
Carnegie: Smart women never force men to do things and no one likes to be forced

author:Little Old Yu

Gu Jia in "Thirty Only" is a perfect wife, generous and beautiful, with high emotional intelligence, she thinks that she has arranged everything properly, but she does not know that her husband, who has a repressed personality, has long been dissatisfied with her for a long time.

Carnegie: Smart women never force men to do things and no one likes to be forced

Her care and love became a compulsion in the eyes of her husband, and Xu Huanshan finally tore her face and yelled at her that she had no dignity in life, yes, self-esteem is a man's life.

Xu Huanshan will have an affair, also because he feels freedom and worship on Xiao San's side, making him feel like a man.

When you think it's "for his own good," the other person may not think so.

Carnegie, the master of emotional intelligence, has reminded women in this regard not to force your man to do things.

Carnegie: Smart women never force men to do things and no one likes to be forced

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > no one likes to be forced</h1>

Everyone has self-esteem, everyone loves freedom, no one likes to be forced, men are taught to be independent and strong, have higher self-esteem, and hate being forced even more.

This is talking about most men, there are always exceptions, and now there are men with more feminine characteristics.

Carnegie reminded women, "Never impose your opinion on others." Everyone needs to be respected.

All people will do things with their own ideas, and they will also think about problems in their own way of thinking.

Even advice is harsh in people's ears, let alone forced.

There is a type of marital problem where wives like to force their husbands to do what they think they should do, and when husbands rebel, contradictions arise.

Some men are like Xu Huanshan, their personalities are relatively weak, so they choose silence, but it is only a matter of time before they erupt.

When the other party reluctantly does it, it does not mean that he accepts it or agrees with you, just because he loves you very much.

Even if they think you're right, they resent your forcing him to do what you want.

So, how do you get the other person to act as you want? First of all, you must give up changing the other person's ideas, you can only guide him to do what you think, but you can't force him.

You can see reports that it would be better to do so, in a suggestive way, to make his own choice, or to make suggestions in a positive and encouraging way.

Carnegie: Smart women never force men to do things and no one likes to be forced

Your expression should be laid out in how it would be better to do it, not what he did wrong.

Even if you change yourself first, be more gentle with him, make the relationship more harmonious, and he has a sense of trust in you, then what you say will be more acceptable.

But if you meet someone who has a hole in your heart, even if you are tactful, as long as it is a negative opinion, he will not be able to accept it!

In fact, many things are not very important, you don't need to be so enthusiastic to remind him, if things do not have much impact, let him live the way he likes!

In order to reduce the pressure in the relationship, many wives are very entangled in the way their husbands hang their towels, how to squeeze toothpaste, and where to put their socks.

Everyone's habits are different, and if every little thing has to be done according to their own will, it will make the other party feel stressed.

Learn to live life with ease, many times we ourselves are not doing well, and we should not be too demanding of others.

After all, marriage is to get happiness, not to control each other, if the other party is very obedient, but the heart is full of resentment, what is the point?

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