
It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

author:Silence becomes poetry
It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

It is about to be the New Year, the New Year can not be separated from dumplings, wrapping dumplings to eat dumplings is a custom that has been inherited, and it has been around since ancient times. From the ancient "flat food" to today's "dumplings", there have been different names, but it has always been a popular food, and eventually became a must-eat food for people every New Year's Festival.

The New Year is in the cold winter, what kind of stuffed dumplings are the most suitable? Naturally it's lamb stuffing. Lamb is warm and nourishing, especially suitable for winter consumption. In addition to shabu lamb, the best way to make lamb is to make dumplings. The vegetables with lamb are carrots, green onions and cabbage, the sweetness of carrots, the fresh flavor of green onions, and the delicious taste of cabbage.

Lamb stuffed dumplings, to be juicy and fragrant, you need some small skills. Delicious lamb stuffed dumplings, must be a mouthful of fresh soup gushing out, the deliciousness of the lamb fills the mouth, let people forget the original fishy atmosphere of the lamb.

In the New Year countdown, teach everyone how to adjust the lamb stuffed dumplings, as well as teach everyone a beautiful dumpling skin, collect it and keep it.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Lamb cabbage stuffed with colorful dumplings


Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

Dumpling filling ingredients: 500 grams of lamb, 200 grams of cabbage, 1 green onion, 1 pinch of peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 egg, 3-4 tablespoons of peanut oil, 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil, salt to taste.

Dumpling skin ingredients: flour, purple potato flour, warm water.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 2: Let's talk about how the stuffing is prepared, and then we'll talk about the dumpling skin. If the lamb stuffing wants to be fishy, peppercorns are necessary. If the lamb you buy is not watered, then use peppercorns and water to boil for a while, boil into pepper water, pepper water to cool and then beat into the meat filling, both to remove the taste of the lamb also makes the lamb stuffing more tender and juicy; if the bought lamb is watered, then bake the peppercorns without oil on a small fire, and then use a rolling pin to roll it into a fine powder. Also, heat the peanut oil to a ripening oil and let it cool and set aside.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 3: Add 1 egg to the lamb filling, add salt, peppercorns and soy sauce.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 4: Mix well with chopsticks, then add cooked peanut oil, mix well, marinate and set aside. After that, chop the shallots and chop the cabbage.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 5: Don't put too few green onions, a green onion is very suitable, put the chopped green onions and chopped cabbage into the lamb filling. Do not squeeze out the water in the cabbage, so that the dumpling filling is more delicious and juicy, and the cabbage nutrition will not be lost.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 6: Add an appropriate amount of sesame oil, mix the lamb with chopped green onion and chopped cabbage, and the lamb cabbage filling will be prepared.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 7: Let's move on to the dumpling skin. Usually, the dumpling noodles are reconciled before the filling is chopped and loose for use. Here you need two doughs, one is white dough, all flour and into, the other is purple dough, is flour plus purple potato flour and into, the softness of the two doughs should be moderate and the softness and hardness of the two doughs should be consistent.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 8: After the dough is loosened, divide the white dough into two doughs of the same size, take one of them, knead the long strips, and then cut into several slender strips, and the purple dough is all cut into thin strips, as shown in the figure.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 9: Roll out another white dough into a round dough, and place the white and purple dough from the previous step at color intervals on top, as shown in the figure.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 10: Roll up the dough and pinch the interface tightly.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 11: Knead the rolled dough into a long circle on the board and cut it into small pieces, at this time, you see, is its cut surface beautiful?

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 12: Sprinkle a little dry flour on the cut small agent to prevent stickiness, and press flat one by one to facilitate rolling out the skin.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 13: Roll out the dumpling skins one by one. When rolling out the dumpling skin, sprinkle some dry flour on the bottom surface that comes into contact with the board.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Step 14: Wrap the dumplings separately and cook them. The lamb filling shrinks when it is heated, so the filling should be larger when wrapped.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

Finished product: cooked lamb cabbage dumplings, delicious and fragrant, a bite is definitely a mouthful of soup, eating more than addictive.

It's the New Year, lamb dumplings can not be less, so the filling is tender and juicy, tasteless, especially delicious

A few words:

1, whether the lamb stuffing is watered or not, it depends on whether the lamb is filled with water. Giving lamb stuffing fishy, or pepper water or pepper powder, is also related to the quality of lamb.

2, add an egg to the lamb filling, use the egg white to tender the lamb, do not omit.

3, lamb cabbage stuffed dumplings, lamb to more, cabbage to less, so, cabbage do not squeeze water, nutrition can be retained. And when the stuffing is mixed, the lamb is marinated into the flavor of the oil sealed salt, the salt will not be in contact with the cabbage, so the lamb stuffing is not visible moisture, but it will be tender and juicy to eat, a bite of soup.

4, the practice of dumpling skin, you can give an example, all kinds of colors can be. I used purple potato flour, and if I didn't, I used purple potato puree instead.

This graphic work is a silent original poem, it is strictly forbidden to carry and steal pictures from the media, and the author reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

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