
Select several cold dishes such as sea pie side dishes, three-color abalone shreds, crab willow broccoli, mixed with three fresh dishes and so on

author:Pony food diagram

Four seafood cold dishes to prepare, see which one will get into your eyes.

Sea pie side dishes

Select several cold dishes such as sea pie side dishes, three-color abalone shreds, crab willow broccoli, mixed with three fresh dishes and so on

1. Slaughter and wash the squid and cut into small pieces. Wash the shrimp and cut the crab fillet into small pieces. Wash the broccoli, make small pieces and set aside.

2. Sauté the squid, shrimp, crab fillet and broccoli until ripe, rinse, control the moisture and set aside.

3. Pour the squid, shrimp, crab fillet, broccoli into the container, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil and sesame oil and mix well.

Mix three fresh

Select several cold dishes such as sea pie side dishes, three-color abalone shreds, crab willow broccoli, mixed with three fresh dishes and so on

1. Remove the head, whiskers, legs, claws, skin, and shrimp line, wash and slice into slices.

2. Wash the haired sea cucumber and chicken breast and slice it into slices.

3. Wash the winter shoots, cut into elephant eye slices, put the sea cucumber, prawns, chicken breast, winter shoots, put them into a pot of boiling water, cook them, fish out, control the water, put them into the dish, add cucumber slices, add salt, oyster sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, mix well and serve.

Crab willow broccoli

Select several cold dishes such as sea pie side dishes, three-color abalone shreds, crab willow broccoli, mixed with three fresh dishes and so on

1. Wash the broccoli, pull it into small pieces, blanch it in boiling water, cool it with water, and set aside.

2. Put the crab fillet into the pot, cook it and fish it up, let it cool and change the knife, set aside, pour the broccoli and crab fillet into the container, add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, chili oil, mix well and plate well.

Tri-color abalone shreds

Select several cold dishes such as sea pie side dishes, three-color abalone shreds, crab willow broccoli, mixed with three fresh dishes and so on

1. Wash the abalone, clean and shred the green onion and carrots, wash and cut the parsley into sections, and set aside.

2. Pour water into the wok over high heat, add the abalone to cook, take the meat into strips and set aside.

3. Pour abalone, fungus, carrot and coriander into the container, add salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and sesame oil and mix well.

Look at all the attention and then go!

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