
Fast & Furious 7 Goodbye, Paul!

author:Peach Taotao Movie

Director: Wen Ziren

Writers: Chris Morgan / Gary Scott Thompson

Starring: Van Diesel / Paul Walker / Jason Statham / Michel Rodriguez / Jordana Brewster

Genre: Action / Thriller / Crime

Country/Region of Production: United States / Japan

Language: English

Release: 2015-04-12

Let's make a small preview to welcome this hottest film in April. The students of the Peach Translation Team are also full of fire, and will bring a series of articles in the near future to introduce the popular "Fast and Furious 7" from all aspects.

(Friendly reminder, there may be spoilers below, please be careful)

Although the popularity of "Fast and Furious 7" has long been expected, it is still a bit surprising that it can be so popular on the opening day. I booked my ticket online almost a few days ago, and at that time there was only a corner left. Today to go to the scene, it is even more crowded. It is said that this film has already received more than 300 million box office (some say 400 million) on the first day of release in the mainland, in short, it broke various box office records, and sure enough, everyone was broken.

This series can be a big seller, in addition to the popularity accumulated by the previous films, the unexpected death of the male protagonist of this film, Paul Walker, should also be one of the important reasons. In fact, before the film was released, I had envisioned many ways to say goodbye to Paul Walker in the film. But I have to admit that this farewell designed by Wen Ziren and the creators is the warmest and most appropriate. It was not very tragic, nor was it deliberately sensationalized, but only a farewell, a very warm farewell. No matter what happened to Paul in reality, Brian in the movie is a perfect ending, living happily with his wife and children all the way. It was the only gift that the film could give him, and it was also the best remembrance.

At the same time, I have to feel the magic of movies, the magic of retaining time and memory. When I watch it, I can't help but think that the person who is alive on the big screen, the person who has survived all kinds of risks and pursuits, has actually left us, and has left forever. Even if he is still so alive on the big screen.

And when the ending song sounds, a series of montage shots of memories become the brilliant passages of the film. Even I couldn't help but cry. After all, it's time to say goodbye...

If you put Paul Walker aside for a while and only evaluate from the film itself, in fact, "Fast and Furious 7" is not as good as expected. Of course, there are still good places (such as car skydiving, flying cars through buildings...) ), just, always feel a bad breath. If you only rely on personal perception evaluation, it is probably 5 > vegetarian chicken 7> vegetarian chicken 6. The fifth part is still the peak of the series, and it is cool and cool for no reason.

"Fast and Furious 7" is Wen Ziren's first time to direct a blockbuster, as a horror film director, he has had too many wonderful works (Chainsaw Horror, Conjuring, Lurking), and is also one of the best young horror directors in Hollywood in recent years. However, his action blockbuster this time can only be regarded as a pass. The scene is very hot, and there are many money-burning passages, including the plot setting, which is not so gripping (it is not excluded that it is due to the temporary revision of the script due to the death of Paul). However, the excitement brought about by the large amount of destruction and explosion in the film is not as good as expected. The hot is hot, but it is not very enjoyable, almost 5 like the excitement.

Even, this scene of really fighting speed and chasing is not so prominent (perhaps, that is what Lin Yibin likes to do more), when watching, some paragraphs will even make people feel a little tired and a little tired.

Fast & Furious 7 Goodbye, Paul!

In the end, this one will probably only be able to show luxury cars, show explosions, and show bald heads...

And, of course, Paul.

The montage of drag racing and memories at the end also brings us back to the good memories we once had, to remember the paul Walker moments. He and Van Diesel, the brothers, finally parted ways at the last moment and have gone their separate ways ever since...

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