
Memories of Liu Shaoqi's Trip to Lunan (Wang Liusheng)

author:Lanling centennial memory

In 1942, Liu Shaoqi set out from northern Jiangsu and arrived at the Shandong Branch of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the 115th Division in late March, the coastal anti-Japanese base area. Lived here for 4 months, checking and guiding work. In July, I left Lu for Yan'an, passing through Lunan, when I was teaching the 2nd Brigade and the 5th Regiment as the political commissar. The task entrusted to us by our superiors was to pick up Shaoqi from the coast and then escort him to Xiaobeizhuang in the Zaozhuang area, where he would be picked up and dropped off by the railway guerrillas. Although the whole transfer process was only 5 days and 5 nights, it left a very deep impression on me.


When I went to pick up Shaoqi, it was one night in late July. I took a battalion with me to the pre-designated joint. From the shadow of the lamp, I saw Shaoqi's long figure, clean face, and kind eyes full of radiance. He wears a gray mountain suit and a pair of coarse cloth shoes. Speaking, easy to understand, amiable attitude. Because it was the first time we met, and the task was urgent, we only said a few words and went on the road. That night, it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, and the sky was covered with dark clouds and drizzling rain. When we reached the area of Linyi Mountain, the road was muddy. Because this is all clay soil, there has always been a saying that "dry as iron, wet as a swim bladder, not dry and not wet can not be cut off", we have to spend a lot of effort every step forward. It was originally planned to walk out of the enemy-occupied area before dawn and rest in Milongwang in Bianlian County, Lunan Guerrilla Zone. I was very anxious in my heart, and some comrades couldn't stand it, so they muttered, "How did you do it?" I haven't gone out for half a day!"" What should I do if I am discovered by the enemy when it is almost dawn?

At this time, Shao Qi was standing under a tree, as if he was thinking about something, when he heard someone complaining about the guide, he walked slowly and said to everyone, "Don't complain, he is also in a hurry!" Let's not disturb him and let him think calmly. Then, he turned to the side and said gently to the guide, "If you think about this area very well, you will find the way." If there is a star at night, we only need to look at the position of the Big Dipper, and the direction is clear. In a situation like today, we have a way. Did you pay attention? All the main rooms are sitting north facing south. You can also distinguish the direction through the surrounding trees, and if you touch it with your hand, you will have a feeling: the sunny side grows rough, and the back yang side is smoother. The rough side is the south, and the smooth side is the north. ”

Shao Qi's words stabilized everyone's emotions, and even the guide's tight brow slowly relaxed. The team came to the three forks of the road, we finally identified the direction, and successfully arrived at the predetermined location Ofong wang.

After breakfast, we rested. Shao Qi suddenly asked during the conversation: "Comrade Liusheng, you often move around this area, do you know why this Zhuang is called Milong Wang?" I smiled and replied, "There's a story to tell!" Legend has it that during the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor came down to Jiangnan and came to this place in a palanquin. The sky was foggy, nothing could be seen, and the Qianlong Emperor and the people carrying the car were lost. Therefore, he named this place Milong Wang. After listening, Comrade Shaoqi said thoughtfully: "The emperors and generals of all generations have regarded themselves as Zhuge Liang and the masses as Ah Dou, so they must lose their way and take the wrong path." Our party has always regarded the masses of the people as the masters of history and has a bearing in the hearts and minds of the masses of the people, so the road is getting wider and wider. Comrade Shaoqi's philosophical language has greatly inspired us.


The next day, the rain passed. After breakfast, we left the Dragon King. The midsummer sun was shining fiercely, and before long, people were breathless and sweating. Along the way, Shaoqi walked steadily with open arms, I was afraid that he was tired, and repeatedly advised him to ride on the mule to hurry, he always used that simple sentence to answer: "I also have two legs, why can't I go with you!" Didn't the Red Army's Long March of twenty-five thousand also be completed on two legs?" Comrade Shaoqi's words made us convinced and convinced.

In order to let Shaoqi get a full rest, after arriving in Buyang, I sent someone to Shangyangou West Village, 18 miles away, to borrow a rattan recliner from an enlightened gentleman named Chen Yushan, and gave it to Shaoqi. After Shao Qi learned the origin of this recliner, he said to me very seriously: "Comrade Liusheng, I am not here to be a guest, why do you treat me like this?" You must know that we Communists are not officials, but servants of the people. I nodded, "Accept the criticism, and don't do it again next time." "Next time? Don't wait for next time!" As he spoke, he gently moved the recliner to the side, moved a bench by the way, pulled me up and sat down, and talked about my heart.


On the third day, we still lived in Buyang. Remember that it was still a sunny day. Shao Qi got up at dawn as usual. I followed him to the head of the village to look around, then back to the village and wandered down the street. Whether it was the slogan on the wall or the grass and trees on the ground, he carefully observed. Suddenly, he saw the washing water flowing out of the courtyard of a common people, so he leaned down, picked up some vegetable leaves from the sewage, looked at it, sniffed it, and then said heavily: "The year is not good here, the people live by eating wild vegetables, the people can't eat, we have a responsibility!" Comrade Liusheng should put himself in the shoes of the masses of the people and think about it and tide over the difficulties with them. ”

Breakfast was done, and the cooker came to call Shaoqi to dinner. Before we could enter the house, we smelled the smell of oil cake. When Shao Qi entered the house, there were three steaming oil cakes on the table, and he kindly said to the cook, "I understand your intentions." However, I can't take special care of my life, this area is mountainous, and the life of ordinary people is very hard. I have already learned that our troops eat small rice, and compared with the common people, there is a certain distance. If you tell me to eat a small stove, I will be even more detached from the masses. Saying, Shao Qi picked up the pumpkin and small rice and took a big bite to eat.


On the third night of our arrival in Buyang, Shaoqi asked me to talk about the situation. I truthfully reported on the situation in lunan, party, government, and army, and focused on reporting that since 1941, the enemy and the hypocrites stubbornly attacked Lunan, making the Lunan base area smaller and smaller, and there was a situation in which "east and west are tied together, and one shot is fired from north to south," and the report continued until late at night. In the end, Shaoqi told his own views based on my report and the situation observed along the way. He said: The party and people in Lunan have made contributions to the war of resistance, the difficulties are temporary, and the problem is that they do not have enough understanding of the implementation of rent and interest reductions, are powerless to grasp the work, stay at the meeting, and lack specific measures. The one-sided emphasis on the united front did not dare to touch the interests of the landlord class, thus affecting the anti-Japanese sentiment of the masses. After clarifying the essence of the problem, Shaoqi enthusiastically encouraged us to use struggle to win victories and change the passive situation into an active situation.


The fifth day, that is, the last day we escorted Shaoqi. Before leaving, Liu Qingru, the county magistrate of Bianlian County, held a yellow blanket in both hands and hurriedly came running, claiming that he would return it to Comrade Shaoqi. He told us what happened.

It was still the night that Shaoqi came to Buyang, and in order to strengthen their vigilance, they decided to let the county brigade participate in the security work. Liu Qingru was very familiar with the terrain of this area, so he took the county brigade to participate in this work. Liu Qingru joined the party in 1935, and after years of accumulating fatigue and suffering from arthritis, the comrades unanimously decided to let him only stand on the white post and not let him stand on the night post. However, Liu Qing had to insist on standing guard at night. I don't know which one came up with the idea to let him stand guard at night in the courtyard where Shao Qi lived, and Liu Qingru didn't close his eyes for two whole nights. On the third night, under the "compulsion" of his comrades, he took off a door panel, built a temporary bed under the big tree in the courtyard, and laid his coat up, and he fell asleep unconsciously. When he woke up, he found an extra yellow blanket on his body. He was very puzzled, and when he asked the guards, he knew that Shaoqi had covered him at night.

Liu Qingru came to Shaoqi's temporary office with great excitement. As soon as Shao Qi saw the yellow blanket, he understood the intention, patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said, "You keep it!" After that, the weather gradually cooled down, and it would be used to fight guerrillas on the mountain. ”

Liu Qingru looked at Shao Qi's kind face, and then looked at the yellow blanket in his hand, so excited that he couldn't say a word. Is this an ordinary blanket? No! It is a symbol of the deep revolutionary friendship between Shaoqi and us!

(Compiled by Li Yichang)

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