
Ideals Are Like Mountains, Beliefs Are Like Steel Chen Jian recounts the glorious life of his father, Chen Fusheng

author:Qinghai News Network

Qinghai News Network, Damei Qinghai Client News "Let the fire of faith burn endlessly, let the spirit of agricultural reclamation be passed on from generation to generation, let the red gene be integrated into the blood, and let the red spirit inspire strength." On September 7th, in order to celebrate the opening of the Delhi Nongken Cultural Museum, Mr. Chen Jian, former deputy director of Delingha Farm, son of Chen Fusheng, deputy manager of the first Delingha Joint Enterprise Company, and member of the lecturer group of the "Family Style, Home Country" series of activities, came to Keluke Town, walked into the former site of the former Denong Cinema, and recalled the glorious life of Chen Fusheng of the old Red Army with the theme of "Ideals Like Mountains of Faith Like Steel -- Chen Fusheng's Hundred-year-old Life Answer Sheet of the Old Red Army".

Chen Fusheng, formerly known as Chen Husheng, a native of Taihe County, Jiangxi, joined the revolution in 1929. He joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in 1930, joined the Communist Party of China in 1931, and participated in the 25,000-mile Long March with the Red Army. In 1955, he was transferred to the Qinghai Provincial Labor Reform Bureau, and served as the station manager and deputy director of the fifth station of Delingha Farm, and the deputy manager of the Delingha United Enterprise Company. In 1981, he was appointed as an adviser to the Labor Reform Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and in December 1982, he left his post to recuperate. In the course of the 85 years of revolution, Comrade Chen Fusheng has always loved the party, the motherland, the people, and the communist cause for which he has struggled all his life; he has a clear distinction between love and hatred, and he dares to uphold principles; he scrupulously fulfills his duties, works hard and bears no grudges, regardless of personal gains and losses; treats people sincerely and cares for comrades, and has a high prestige among the masses. With his own practical actions, he fulfilled his vow to fight for the cause of communism all his life.

Chen Jian briefly introduced Chen Fusheng's tortuous revolutionary life, focusing on his work under extremely difficult conditions such as high cold and lack of oxygen, sparse population, and inconvenient transportation, he was proactive in his work, dared to adhere to principles, dared to blaze new trails, and paid equal attention to ideological construction and business construction, so that the production of Delingha Farm could turn losses into profits, generate income year after year, and become an advanced dedication process in the industry.

The lecture played a live video clip of the 2013 Commendation Conference of the Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres of the Ministry of Public Security, which awarded Comrade Chen Fusheng a trophy engraved with the words "Ideals like mountains, faith like steel". Chen Jianlao said: "When my father was 103 years old, he was able to receive such a high honor from the Ministry of Public Security, just like the teacher's grade for the students. At that time, my father was stroking the trophy on the hospital bed, and he was very excited, 'This heart is bright, and what is the truth!' This famous saying applies not only to my father, but also to the thousands of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the revolution and to the revolutionary predecessors who dedicated their lives. ”

Comrade Chen Fusheng's life has had ups and downs, and his deeds have been vivid and touching. Speaking of emotion, Chen Jian choked up several times, and the audience occasionally gave warm applause.

In an interview with reporters, Chen Jian sighed infinitely: "I can come to the farm where my father worked in the past, only to see that the former Gobi Desert is now full of green trees and flowers, full of vitality, I think if my father can see the earth-shaking changes here, he will feel very relieved." It is hoped that the industrious and brave Qaidam people can inherit the red gene, uphold the original intention and move forward to create a better future. ”

"Listening to the lecture today, I was deeply touched. As a new generation of Qaidam people, we must not forget our original intentions, continue to struggle along the footsteps of revolutionary martyrs, inherit the spirit of agricultural reclamation, and build a beautiful homeland. Li Chunhai, head of Haixi Hongrong Tourism Development Co., Ltd., said excitedly.

At the event, Chen Jian donated the book "Nine Resurrections from the Dead - An Oral History of a Hundred-Year-Old Red Army" to the Delhi Hanongken Cultural Museum and wrote an inscription for the museum.

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