
Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

author:1818 GoldenEye

Mr. Xiong's home in Jinhua Dongyang is under renovation. He bought a toilet online, and after receiving the goods, he thought it was a fake.


Taobao buy toilet customers feel that do not talk about "martial arts"

"Hengjie" official customer service: this model was not found

The decoration of Mr. Xiong's home has been in the final stage, and the toilet of the bathroom is marked with the brand name of "Hengjie". This is what he bought on September 4 at this "Guangdong East Headquarters Toilet Shop" on Taobao, and spent 630 yuan.

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"When they sell, I ask if it is genuine, he said genuine, two-dimensional code can be scanned, I will verify according to their way, verify whether this two-dimensional code is true, it has not been swept out, my mobile phone has not been swept out, two have not been swept out, look at this two-dimensional code this shape, not like a two-dimensional code." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

The toilet tank is pasted with a "China Water Efficiency Logo" with a pattern on it, which looks like a two-dimensional code. The reporter tried it with his own mobile phone and was able to sweep out the content. The scanned results, marked with manufacturers, written "Foshan Hengjie Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.", there are water efficiency grades, water consumption, national standards and other information below.

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

Mr. Xiong's house is in a newly delivered building, probably because the signal is not good, and his mobile phone scan code has not been content. Mr. Xiong said that on the day of the interview, he also went to the physical store of Hengjie Sanitary Ware to see, this photo was taken in the physical store, in the photo, the toilet is also pasted with a water effect logo, but the format of the two-dimensional code is not the same as this one in his toilet;

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

In addition, the model of the product is marked on the toilet of the physical store, while the one in Mr. Xiong's home is not marked. Then scan the two-dimensional code of the physical store, the interface displayed is also different from Mr. Xiong's home, in addition to the manufacturer's name, water efficiency level, water consumption, national standards, there are models, filing numbers and other information.

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"If you want to see what our water effect logo looks like, if you want to compare it, you can go to our official website to see, it will not say that this product is like this, the other product is another look, basically unified." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

On the official website of Hengjie Sanitary Ware, the appearance of the water effect logo is the same as that taken by Mr. Xiong in the physical store. In Mr. Xiong's Taobao link, the toilet he bought, marked with the model "HC1186", the reporter consulted the customer service of Hengjie Sanitary Ware.

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"HC1186 also did not query, sorry. ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

At present, this "guangdong headquarters toilet shop" has refunded mr. Xiong, and the toilet has not asked Mr. Xiong to send it back. Mr. Xiong provided a recording of his previous communication with the staff of the "Toilet Shop at the Headquarters in Eastern Guangdong".

"The toilet doesn't have to be returned, can you understand what I mean (I understand what you mean, I just want to know why you gave it to me) No, brother, don't you want me to compensate you, then I definitely can't afford to compensate ah, brother (can't afford to pay, can't afford to pay, then you have to do things 'WuDe', you don't talk about 'Wude' No) How come I don't have 'Wude', our side, the price of the sale is really the price of conscience, brother (I told you) You listen to me, brother, we are not human beings, are we able to do good, right, right, Although we are not wrong, although we are cheating, we are not harmful. ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone
Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"This money has been returned to the customer, and this toilet is directly refunded (that is not fake) How do we say it, we have some procedures here that may not be complete, but our products are not bad products (what procedures are not complete) This side is not easy to disclose, because this is the authorized party side to me." ”

"We must refund one and lose three according to the elimination method, let them know that fakes are sold, and be punished as they deserve, so that we can give consumers a good consumption environment, and we can't buy fakes." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"Anyway, you now go to Taobao to buy the toilet, many customers are going to blackmail money in this way, so that is, we just give customers a refund of this money, and then customers must blackmail our money, that's it (then are you selling fakes) We just have some procedures here, not very complete." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

Mr. Xiong said that although the merchant refunded him and the toilet was also given to him, he felt that it was a fake and the quality was not guaranteed, so it was only placed in the toilet and not installed. He went to another online store and wanted to buy a real one, but after receiving the goods, he said that it looked like a fake.


Buy "Hengjie" again, and the official said that it could not be found

Seller: I am a regular manufacturer to take the goods

"Try it with another one, he said it's absolutely true, there's no problem, it can be verified, then I can think about it and believe him, because my hometown, another place (Taobao store) bought it, he said he also bought it really, then I think there is always a real bar." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

This toilet was bought by Mr. Xiong on October 9, in Taobao, a store called "Heng Yu Xin Concentrated on Quality", cost 582 yuan, and the brand is also Heng Jie. Now the toilet is placed in the living room by Mr. Xiong, and the water effect logo posted on the water tank is the same as the one he bought before, and the content of the two-dimensional code sweep out is also similar, and it is different from the official website of Hengjie Sanitary Ware. On the Taobao link of this toilet, the model number marked is "H2021".

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"There is no toilet for this model of H2021 for the time being. ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

"You use their (Hengjie sanitary ware) that standard, come to our kind of manufacturer direct sales, we can not provide, including you say, I come to provide Hengjie authorization, I can not take out, I can provide, I am formal from Hengjie manufacturers out, you can say, I am a little irregular, but not fake, I am from the serious manufacturers out of the." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

The manager Chen said that their goods were taken from Hengjie sanitary ware manufacturers, and if the market supervision department intervened in the investigation, he could also provide relevant documents.

Yes, if you are struggling with this problem, then this side, I admit, there is a problem, but this toilet is not fake. ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

Regarding Mr. Xiong's concern about the product warranty, Manager Chen said he could make a commitment.

"It can be understood that it is not a formal online sales channel, but this belongs to, can have its (Hengjie bathroom) related warranty, as well as related vouchers, I can give him, otherwise I have no way, to contact the master of the physical store to install him, I promised him on Taobao, not my personal commitment to him, but the Taobao platform to his commitment, I am not responsible for the future, Taobao platform will also be responsible." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

Manager Chen said that Mr. Xiong insisted that the master of the Hengjie sanitary ware physical store come to install it, and he had contacted him before, but after the master came to the door, Mr. Xiong asked the master to personally promise him a warranty, resulting in the final toilet not being installed. Manager Chen said that he could return the goods to Mr. Xiong.

"If we say that we are fake, it is okay to refund one and lose three, but he wants to take out our fake vouchers, I can come up with my real vouchers, then he also has to take out our fake vouchers, or he let the market supervision department intervene, the market supervision department has a mediation result, neither of us is a law enforcement party." ”

Fake toilet "does not talk about martial arts"? The shopkeeper said that although it was fraudulent, it did not harm anyone

The staff of Taobao's public relations department said that when it comes to consumer disputes, the platform can mediate, if Mr. Xiong believes that it is a fake, to refund one and pay three, it may require law enforcement departments to intervene, and the platform will assist Mr. Xiong to protect his rights. As for whether the merchant sells counterfeits, the staff said that the situation has been fed back to the platform governance team and will be handled according to the rules according to the situation found. Later, the staff of the two Taobao stores responded and negotiated with Mr. Xiong. Mr. Xiong's feedback information is that these two companies have given him a refund of one loss and three treatment.

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