
Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

author:Bar Haw Society

After the founding of New China, Xiao Hua became the "fragrant food" in the eyes of Liu Yalou and Luo Ronghuan, and everyone wanted to take him to work around.

Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

In July 1949, Liu Yalou received an important task from Chairman Mao, responsible for the formation of the Air Force, and the leading members of the Air Force asked him to order his own generals. After receiving the task, he went to Xiao Hua's residence and said to Xiao Hua: The Central Military Commission asked me to propose a list of the main leading members of the Air Force, and I transferred you to the Central Military Commission to work in the Air Force and become a political commissar.

Why did Liu Yalou find Xiao Hua? There are two reasons for this.

Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

First, after the Northeast Field Army was reorganized into Siye, Xiao Hua was transferred to the political commissar of the 13th Corps, but before he took office, he was called by Chairman Mao to lead a youth delegation to attend the World Youth Festival, and his post was replaced by Mo Wenhua. At this time, Xiao Hua had no military position.

Second, Xiao Hua and Liu Yalou were partners during the Red Army period, Liu Yalou served as the commander of the Red 2nd Division, and Xiao Hua served as the political commissar. Moreover, during the Liberation War, they fought side by side in the northeast for many years.

Xiao Hua knows Liu Yalou very well, he works seriously and has strong ability, the only drawback is that he has a big temper and is domineering, which is not conducive to unity. Liu Yalou also knew his shortcomings and told Xiao Hua that he must change it. Finally, Liu Yalou was promised to serve as the political commissar of the Air Force.

Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

In October 1949, the Air Force Command was established, with Liu Yalou as commander, Xiao Hua as political commissar, and Wang Bingzhang as chief of staff, which was the earliest leadership team of the Air Force.

In 1950, Xiao Hua was surprised to receive an order from his superiors to serve as deputy director of the General Political Department. It turned out to be the suggestion of the old chief Luo Ronghuan.

Luo Ronghuan has been in poor health since the war years, and after the founding of New China, he held several positions, serving as the chief procurator of the Supreme Procuratorial Office, the director of the General Political Department, and also responsible for preparing for the establishment of the General Cadre Department.

He proposed to Chairman Mao that a young cadre was needed as his deputy, and Chairman Mao asked him: Which one do you like?

Luo Ronghuan said: Xiao Hua.

At this time, Chairman Mao said: Xiao Hua is very suitable, and he has just arrived in the Air Force to take up his post. After the commander, Chairman Mao still agreed to transfer Xiao Hua to work in the General Political Department.

Compared with the General Political Department in charge of the whole army, the political work of the Air Force is one partial and the other is the overall situation.

From the red army period, Luo Ronghuan and Xiao Hua were superior-subordinate relations. When Luo Ronghuan was the political commissar and director of the political department of the Red First Army, Xiao Hua was the political commissar of the division.

Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Luo Ronghuan led his troops to Shandong to open up base areas and establish the Shandong Military Region, and the director of the Political Department of the 115th Division and the director of the Political Department of the Shandong Military Region assisted Luo Ronghuan in his work for three or four years.

During the Liberation War, although they did not work together, they both worked in the northeast. Xiao Hua made great achievements in the South Manchuria Military Region, and at that time, in the areas where the Kuomintang focused on attacking, the troops of the South Manchuria Military Region had difficulty surviving; under the leadership of him, Xiao Jinguang, Chen Yun, and others, the South Manchuria Military Region persisted in South Manchuria, dragging the enemy to death, and creating one record after another for annihilating the enemy.

At that time, Xiao Hua was only 34 years old, young and powerful, with outstanding ability, and it was most suitable to be his deputy.

Can Xiao Hua transfer away from Liu Yalou?

In terms of mood, Liu Yalou was unwilling, because he transferred Xiao Hua to work in the Air Force, and the work of the Air Force has just begun, and there is the greatest shortage of political work cadres.

Liu Yalou asked him to be a partner in the Air Force, and half a year later, Luo Ronghuan asked Chairman Mao to name him as his deputy, so why did Luo Ronghuan look up to Xiao Hua?

Proceeding from the actual situation, Liu Yalou agreed. Luo Ronghuan was his old chief, and he knew each other about the war in the northeast for more than three years. Liu Yalou was able to return to the Northeast Army as chief of staff, and it was inseparable from Luo Ronghuan's help.

At that time, Liu Yalou was in charge of the coordination of the Chinese and Soviet armies in Dalian, and he learned that Luo Ronghuan was treated in Dalian and hoped to return to the old troops. After Luo Ronghuan reported the situation to the Northeast Bureau, Liu Yalou returned to the army.

Luo Ronghuan is a person with a great public heart, never counting individuals, and is bent on revolution, Liu Yalou fully understands. The political work of the Air Force is insignificant compared with the political work of the whole army.

In the end, Xiao Hua left the Air Force and took up the leadership position of deputy director of the General Political Department, assisting Luo Ronghuan in handling a lot of work.

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