
The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium

The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium
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On the morning of October 27, the 2021 World Industrial Internet Industry Conference was officially opened. With the theme of "Digital Wisdom And Integration, Four New Gatherings", experts from well-known think tanks, universities, research institutes and industry leading enterprise representatives gathered in Qingdao to share the latest cutting-edge trends of the industrial Internet and ask for directions on the future of the industrial Internet.

As the focus of attention, the parallel forum of the conference held on the afternoon of the 27th, "'5G + Industrial Internet' Home Appliance Industry National On-site Meeting", has attracted much attention. At the meeting, Haier's industrial Internet platform Kaosmoplat led the establishment of the industry's first "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium (hereinafter referred to as the "consortium") to explore a new path for 5G to help the transformation and upgrading of the home appliance industry.

The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium

The first in the industry, to create a new ecosystem

At present, 5G+ industrial Internet has become a national strategy. The state has given guidance on the 5G+ industrial Internet for three consecutive years: in November 2019, the "5G + Industrial Internet" 512 Project Promotion Plan was proposed; in December 2020, the "Industrial Internet Innovation and Development Action Plan (2021-2023)" was proposed; in July 2021, the "5G Application "Sail" Action Plan (2021-2023)" was proposed.

In the home appliance industry, although the "5G + industrial Internet" has been explored for a long time, some application scenarios still have problems such as "will not be used, dare not use, and cannot be used".

In this context, on the afternoon of October 27, the industry's first "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium was guided by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and Haier led the establishment of Huawei, ZTE, Hisense, Midea, and Gree.

The consortium will actively carry out in-depth cooperation in view of the common key technologies of the home appliance industry, create a win-win situation, and carry out the deep integration and innovative development of "5G + industrial Internet" technology in the home appliance industry.

The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium

Haier was able to lead the establishment of the consortium this time, thanks to its industrial Internet platform Kaoscomoplat actively exploring the "5G+ industrial Internet" innovative practice.

As the first of the "double span" platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Kaoscomoplat has helped Haier successfully build the world's first intelligent +5G connected factory and the world's first 5g+ intelligent manufacturing fully connected industrial park, providing useful experience for the digital and intelligent development of advanced manufacturing at home and abroad.

With the help of Kaoscomoplat, the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium will uphold the national guidance requirements for 5G + industrial Internet, by deepening the application research of 5G key technologies in the home appliance industry, creating a 5G intranet application template for the home appliance industry, using a new generation of information technology such as 5G, helping enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency, and finally realizing the effective combination of 5G and the home appliance industry, realizing the cooperation and sharing of 5G and the upstream and downstream of the home appliance industry chain, and creating terminal manufacturers, integrators, Enterprise users and others jointly build and share a new ecosystem.

The innovative practice of "5G + Industrial Internet" has been reaffirmed

It is worth mentioning that during the World Industrial Internet Industry Conference, on the morning of the 27th, the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry national on-site observation activity was also successfully held.

At the Haier Industrial Intelligence Research Institute and the Haier Sino-German Drum Interconnection Factory, the delegation learned in detail about the innovative practice of Kaoscosmoplat in the field of "5G + Industrial Internet". Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Wang Peng, deputy director of the Information and Communication Administration, Wang Jianwei, deputy director of the Department of Information Technology Development, and other expert leaders spoke highly of Kaoscosmoplat.

Deeply rooted in the field of "5G + industrial Internet" for many years, Kaos cosmoplat focused on 10 major application scenarios and launched 26 scene applications. Taking the Sino-German Smart Park as a model, Kaoscomoplat has landed 17 scene applications in Haier's Sino-German drum interconnection factory, 13 scene applications in Haier's central air conditioning interconnection factory, and 12 scene applications in Haier's Sino-German refrigerator interconnection factory.

For the home appliance manufacturing industry, Kaoscomoplat also incubated the first industrial Internet "5G + edge computing" public service platform to achieve production optimization, quality inspection, collaborative production, flexible manufacturing and other edge network application innovations, helping enterprises reduce production and operating costs and achieve digital transformation and upgrading.

Won the grand prize and led the 5G+ advanced manufacturing new track

Based on the innovative exploration in the field of "5G + Industrial Internet", at this conference, Kaos cosmoplat received a number of honors.

At the award ceremony of the 4th "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Contest Advanced Manufacturing Thematic Competition on October 27, the "5G Scene Solution and Application Based on Advanced Manufacturing Field" project declared by Caoos Cosmoplat stood out from 767 entries and won the first prize of the special competition, leading the new 5G+ advanced manufacturing track.

The "Bloom Cup" 5G Application Solicitation Contest is a national competition in the field of 5G sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and has been held for three consecutive years since 2018. With the theme of "5G Empowerment and Intelligent Future", this advanced manufacturing special competition actively explores the application of 5G scenarios.

The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium

In addition, The application practice of "5G + Industrial Internet" of Caoos cosmoplat was also selected as a 5G case set in Shandong. It has been recognized by industry authorities, confirming that Caoos Cosmoplat continues to lead the new track of 5G+ advanced manufacturing.

At present, it is the key year for the in-depth application and large-scale development of 5G. Kaos cosmoplat will play a leading role in the leading platform, focus on common problems in the industry, accelerate the integration of new technologies and industries such as 5G, and empower the construction of manufacturing power and network power.

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Curated/Pippi Hai

The copyright belongs to Haier Group, please indicate the source when reprinting

The first in the industry! Kaos led the establishment of the "5G + Industrial Internet" home appliance industry innovation consortium

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