
The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

author:History is interesting

The TV series Qingping Le was a hit, and the Qingli New Deal implemented during the Renzong period led to tit-for-tat confrontation between the new and old rulers in the court, and the struggle was raging, and eventually the New Deal failed and the supporters were degraded. The Northern Song Dynasty had two major reforms, one for the Qingli New Deal led by Fan Zhongyan during the Reign of Emperor Renzong, and once for the Xining Reform led by Wang Anshi during the Reign of Emperor Shenzong, both of which ended in failure. Although both reforms failed for various reasons, there is one person we have to mention, who is more or less related to both reforms, and he is the Northern Song Dynasty thinker Li Qian.

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Stills from "Qing Ping Le"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li Qianqi</h1>

Li Qian was born in the second year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1009), that is, during the song Zhenzong period, the family was weak, and he called himself "The Small People of Nancheng". Since childhood, he is intelligent and studious, he knows the rhythm of sound and learns calligraphy at the age of five, he knows poetry at the age of ten, and he can write a good article at the age of twelve. Therefore, like other readers, I want to pass the examination, climb the career path, and do a career. However, he was repeatedly frustrated on the road to the advancement of Keju and failed to achieve his wishes. During the reign of Emperor Jingyou of Renzong, he walked to the capital city of Bieliang (汴梁, in modern Kaifeng, Henan) to seek a way forward, but to no avail. The following year, he participated in the township lift, also known as Luosun Mountain. In the first year of the Qing calendar (1041), Ying Maocai was different from other subjects, and there was a purpose to summon the examination. Li Qian entered Beijing, but was not selected. After suffering these blows, Li Qian had no intention of advancing, and lived in seclusion in Nancheng to write and establish a school in order to ensure the peace of the country and help the people, and founded Xujiang Academy in the third year of the Qing Calendar to teach students.

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Portrait of Lee

In the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, due to the trinity of big bureaucrats, large landlords, and big merchants, they united to wantonly annex the land of the vast number of peasants, squeezed the blood and sweat of the peasants with extreme cruelty, and the heavy enslavement made it impossible for the vast number of peasants to live, and they were forced to leave their homes, hungry and cold, stiff in the wild valley, and hungry all over the wilderness. On the basis of the financial management ideology and economic system of the "Zhou Li", Li Qian put forward a series of economic ideological propositions such as enriching the country and benefiting the people, leveling the land and equalizing the fields, and giving light labor to a small amount of money. In the second year of Emperor You (1050), Li Qian, who was over 40 years old, was recommended by Fan Zhongyan to try to be an assistant teacher of Taixue, and in the second year of Jiayou (1057), he was appointed as a Taixue storyteller. In the following year, he was transferred to the master of Tongzhou Haimen, still serving as the Taixue Shushu, Jiayou four years (1059) in charge of Taixue, died when he took a leave of absence to return home to bury his grandmother, at the age of 51.

Throughout his life, Li Qian was frustrated and impoverished, because he was far away from the officialdom, so that he could more directly observe the people's livelihood and the shortcomings of the current government than ordinary scholars, so he had a strong desire to reform to reverse the decline of the Song Dynasty. In order to save the Situation of "Accumulating Weakness and Poverty" in the Northern Song Dynasty and to ease class contradictions, Li Qian put forward the propositions of "rich country", "strong army", and "safe people", and wrote ten articles each of "Rich Country Policy", "Strong Army Policy", and "An Min Policy" to expound his own views and propositions. He not only participated in and supported Fan Zhongyan's "New Deal for celebrating the calendar", but also made philosophical and theoretical preparations for Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and his students Zeng Gong, Deng Runpu and others also became the right-hand men of The later Wang Anshi transformation. Li Qian's economic thought has had a profound impact on future generations, what are the advanced ideas of this reform pioneer in the economy?

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Fan Zhongyun Stills

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Li's economic thought</h1>

The value orientation of ancient thinkers almost always had two tendencies: to emphasize righteousness or to value profit. Successive generations of Confucians have been paranoid about righteousness and cheap profit in the relationship between righteousness and profit, and Li Qian believes that the relationship between "righteousness" and "profit" should be viewed comprehensively, and the two cannot be separated one-sidedly. He put forward the idea of both righteousness and profit, and the desire for profit can be spoken of, which embodies the viewpoint of unifying righteousness and profit and promoting both righteousness and profit. He believes that people's desire to pursue material wealth is natural, and the emergence of etiquette is precisely the social and economic activities carried out by people in order to satisfy this desire and seek wealth, and without economic development and people's prosperity, there will be no benevolence, righteousness, and moral indoctrination.

"Profitable? A: Man is not born without profit, but is it unspeakable? Want to talk? A: The love of the lustful man, the unspeakable? --"The Collection of Li Yuan"

About people's livelihood

Li Qian believes that the issue of people's food is the most important, which is related to the survival and rise and fall of the regime. He believes that raising the people is the inevitable duty of the monarch, and that the welfare of the people and the support of the people are the heads of the enlightened monarch's government and also a good policy for governing the country, and according to this, he put forward a series of rich measures and propositions for raising the people. For ancient societies with low levels of productivity, the core of raising people was to help the weak and the poor. Ancient China was founded on agriculture, and agricultural production was greatly affected by natural and natural factors, coupled with man-made disasters such as war, and the harvest of agriculture was difficult to predict. Li Qian believed that saints should sympathize with the people's poverty and support the people, and that grain reserves are related to the survival of the people and the stability of the country, and must attach great importance to it, advocating that the state should accumulate wealth in a planned way, reserve materials, and prevent difficulties caused by natural disasters. He also believed that the amount of tax collected by the government should be distinguished according to the difference between the harvest in the harvest of the good year and the fierce year, and the sick people should be treated in a timely manner.

"The food of the land is good for people!" The farmer has its time, the seed has its standing, but the unripe, the water and drought thieves. Although the calamity of floods and droughts is done by heaven, manpower is also within reach. "--Zizhi Tongjian"

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Li Qian

In addition to paying attention to the poor, Li Qian also did not forget to protect the property of the rich, and only when more and more people became rich, the country would become rich and strong. He believes that enriching the people is conducive to maintaining social order, and to solve the problems of people's livelihood, we must adopt a policy of "enriching the people"; the way to a rich country is not to expropriate and violently expropriate the people, but to make the people "not insufficient"; the basic requirement for rich people is to have enough food and use. Only when the people are enriched first, then can the country be rich and the monarch rich, and can we carry out indoctrination and make people have good morality.

In order to prevent the differentiation between the rich and the poor, Li Believe believes that it is necessary to achieve the effective allocation of land and population, the two productive resources. He advocated the restoration of the well field system to implement the "flat land" plan, that is, to achieve a balance between man and land according to the rational distribution of land according to the population, and after the land was leveled, everyone could cultivate and harvest on their own land, plant mulberry and raise silkworms, so that the cultivators could eat, the silkworms could be clothed, and people should do their best to feed themselves, so that people should do their best to feed themselves, so that those who are idle and do not do their own work should be attributed to the agricultural production industry. In this way, you can eat enough and warm, so as to avoid hunger and cold.

About banking

Based on the financial management ideas of the Zhou Li, the financial management system, and his own views on both righteousness and profit, Li Qian put forward his own proposition of managing wealth in view of the various shortcomings in the financial and economic aspects of the Northern Song Dynasty at that time. He believed that the main duty of the Ming Dynasty was to manage the wealth of the country and govern the government and the people. If the monarchs and subjects cannot bear the responsibility of managing the country's finances and governing the government for the sake of the people, but put the power of financial management in the hands of the merchants, who manipulate the market, accumulate wealth, exploit the peasants, and squeeze the people, it is dereliction of duty, the fate of the people's property, and the act of losing power and raising evil and going to good. To manage financial affairs for the country, we must first consider the interests of the people; the commodities sold in the market must be genuine, useful, practical, and affordable; it is not allowed to cheat, pit and deceive, and still less can counterfeit and shoddy products be used to defraud the people for profit; at the same time, the government must play a role in enabling the market to regulate goods and facilitate all the people. He advocated that the government implement the "law of peace and tranquility," in which the government should purchase grain, establish granaries, control the grain market, stabilize grain prices, ensure the supply of grain in the country in all seasons, and prevent rich businessmen and merchants from making huge profits from it and harming the interests of the people.

"Creatures of heaven, and not of their own use, of men; Man has wealth, but not autonomy, and he who governs is a king..." --Li Qianji

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Song Dynasty life

Li Qian's financial management thinking emphasizes macroeconomic regulation and control, reasonable budget revenue and expenditure and effective tax policies, he pointed out that the country needs financial management and should control the social economy through financial management, the government should intervene in the economy in a timely manner, intervene in the market, maintain market order, and also stabilize commodity prices by controlling currency. In terms of finances, the government should live within its means and take the people's own system, and it should establish a special system for collecting taxes on the people, so that it can be taken in a systematic way, taken in a way, and justified, and cannot be adjusted or changed at will.

About agribusiness

In ancient China, agriculture played a very important role in the development of the country, and the population engaged in agriculture also accounted for a large proportion of the people. In Li Qian's idea of change, "rich countries" and "strong roots" are an important part. The so-called "rich country" is actually a country's financial problem, that is, a question of whether the national treasury is sufficient; and the "strong foundation" is to vigorously develop agriculture. Only by vigorously developing agriculture can we truly enrich the country fundamentally, and only when the people live a good life and the people become rich can the country become rich.

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform


On the question of how to develop agriculture, Li Qian believes that the main reason why the country's agriculture is not developed is the problem of feudal land ownership. In the Song Dynasty at that time, due to the exploitation of the class annexing land, amassing wealth, and extorting and exploiting the vast number of peasants, the polar confrontation between the rich and the poor was caused, and the class contradictions became increasingly acute, and the polarization was very serious. While advocating equalizing the land, he believed that some people engaged in industry and commerce could return to agricultural production, and then implement the system of limited ownership of land, and the land price should not be too high, and the people should be able to bear it. In this way, land annexation can be prevented, the cultivators will have their own land, and the enthusiasm of the peasants will be greatly enhanced.

While affirming the agriculture-oriented, Li Qian also emphasizes the importance of commerce, which is positive about the social function of commerce. He believed that allowing merchants to buy and sell freely was conducive to promoting the circulation of commodities and the development of the commodity economy. In this way, the number of people doing business will increase accordingly, and the tax revenue will increase accordingly. Li Qian's attitude toward commerce is mainly considered from the perspective of enriching the country and benefiting the people; trade not only eliminates the drawbacks of monopoly of goods, but also increases the state's fiscal revenue, and the people can also buy high-quality commodities.

"It is not as appropriate today as all trade, and officials should not buy and sell, but listen to their own deeds." ⋯ ⋯ And if the merchants are in the market, their choices must be refined; ⋯ ⋯ Merchants will be taxed a lot" --"Li Yuanji"

Emphasizing that agriculture is the foundation of the founding of the country, and at the same time believing that commerce is equally important in the national economy and can play an irreplaceable and important role in agriculture, this is a major understanding of the relationship between agriculture and commerce.

The theoretical guidance of the New Deal of the Qing Calendar, the ideological source of Wang Anshi's transformation of the law, and the economic thought of Li Qian, a pioneer of economic reform

Song Dynasty commerce

In view of the current situation of poverty and weakness in the Northern Song Dynasty, Li Jian pointed out the shortcomings of the court, centered on the goal of enriching the country and the people, took the agricultural economic thinking as the core, highlighted the thinking of financial management and the thinking of people's livelihood, and built his rich economic ideological system. His thoughts have distinct characteristics, uniqueness and self-contained system, which have had an important impact on the socio-economic changes at that time, and played an important role in carrying forward the past and the future in the transition period, and even today it has certain reference significance.

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