
Li Qian's hometown

author:Li Chuan released

I walked in the nine wells and eighteen lanes of Hetang Village, Tanxi Township, Lichuan County, a thousand-year-old village, stepping on the barren grass that wrapped around my knees, looking for the core of the ancient house that had been tempered by time, smelling the long and eternal charm of the old well deep alley that had been soaked by the years, lest I disturb the original tranquility that lurked in it.

Li Qian's hometown
Li Qian's hometown

With admiration for the sages of the country, I came to The Ancient View of The Village of Hetang in Lichuan County, where Tai Bo Si continued to live. Standing in front of the archway of the "Memorial Hall of the Northern Song Dynasty Theorist Li Qian" in Hetang, reciting the eye-catching couplets on both sides of the gatehouse that read , " Sweeping the wind in all directions , the sun and purple qi are widely influenced by the emperor , and the night moon lights up the ancient Changming Jixing GaoZhao 's children and grandchildren " , making people think of thousands of thoughts, and the station of memory reproduces the elegant style of the handsome and simple, erudite, worried about the country and the people more than 900 years ago. At the "Baoben Ancestral Hall" in Hetang and at the "Chixi Fengyue Pavilion," Li Qian, who was extremely magnificent, gave lectures and debated on the pulpit, and the speaker's mouth was like a river hanging in the river, and the words were pearls, and the listener stared up intently and almost wanted to bow down. Year after year, night after night, in the old house of Hetang where the cold rain is lonely and the cold wind is bright, and in the Chixi Wind and Moon Pavilion, where "the morning wind sweeps the ground, and the night and the moon are the lights", the Si people have diligently studied and studied the expo, so that he has in-depth research and unique insights in the fields of philosophy, education, literature, and religion. It is such a "hungry and fieldless, cold and without mulberry." "The people of Yiwai Caolai have a strong idea of reform. It is precisely because he lives in the countryside of Hetang and lives among the poor that he has a close sense of the people and is familiar with the social reality and the demands of the people. Although he studied five cars, he failed in many scientific examinations, did not meet talents in his life, and had a bumpy career, regardless of the level of his title, he was full of enthusiasm and a strong sense of mission, reflected social reality through the way of writing books and sayings, and took the lead in issuing the cry of "the art of saving evil, no greater change" in the Song Dynasty, and put forward his own reform proposals. In the course of Fan Zhongyan's administration, Li Qian also constantly wrote letters to Fan Zhongyan, Fu Bi and other people who promoted the New Deal, putting forward his own suggestions and opinions, and people regarded him as a theoretical supporter of Fan Zhongyan's Qingli New Deal and a theoretical pioneer of the Reform of the Northern Song Dynasty. Fan Zhongyan said that he "wrote books and made speeches, had the style and righteousness of Meng Ke and Yang Xiong, and was really worthy of the people of the world." Wang Anshi, a generation of reformers and politicians, said with heartfelt admiration: "Li Taibo, Zeng Zi Guhaoshi, so-and-so and Na Yan", and also borrowed and absorbed many contents of Li Qian's reform thought in his own reform method. Zuo Zan, a famous scholar of the Ming Dynasty, called him "the famous Confucian of a generation and the teacher of later learning" without exaggeration. Hu Shi, a famous modern scholar, believes: "He is an extremely important representative of the Jiangxi School, the precursor of Wang Anshi, and a pioneering master of the philosophy of the Two Song Dynasties. Hu's high praise, later generations of scholars praised. In the past thousand years, Li Qian's theoretical views and philosophical ideas have become classics in the treasure house of Chinese national thought, and his reform and innovation, and his writings on "helping the people and the people are the intentions" have been called "the book of healing the country" by the Chinese people.

Li Qian's hometown

Lee's Family Temple

Li Qian's hometown

Lee Chan Memorial Hall

Li Qian's hometown

Interior view of the Li Qian Memorial Hall

The Li Ancestral Hall, which stands in front of you with an area of about 1,400 square meters, was rebuilt from the Li Ancestral Hall, which was built in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty and is now rebuilt in the 12th year of qing tongzhi (1874 AD), and has been rebuilt for more than 140 years. The two osmanthus trees in the front yard of the hall of the museum are thick and thick, and the leaves are full of green, although the flower season has passed, but the afterscent is stained, and the atmosphere is full of air. In the front hall of the museum, there is a plaque that has survived to this day, "Ancestors and Famous Descendants", telling us that Li Qian's profound knowledge nourished his descendants, and there were celebrities in the Li clan, and his great-grandchildren and brothers were all in the middle, and two of them were honored to the list of scholars. Li Maoyi of Hetang, the 6th grandson of Li Qian, inherited the career pursued by his ancestor Taibo all his life, traveled in all directions, gathered disciples to teach, and became a well-known folk educator. Hanging in the middle hall is a horizontal plaque "Chengjun Master Table" donated by friends during the Kangxi Dynasty, praising Li Qian's achievements in science, philosophy and education, and praising siren as a generation of masters and future generations. Another plaque hanging from the beam of the memorial hall, "Achievements in Shacheng", which was rebuilt in the second year of the Qing Dynasty (1876 AD), is a plaque given to the Li family temple by the people of ShaXian County, Fujian Province, in recognition of the outstanding contributions made by Li Rongsu, the 11th grandson of Li Qian, when he was an official in Sha County. Due to their age, these plaques are somewhat old, but the font is vigorous and the handwriting is clear. Underneath the tablets of Li Qian and his ancestors, a photo that has been slightly yellowed is particularly eye-catching, which is a precious photo of the "First National Seminar on Academic Thought of Li Qian" held in MaguShan, Nancheng County on November 29, 2002, and Mr. Li Shibai of Lichuan Hetang, as the 28th grandson of Li Qian, was invited to attend the meeting and took a group photo with experts and scholars. For more than a thousand years, the descendants of the Li clan in Hetang have always been proud of Li Qian and worked hard to be worthy of their ancestors.

Li Qian's hometown
Li Qian's hometown

Under the guidance of Li Zhenru, the 29th grandson of Li Qian and secretary of the party branch of Hetang Village, we walked on foot in the old street of Hetang where Li Qian once lived and lived. It was on this old street that the bright moonlight witnessed the historic meeting of two great thinkers, and a little-known legend left a long-lasting story for Chinese history and Li's descendants. Wang Anshi, who was called by Lenin as China's great reformer in the eleventh century, before he implemented the reform of the law, he took the opportunity to return to Linchuan Province to visit Brother Tai in Hetang Village, Lichuan County. A monument was erected by Lee's descendants to commemorate this historic meeting between Mr. Jiefu and Mr. Tabor. This monument was originally located near the county seat of Nian Phorin, but was destroyed during the "Cultural Revolution" and is now missing. With the change of the dynasty, the developed emigration of the descendants of the Li clan and the more than 400 families and more than 2,000 Li Yuanshi grandchildren who still adhere to the Li family's hometown to live in the newly built brick and tile buildings, the old street has slowly become cold and lonely. However, the nine wells are still there, except for a few eyes that have been silted up and sealed, most of them are still solid and watery, clear to the bottom; the eighteenth lane has also lost its former luster because of the passing of the years, but the barren grass reveals the simple and dignified and graceful atmosphere. In the face of the silent courtyard and the mottled wall tiles, we seem to travel through the tunnel of time and space, and we can simulate the figure of Li Qian walking through the nine wells and eighteen lanes in the past, and we can also imagine the old street's old bookish ink smelly bamboo shadow.

Flowing like water, more than a thousand years later, after the sun has just sunk into the mountains, accompanied by the sunset, the moon can't wait to hang above the river pond, the breeze under the moon li qian's hometown, today's prosperity and prosperity replace the past desolate and decadent. "Today's people do not see the ancient times and months, but this month has been like the ancients", just think, if Mr. Tabor had read these two poems, he would not only like them, but perhaps also take them as a footnote to his theoretical thought. Li Qianwan never imagined that these two poems would be used by his descendants to lament the passing of Shaohua and the imminence of the present in front of his former residence.

Source: Fengya Lichuan

Producer: Yao Zhiqiang

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