed Achilles

Only an arrow was inserted in the heel

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

So the "Achilles Heel" spread...

Can bring back the plot of the classic myth back with "human words", and it makes sense in scientific logic, the directors and screenwriters really took a lot of pain ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ As for what the real history is, before the invention of the time machine, we can't verify it. Those high-cost "blockbusters" have the ingenuity to restore history, which is already very gratifying. Similarly, the setting of the epic blockbuster of the magic theme also has a lot of historical archetypes to learn from, and this week's video film "The Trail of the Magic Soldier" will tell you about the historical prototype behind the well-known magic class.

Military Film: Demon Soldier Trail

Compared with previous periods, this issue did not do much principle analysis CG, but the edited film and television, animation, and game blockbuster materials are massive, guess how much ~ haha

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲▼ Editing and production of "Magic Soldier Trace"

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

Game of Thrones! That's right, it's Game of Thrones! Everyone knows the popular American drama "Game of Thrones", but do you really understand its worldview setting? After reading this book pushed at the end of this issue, I dare to say that I really understand!

Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

▲The real book!

High energy ahead, don't provoke!

Let's fight!

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Where did the millennia-old "Achilles' heel" come from? Probably a scam

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