
Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

author:Life Newspaper

Leading news reporter Luan Deqian Text/Photo

Cycling, as a more popular leisure and fitness travel method for modern people in recent years, is recognized by more and more people. Many riders will use weekends or breaks to play in groups. However, in Bingcheng, there is a 69-year-old man Sun Lin, who began riding in 2014, and in six years, he first traveled almost all over the province; in 2017, he went all the way to lhasa to the west; in 2018, he rode all the way south along the southeast coast to Shenzhen, traveling tens of thousands of kilometers. This year, Sun Lin was ready to go to Xinjiang alone. Before Sun Lin set off, the reporter interviewed this "lone traveler" who "walked alone" and listened to his life insights.

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off
Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

All the equipment and bicycles of Lao Sun's "Ten Thousand Miles Walking Single Ride". Photo by reporter Luan Deqian

In 2014, he began to ride for three years to visit relatives and friends in the province to feel the changes in Longjiang

"Old Ji Futuo, determined to be in a thousand miles." The martyrs are in their twilight years and their hearts are full of excitement. Cao Cao's verses, used to describe Sun Lin, a 69-year-old old man in Bingcheng, are also very appropriate. Sun Lin is a retired carpenter at the former Provincial Thermal Power Construction Company. Now he and his wife and children are retired, and his son has long been married. In the words of Lao Sun, "After a lifetime of busyness, I can finally do what I want to do." My son and daughter-in-law all support me, but my wife is unwilling and worried about me..."

It turned out that Sun Lin had a dream of traveling all over the world when he was a child, but work and family kept him busy for most of his life. After retirement, he wanted to realize his dreams.

In 2014, Sun Lin began his own "solo" cycling road, and since then he has been out of control: "At the beginning, I could only ride about 30 kilometers, I first went to Hulan Xiaohong's former residence, then went to the main street of Acheng, and then went to the twin cities to see friends and street scenes." Gradually, I began to go farther away, visiting relatives and friends in the province for three years. ”

The reporter learned that in 2015, Sun Lin rode to Daxing'anling, because there were his youth memories: "I once went to the countryside in the Songling Forestry Bureau of Daxing'anling, and that time I came into contact with fourteen or five old colleagues and lived for four or five days, and I felt that the change was very big: the climate seemed to be warming, melons, eggplants, peppers, four or five kinds of beans can be planted." But when I went to the countryside, the weather was particularly cold, and I could only grow potatoes, kohlrabi and other dishes. After that, Sun Lin stopped by the nearby Hongguang Farm and saw that it was very well built, a farmland, and there were public toilets in four directions, which was very convenient and varied. Lao Sun told reporters that this trip to find "Fanghua" made him moved.

Sun Lin told reporters that he had passed by a small town called Ao Qi Town: "The town is very small, especially clean. I asked a warehouse buyer for directions, and he was particularly enthusiastic, afraid that I would go wrong and wanted to send me personally. ”

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

In order to ride, Lao Sun's family bought maps of the provinces of the country. Photo by reporter Luan Deqian

Going to Tibet alone And meeting a rider warmly accompanied me and was touched

In 2017, 67-year-old Sun Lin began an ultra-long-distance "solo flight trip", alone, riding a bicycle to Tibet. "Some friends who often ride in groups said that going to Tibet is too far and that it is dangerous to ride alone. But I wasn't afraid. Sun Lin said. Before going to Tibet, Lao Sun did a lot of preparatory work, "I watched aerial photographs of motorcycle riders, read the poems of Cangyang Gyatso... After full preparation, it can be said that it is worth the trip. ”

The reporter learned that during the journey, there were also times when he was frightened, "When he arrived at Qinling, he knew that compared with our Daxing'anling, Qinling is a mountain." When riding over the Qinling Mountains, it feels very shocking and dangerous, and in the deep mountains and old forests next to it, it seems that there are eyes staring at you, which makes people feel weak. I didn't find any hotels along the way, and I ended up staying one night in an inn that hadn't officially opened yet. ”

After arriving in Chengdu, he met several young college students from Shandong and Hunan who also wanted to ride into Tibet, watching Lao Sun riding alone, worrying about his safety, and asking him to go into Tibet with them. When they went on the road, they also told Lao Sun, "You can't ride too fast into Tibet, and you must pay attention to safety." Then every day, a young man was arranged to follow me and take care of me, and as a result, an eighteen- or nineteen-year-old boy named Li Baichao, riding behind me one day, accidentally broke his arm, had to interrupt the ride, and was picked up by an ambulance. Although everyone advised me that this was not your business, uncle, at that time I could not help but cry, and the feelings between riders could be like relatives in a few days. ”

Sun Lin said that when he went to Tibet to ride an uphill road, it was raining heavily, and he pushed the cart for 3 hours, soaking wet, and his legs were frozen like a broken pain. When I arrived at the inn, I was covered in muddy water. "The innkeeper was an old Tibetan, and when he saw my situation, he changed my clothes, and considering my age, the old shopkeeper also brought me a urinal pot." Sun Lin told reporters that this simplicity and touching also made him unforgettable for a long time. Sun Lin lost 24 pounds in Tibet, but because he rode into Tibet step by step, he did not have altitude sickness.

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

Sun Lin rides on the sparsely populated Sichuan-Tibet Road. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

During the ride, Lao Sun helped his companions to inflate the tires provided by Sun Lin's son

Travel south to feel the cultural charm of the city

After Sun Lin retired, he embarked on several trips to the south, and also tasted the unique cultural charm of different cities.

Once, when Sun Lin passed through Zhang Qian's hometown, Lao Sun met two middle school students riding bicycles, "They said, Grandpa, let's go together!" Two middle school students helped me navigate to Hanzhong. When I visited the Hanzhong Museum, they introduced me to the Tao. Then I went to Dingjun Mountain, where Huang Zhong beheaded Xiahou Yuan. At that time, Huang Zhong was 67 years old and beheaded Xiahou Yuan, 47 years old, and I was also 67 years old that year, so I wanted to go and see it, I was also old and strong. Sun Lin introduced.

Sun Lin told reporters that he did a lot of homework before traveling, and along the way he was fascinated by the history, cultural monuments, customs and customs, etc., he must go to see and taste carefully: "On the way, I was more impressed by Gongyi, Du Fu's hometown. The traffic police there and the local students all feel full of literati temperament. Walking on Du Fu Avenue, a traffic policeman seriously pointed out the way to me, and also told me that the building complex at that intersection was where they 'Kang Millions' and built more than 3,000 houses. I think that is Du Fu's expectation of 'ande Guangsha tens of millions of rooms, shelter the world and the cold people are happy'. ”

On this trip, Lao Sun was deeply impressed by a Shenzhen auxiliary policeman, "There are tables on the street, and several auxiliary police officers are sitting to answer the questions of passers-by." I asked an auxiliary police officer how to walk the road, and he immediately took out his mobile phone navigation and told me how long it would take. Especially good for people, not exclusive. Very sincere and welcoming to people from outside the world. ”

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

Sun Lin rode all the way into Tibetan areas. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

Lao Sun is on the famous Internet celebrity "318" national highway. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

Lao Sun finally arrived in Lhasa and took a photo in front of the Potala Palace. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

The potala palace is provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

During the ride, The Old Sun and the university students had a bonfire party. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

On the way, Lao Sun met a warm Tibetan brother from Honglong Township. Provided by Sun Lin's son

Then we will go to Xinjiang to prepare for the European trip

Sun Lin told reporters that he did not want to grow old at home slowly, he wanted to go out and see different people and nature, thinking that this would be worth it.

In order to save money, "along the way to stay, I will live in the cheapest, there are 30 (yuan a room) will not live in 35." Eat the simplest. Riding like this costs 1500 yuan to 2000 yuan a month. Sun Lin told reporters.

The reporter learned that Sun Lin was ready and planned to go to Xinjiang, and he told reporters: "The northwest has not traveled, you can go to see the relics of Zhang Qian, this time I want to go out of Shanhaiguan and go to Jiayuguan to see." Lao Sun said that this ride in Xinjiang is also to prepare for his plan to go abroad in the coming year, and in the next year, if he can, he plans to ride to Kazakhstan and then to Europe.

Lao Sun told reporters that many riders on the road heard that he was so old and riding alone from the northeast, and they were surprised to say: "You northeastern people are really bold!" Elder Sun said that it was not that he was bold, but that he was ready to do it fully and had the courage to do it.

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

During this time at home, Lao Sun was learning Western history, philosophy, culture, art, etc., in preparation for riding abroad in the future. Photo by reporter Luan Deqian

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

Lao Sun and his colleagues took a group photo Under his leadership, apprentice Zhao Wei (first from left) also rode to Dalian. Zhao Wei said that the moment he went to Dalian to see the sea, he was so excited that he cried. Photo by reporter Luan Deqian

Sun Lin, a 69-year-old man in Harbin: 6 years of "ten thousand miles to walk a single ride" and then set off

This is a sketch of the route drawn by Sun Lin to do his homework in Xinjiang, with an icon mileage of 6361 kilometers, and the actual number of kilometers is expected to exceed 8000 kilometers. Photo by reporter Luan Deqian

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