
Achilles forever

author:Lingling Seven

The reason why my name never dies is because I give strength to the cowards and glory to my enemies.

A great man has two hearts, one heart bleeding and the other heart being tolerant.

----------- inscription

Yes, I confess, I love Achilles, I love all the stories about Achilles, I like Achilles the great Aether who is as heroic as Achilles, who fearlessly protected his body after Achilles' death, and therefore hates and never forgives Apollo, who shot Achilles' heel. Of the countless vests I've used, ACHILLES is the only one and one of my favorites.

It was an era of heroes and brilliant stars, and heroes were like dazzling stars, shining in the vast galaxy. Hercules, Theseus, Iason, Agamemnon, Agamemnon, Aes the Great and The great, Hector, Oedipus, Diomedes, and so on, and Achilles is undoubtedly the most shining of them.

In Greek mythology, Achilles was the son of the beautiful goddess of the sea, Thetis and Pereus. Thetis was the daughter of Zeus and a goddess, while Pereus was one of the heroes of the Argos voyage, who had captured the Golden Fleece with Medea's husband, Ihozon, and was king of the Mirmidoñas. But although Pereus was a hero, he was a mortal and could not live forever. Achilles was a veritable son of the man god. According to legend, when Achilles was born, in order to make him a god-man, his mother Thetis, every night, without her husband knowing, put her son into the fire of heaven (one says it was placed in the Styx), burned (or washed away) the human ingredients he inherited from his father, and made him holy. During the day, she smeared his body with agar, healing his burned muscles. She did this every time, but once her husband peeked at her and found his son trembling in flames, he cried out, which prevented Thetis from completing her work, and Thetis's pinched heel, which was not burned by the fire of the sky (or soaked in the water of the underworld), became Achilles' only and fatal flaw, while the rest was inaccessible.

Thinking that the child had been traumatized and extremely dangerous, Perclius gave him to Chiron, a horseman who had taught countless heroes, for healing, and Chiron gave Achilles the bone marrow of bears and the livers of lions and wild boars, so Achilles was also known as Achilles of lion hearts. The son of God was more powerful and agile than a man, and at the age of six he was able to catch up with swift rabbits and elk, so many times people were called Achilles.

Achilles was blessed with a handsome, alert, quick, and powerful man, and when he was angry, he was furious, and when he was sad, his grief was indescribable. But he is also very kind in his heart, even to the enemy, he attaches great importance to friendship, and he is always unswerving.

When he was nine years old, a famous prophet declared that although the Argos were destined to destroy Troy as far away as Asia Minor, the city could not be conquered without the participation of Achilles. His mother sent him to King Lycomedes on the island of Sculo, where he raised him as a daughter. For Achilles was an indispensable figure in the conquest of Troia, Oedipus and Diomedes went to see the king's daughter, daughter-in-law, and maid, and Achilles was so handsome that, though the two princes were extremely sharp-eyed, they could not be found out of the large number of girls. The cunning Oedysius came up with a ruse, he placed a spear and a shield in the house where the girls lived, and then let the people blow their horns as if they were the enemy at hand, and the girls escaped from the house, leaving only Achilles behind, and bravely took up the spear and shield.

During his conquest of Troia for more than a decade, Achilles was the first hero of the Argos squad. In the first few years of the Argos siege of Troia, Achilles captured twelve sea and land towns that were allies of Troia, and for Hector of Troia, Achilles was the only nemesis. When the sun god Apollo sent plague to the Argos, Agamemnon prepared to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia, and Cluetenestra asked Achilles for protection, Achilles used his life to guarantee the rescue of Iphigenia; when Achilles inadvertently killed and injured Hercules' brave son Telephus, Achilles fell on the bedside of Telephus, and even shed tears of grief; when Agamemnon took Briseis from Achilles through power, Achilles took the case, "If I obey you, Whether you are right or not, then people will laugh at my blindness and cowardice, point fingers at others, do not give me indiscriminate orders, I will never again obey your command" and thus stay away from the battlefield; when life is faced with a choice, on the one hand is a long life of mediocrity, on the other hand, a brilliant short life, Achilles resolutely chose the latter.

Achilles was a man of love of life, but he knew very well that even the king of the earthly court was better than a slave in the world. However, when he learned that his friend Patlockros, who was wearing his armor, had been killed by Hector, Achilles fell into great pain, and he frantically grabbed the dirt on the ground with his hands and smeared it desperately on his head and mud, and the mud immediately stained the fragrant robe and his handsome face. He fell to the ground in pain, stretched out his limbs, and tugged at the hair on his head with his hands. Antirokos, who had come to report the news, clasped Achilles's hands tightly, fearing that he would draw his sword and slit his own throat at the slightest impulse. Achilles vowed to kill Hector to avenge the death of his friend. Although his mother Thetis told him that after Hector's death, his end would come. "If my slain friend goddess of fate does not let me protect, I am willing to die immediately, I did not rescue him, he died in a foreign land."

Achilles joined the battle again. At the walls of Troia, the more heroic Achilles chased the heroic Hector, like a falcon mercilessly chasing a pigeon, like a ferocious hound chasing the noble fawn, neither giving him a moment's rest nor letting him escape, Achilles signaled to his party that no one should throw a weapon at Hector, and that he would kill Hector with his own hands. It was a hero-to-hero contest, it was a collision of superstars and superstars. Finally, Achilles stabbed Hector's throat with his large spear, which he could only lift, and stripped Hector of his armor that belonged to Achilles.

Achilles comforted the dead and buried his heroic friend Patroclus. When Hector's father, Priamus, entered Achilles' tent from Troa late at night and demanded the body of his son, Achilles remembered his old father, and grief came from it, and tearing and weeping, he asked Priamus to take Hector's body and agreed to an eleven-day armistice.

The war resumed, and the invincible Achilles killed the proud Empress Amazon, Penthesille, and The Son of the Goddess of Dawn, Memnon. However, the crock pot is not broken from the inoue, and the hero is inevitably busy. The heroic Achilles did not escape the arrangement of fate, and could not escape the divine arrow of Apollo hiding in the clouds. And look at the description in Troya's Story:

Achilles roared madly as he pulled the arrow out of the incurable wound. Yin Hong's hot blood flowed from his powerful limbs. He was filled with the zeal of war, so that no Trojan dared to approach him, even though he had been wounded and wounded so badly. He jumped up again and again, rushing straight to the enemy, brandishing his spear. He hit his dead enemy's friend Olutavon, the tip of the spear piercing from the temple all the way to the inside of the brain. He then stabbed Hipponoos in the eye with a spear, stabbed Alcatoyos in the cheek, and killed many others. Suddenly, however, he felt a cold breath pass through his limbs. He leaned on the gun and barely stood. But the Trojans still scattered in front of him, for even though his feet could no longer pursue them, his roar still terrified them. He growled. "Run as hard as you can!" But that still won't save you. My weapons can catch up with you and kill you, because after I die, the vengeful God will still punish you!" The Trojans ran like trembling as they thought he was still fit and uninjured. Even if his limbs stiffened, he fell to death in other corpses.

Achilles was the only hero in Greek mythology who could rival Hercules, he dared to be bold, spontaneous, his personality was flamboyant, his image was vivid, and even some of them were whimsical and maverick; he did not bow to the powerful, always sympathized with the weak; he killed countless heroes, and countless people he killed became famous because of him. He values honor, preferring to sacrifice a long life of mediocrity, even if it is only a short glory; he repeats his promises, acts frankly and sincerely, and speaks loudly; he values friendship, cares with friends, and lives and dies together. However, he failed to occupy a place on Mount Olympus (i.e., did not become a god) as Heracles did. In later legends, some say that Thetis took the body of Achilles away and revived it, and then married Medea, and some say that Achilles became the king of Pluto in the mansion. Later good deeds also proved that Achilles was a female surname through Achilles' handsomeness and crying.

Oh, what kind of Achilles!

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