
How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

author:New technologies for agricultural cultivation

Figs are a flowering plant belonging to the genus Ficus spp., which grow mainly in some tropical and temperate regions, and are small deciduous trees in the subtropics. There are currently eight hundred known varieties of figs, the vast majority of which are evergreen, and only those that grow in temperate areas are deciduous varieties. The fruit is bulbous, with a small hole in the tail, and pollen is spread by wasps. Fig propagation is easy, simple management, early results and less pests and diseases, planting after 2 to 3 years can start fruiting, 7 to 10 years can enter the fruiting period, fig planting has better economic benefits, the following for everyone to introduce the key technology of fig cultivation.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

Fig fruit is soft and sweet, with a peculiar flavor, rich in fructose and glucose that are easily absorbed by the human body, the content of carotene and vitamin C is also relatively high, and contains a variety of digestive enzymes, which can help digestion and is a good health care fruit. At the same time, Chinese medicine believes that fig fruits have a sweet and flat taste, and have a variety of effects such as appetizing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, prolactination, anti-diarrhea and treatment of hemorrhoids. Folk remedies are used a lot, often with branches, leaves, roots, and fruits into medicine.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

1. Temperature: The temperature required for normal germination of figs is above 15 °C, and the germination below 15 °C is slow and untidy;

2, water: the establishment of fertile gardens should try to achieve drought watering, flood drainage, in order to improve yield and quality;

3, soil: figs are particularly adaptable to soil, sandy soil, loam soil and even a variety of clay soil can be cultivated, but the most suitable for the soil layer of neutral or alkaline sandy soil calcium soil.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

In order to prevent winter dryness and early spring low temperature frost damage, spring planting is preferred. It is most suitable for planting in early to mid-March. It can also be planted in autumn, and the seedlings are planted immediately after the leaves fall, but in winter, attention should be paid to cultivating the soil to prevent cold. The colonization density can be determined according to the whole branch method and whether it is cultivated by facilities. The general row spacing is 3 meters×2 meters, and 111 plants are planted per acre. When planting seedlings, the pine colonization point should be dug up to see the square soil layer of 50 cm and made into a 10 cm deep hole. First prune the damaged roots and over-long side roots for disinfection treatment, and then distribute the root system of the seedlings evenly in the hole, fill the soil and lift the seedlings, cultivate the soil to the grafting interface, make a 80 cm square tree disc, the tree disc is slightly above the ground 15 to 20 cm, irrigate the sole water, and then cover the tree disc with a 1 meter square mulch film.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

1. Base fertilizer: The base fertilizer is generally in mid-November to early December after the leaves fall, and it is better to apply stable fertilizer. The need for adult trees is generally 4000 to 6000 kg of fertilizer per mu. The fertilization method can be to open a fertilization ditch 30 cm wide and 30 to 50 cm deep between rows or plants, and apply basal fertilizer.

2. Topdressing: The first topdressing of figs should be in May when the new shoots are growing, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, and the application amount per mu is 14 to 20 kg. In the fruit ripening period of August to October, it should be topdressed 2 to 3 times, mainly compound fertilizer, and the amount per mu is 16 to 20 kg each time. The fertilization method is the same as that of the base fertilizer.

3, irrigation and drainage: figs have a developed root system, generally do not need watering, but when the weather is particularly dry, the orchard should be watered in time to replenish water. If there is too much rainfall, it is necessary to pay attention to the timely removal of stagnant water to maintain the sugar content of the fruit and prevent the fruit from splitting.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

In general, the branches in the fig canopy are not dense, and it is suitable for cultivating a naturally happy tree shape with a central trunk, or it can be branched directly from the ground to form a canopy of bushes. When shaping, the seedlings are dried at a height of 40 cm to 50 cm, and then the whole tree retains 4 to 6 main branches, with or without the central stem. Maintain a certain spacing between the main branches, the main branches are cut 40 cm to 60 cm per year, and then 2 to 3 sub-main branches are configured at appropriate intervals to expand the fruit surface.

After the tree shape is completed, only useless long branches, dense branches, drooping branches and dry dead branches are removed every year, and as many strong branches as possible are retained. Varieties that harvest autumn fruits mainly, because the fruit site is mostly in the middle and lower parts of the annual new shoots, the branches can be moderately shortened. The flower buds of summer fruit varieties are mostly planted on the top of the branches, and it is not advisable to shorten and strengthen the branches in winter, so as not to affect the yield. For fig trees with few branches or fruit sites that move outward year by year, they can be appropriately severed and shortened in winter to promote the development of new branches. Some branches can shear 2 to 3 leaf buds at the base.

Fig branches are loosely organized, the shear heals slowly, and after winter shearing, the branches under the shear are often dried up, affecting the growth of the shear buds. Therefore, where the large shear saw opening should be coated with wax or other protective agents, the twigs can be appropriately raised to the stubs.

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

Figs are less pest-free. Common causes of greater harm are mulberry cattle, root-knot nematodes and fruit anthrax. The prevention and control of mulberry cattle can refer to the apple part, and the poison stick is used to block. At present, the control of root-knot nematodes is mainly to avoid continuous cropping in old gardens and quarantine and disinfection of seedlings, and when conditions permit, the soil can also be disinfected. Fruit anthrax should be controlled by spraying 200 times lime multiple Bordeaux liquid or 75% Bacillus Qing 600 to 800 times liquid as early as possible before the onset of fruit in summer and autumn, and the safe interval between the latter application (the last application is 7 to 14 days from the harvest date).

How to grow figs? Introduction of key technologies and excellent varieties of fig cultivation I, fig efficacy II, environmental requirements III, cultivation technology IV, fertilizer and water management V, plastic pruning VI, pest control VII, excellent varieties

1. Purple buds. The fruit is flat and ovate, the flesh is bright red, the average single fruit weight is 58 grams, and the soluble solids content is 17.5%, which is an excellent variety of late ripening fresh food.

2, green morning. The fruit is oblong oval, the flesh is red, the average single fruit weight of autumn fruit is 61 grams, and the soluble solids content is 16.3%, which is an excellent variety of early ripening fresh food and processing.

3. Jin Early. The fruit is flat and round, the flesh is pale pink, the average single fruit weighs 60 grams, and the soluble solids content is 14.0%, which is an excellent variety of early ripening fresh food.

4. Bo ji red. The fruit is used in summer and autumn, mainly autumn fruits, the peel is bright, the average single fruit weight of autumn fruit is 60-90 grams, the maximum single fruit weight is 110 grams, the soluble solids content is 16%-20%, the quality is excellent, and it is an excellent variety of large red figs eaten fresh.

5. Jin Aofen. Summer and autumn fruits combined varieties, mainly autumn fruits, golden peel, pale yellow flesh, dense, single fruit weight 70-110 grams, maximum 160 grams, soluble solids 18%-20%, fresh food flavor is excellent. In terms of quality, it is extremely productive, relatively hardy, and an excellent variety of extra-large fruits for fresh food.

6. Branrick. Native to France. This variety has few summer fruits and is dominated by autumn fruits. The summer fruit is long inverted conical, greenish yellow when ripe, and the single fruit can reach 100 to 140 grams. Autumn fruit inverted conical or inverted ovate; generally a single fruit weighs 40 to 60 grams, the peel is green and yellow when ripe, the top of the fruit does not crack; the fruit is hollow, the flesh is pale pink; the soluble solids are more than 16%, and the flavor is sweet. (Author: Shi Jing)


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