
Food recommendation: Pot roast chicken, desert roast lamb chops, Thai cold mix beef winter noodles preparation method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Pot roast chicken, desert roast lamb chops, Thai cold mix beef winter noodles preparation method

Pot roast chicken

Ingredients: Chicken, broth, green onion, ginger pieces, garlic slices, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, peppercorns, large ingredients, egg whites, dough powder, oil, pepper noodles.


The chicken is picked and washed, put in the pot to add broth, add segments, ginger pieces, garlic slices, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, peppercorns, large ingredients, cook and boneless, and then hang the paste synthesized from egg white dough powder, fry yellow, fish out and chop 1 inch long or strips into the dish, sprinkle with pepper noodles and serve.

Food recommendation: Pot roast chicken, desert roast lamb chops, Thai cold mix beef winter noodles preparation method

Desert grilled lamb chops

Ingredients: About 1500 grams of lamb in whole rows (whole lambs with a growing period within one year).

Seasoning: 250 grams of milk (adding milk can increase the fresh flavor of lamb), salt 15 grams, white wine 50 grams, pepper 10 grams. Peppercorns, green onions and ginger to taste, secret sauce 75 grams.


1, lamb chops fly water to fishy, into the soup pot with onion ginger, pepper simmer for 1 hour, add salt, white wine, pepper, milk stew rotten, out of the pot to change the knife for later.

2: Heat the oven (180 degrees Celsius, 220 degrees) Bake the lamb chops for 10 minutes, take out the brush sauce, bake for 5 minutes, brush the sauce again for 5 minutes, until the lamb chops are crispy in the skin and red in color sauce.

Secret Sauce:

5 bottles of Bohu spicy sauce (about 1000 grams), 1000 grams of minced peppercorns, 500 grams of sesame seeds, 250 grams of fine chili noodles, 1500 grams of minced garlic, 500 grams of cumin, 1 bottle of peanut butter (about 200 grams), 1 bottle of maltose (about 200 grams), add salad oil and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

Food recommendation: Pot roast chicken, desert roast lamb chops, Thai cold mix beef winter noodles preparation method

Thai cold mix beef winter noodles

Ingredients: 50 grams of winter flour, 80 grams of beef slices, onion, cherry tomato, coriander, green onion, pepper, Thai cold sauce

1: Soak the winter flour in water until soft, then boil in boiling water for about 3 minutes until cooked, remove and let cool.

2: Fry the beef and dice it, slice the cherry tomatoes, and shred the onion, green onion and chili pepper. Mix all ingredients and seasonings well.

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