
Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

author:Health 24H

Can't sleep at noon, sleep badly at night, plus a busy day, even if you fight against the Buddha, you will become a wolf. Insomnia is abhorrent, but you don't want to take medicine, so what to do? Diet, of course! This can not only satisfy the appetite of foodies, but also treat insomnia, killing two birds with one stone, why not enjoy it? Today Xiaobian will share with you several foods for the treatment of insomnia!

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Xiaobian believes that the following formulas can be divided into simple version and deluxe version, and everyone can choose according to their own time, energy, taste and other factors.

Simple Diet:

1, a tablespoon of vinegar, pour into a cup of cold boiled water to drink, can hypnotize sleep and sleep sweetly.

2. When it is difficult to fall asleep due to irritability and anger, drink a cup of sugar water. Fructose can be converted into a large amount of serotonin in the body, replenishing the brain in time, so that the cerebral cortex is inhibited and enters a sleep state, which is more effective for the diet treatment of insomnia and dreams. 

3, eat an apple before going to bed. Or put a peeled or cut citrus on the bedside table and let the insomniac person inhale its aromatic scent, which can calm the central nervous system and help them fall asleep. (However, the editor only wants to eat oranges when he smells the fragrance...) )

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

4, millet is slightly cold, sweet taste, can stomach sleep. Porridge is cooked with millet, and dietary treatments that help insomnia and dreams are taken before going to bed, and it is easy to fall asleep peacefully.

5. People who often have insomnia, use lotus seeds, longan, lilies with rice (corn) to boil porridge, which has the effect of making people fall asleep.   

6. Insomnia patients with neurasthenia can take a tablespoon of lettuce slurry and dissolve it in a cup of water. Because this milky juice has a calming and calming function, it has a certain hypnotic effect.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Deluxe Edition Diet:

Ingredients: 20 g of jujube, 7 white shallots.

Directions: Wash the dates, soak them in water for 5 days, wash the shallots and set aside. Put the dates in a pot, add water to a boil for about 20 minutes, add the white onion, and continue to fry over low heat for 10 minutes.

How to eat: Eat dates and drink soup when taking.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Ingredients: 30 g of sour date kernels, 100 g of japonica rice.

Method: First wash and mash 30 grams of sour jujube kernels, fry the juice, then take 100 grams of japonica rice to cook the porridge, and when the porridge is half cooked, the decoction juice will be mixed with the same boil, and the porridge will be lightly eaten.

How to eat: Take a warm meal every night before going to bed. This porridge is commonly used for various insomnias, regardless of the course of the disease, it has a certain effect.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Ingredients: 60 g of wheat, 14 jujubes, 7 cinnamon meat shelled cores.

Directions: Wash the wheat, jujube and cinnamon and boil it with water, and eat it once or twice a day after the jujube is ripe.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Ingredients: 10 g of schisandra, 100 g of glutinous rice flour.

Directions: Crush the Schisandra into powder and sift it for later, 10 grams at a time, then use 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, add the powder to mix well after fermentation, and steam it on the basket.

How to eat: Take food while hot before bedtime, once a day. For patients with sperm and dreams, palpitations and insomnia, it can receive a comprehensive double-tone effect.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

Ingredients: 50 grams of jade bamboo, 500 grams of pork hearts, ginger, green onion, salt, peppercorns, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil.

Method: Cut the jade bamboo into knots, moisten it with water, boil it twice, collect about 1500 grams of liquid medicine, break the heart of the pig, put it in the same pot with the liquid medicine, ginger, peppercorns and green onions, cook on the fire until it is six ripe, and remove it slightly in the sun. Put the pork hearts in the pot, cook them over low heat, add an appropriate amount of soup to the pot, add salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and sesame oil, boil into a thick juice, and spread it evenly on the inside and outside of the pig heart.

Insomniacs, must know these foods! 1, shallot jujube soup 2, sour jujube kernel porridge 3, jujube wheat guiyuan soup 4, schisandra cake 5, jade bamboo heart seeds

  There is a saying in "Zhuangzi" that "he does not dream, but he feels worry-free." I hope that everyone can enjoy the food before going to bed, temporarily put aside the small worries and major troubles of life, see Zhou Gong in three minutes, and dreamlessly until dawn.

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