
Lin Jianhong: Respect for the industry, respect for each job with sincerity and goodwill to feel the creation of life to gather a strong force

author:Creative Think

Author: Mo Minyu

Bring everyone together and condense them into a powerful source of enterprise power.

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Previously, Creative Electronics had a foothold in cities around the world, and in 2017 decided to set up an important base in Nanjing Jiangbei New Area to expand its business in China and help the development of chip city in the new district. The reason for this is that in addition to Nanjing's unique scientific and educational talent resources, it is also because Taiwan and Nanjing are close to each other and have a common culture.

In the past three years, Lin Jianhong has deeply felt the continuous improvement of functional supporting services in Jiangbei New Area, and has also benefited from the continuous innovation of the new area and the efforts of creating a high-quality business environment. This career maniac who integrates work into life imagines the future in this hot land, and is committed to integrating cross-strait workplace cultures to create an innovative family-style corporate culture.

In 2017, the Administrative Committee of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area signed an investment agreement with Taiwan Creative Electronics Co., Ltd., marking the official settlement of Taiwan's largest chip design and service enterprise in Jiangbei New Area. Creative Electronics has set up an integrated circuit design center in the Research and Innovation Park of Jiangbei New District, mainly engaged in advanced high-end technical services and the development of high-end chip design, aiming at the current hot technical direction of the industry to carry out R&D and production services, and closely integrated with TSMC's Nanjing project.

As the general manager of Creative Electronics (Nanjing) Company, Lin Jianhong held a lofty vision for a new career and came to Jiangbei New Area with a job transfer. When he first arrived, he was both excited and curious about history and culture.

In the face of new challenges, Lin Jianhong has become accustomed to the experience of starting from scratch. With a solid and excellent technology, he has worked hard in the integrated circuit industry for more than 20 years, breaking out of his own rules of behavior in the industry - treating each other sincerely, becoming friends with customers, and creating a win-win situation.

Lin Jianhong handles the relationship between work and daily life extremely naturally. "When the families of team members know each other well and get along like family, there is no need to polarize work and life, as if the two coexist," he said. ”

"In my opinion, a warm and intimate working atmosphere stimulates everyone's passion for work, thus achieving positive work efficiency."

After graduating from university, he worked as a volunteer for Taiwan Lifeline for two years, and his sincere and frank exchanges and contributions to himself can make Lin Jianhong learn patience and kindness. Nowadays, the work skills of settling down have become the most sought after industry by capital, and Lin Jianhong's starting point is still to be kind to people and build a bridge of communication between people with goodwill.

Lin Jianhong mingled with the young team, single-mindedly practicing the transmission of positive energy in the workplace, and breaking the inherent workplace model with a friend-like relationship. Compared with the cultural gap between the two sides of the strait and the boundary between life and work, Lin Jianhong has a bold idea for operating corporate culture.

Lin Jianhong spent three years to build a mainland team from scratch, and the core team in the plan has been preliminarily completed.

Ic design industry needs professional talent training, high manpower input costs, want to retain talents to stay in the enterprise, need a certain amount of effort to maintain and operate. In the early stage of forming a team, because the technology is more advanced, there is an extreme shortage of professional talents. At that time, the park had a wealth of experience in talent training, knew their difficulties, and actively assisted in solving the problem of brain drain.

"I think of my career as a goddess, and I want to succeed no matter what." Lin Jianhong joked.

The integrated circuit industry is a highly collaborative industry, in order to comply with the huge needs of the market, Lin Jianhong with more than 20 years of industry experience, accurately judge the needs of customer groups, while accumulating enterprise technological innovation, and actively promote business mass production.

Efficient and sincere, for the young team to win the recognition of customers. Lin Jianhong's idea of family-style corporate culture is also more firm. He is determined to create a different business operation model, the purpose is to bring everyone together and condense into a powerful source of enterprise power.

"Of course, my seemingly wayward idea is not suitable for startups," Lin Jianhong suggested, "the first priority of startups is to make a profit, and in order to ensure that the capital chain is sufficient, business operators need to be more thoughtful in terms of implementation." ”

Keeping up with the pace of the times and keeping pace with the times is a necessary condition for being an entrepreneur. Lin Jianhong encourages young people to identify a career, to deal with this career persistently and persistently, from which to hone their excellent skills and cultivate their ability to learn and solve problems, "respect the industry, respect every job, shape your work philosophy." ”

Lin Jianhong laughed and said that after the implementation of the family-style corporate culture, he can retire without regrets. The struggle of the blue wisps of the road will eventually show its grand plan.

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