
Research report of Rao Ying, director of the Baisha Town Judicial Office in Silla District, on the "judicial administration work of Baisha Town"

author:Straits Herald Dalongyan

The report of the Nineteenth National Congress pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, emphasizing the need to unswervingly follow the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics, and clearly put forward the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization, strengthen the basic work of rural grassroots, and improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue. The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pushed the theory of comprehensively ruling the country according to law to a new height, and also put forward new requirements for the work practice of judicial administrative organs. In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of Comrade Xi Jinping's important speech on the construction of the rule of law and giving full play to the function and role of judicial administration in comprehensively promoting the rule of law are major political tasks of judicial administrative organs at all levels at present and for some time to come.

Recently, in conjunction with the theme education activity of "not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind", Rao Ying, director of the Judicial Institute, conducted a research and visit around the "development of grass-roots judicial administration work" and put forward opinions and suggestions for doing a good job in the judicial administration work in our town.

First, adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, and take a clear stand to put political construction in the first place. Judicial-administrative organs are an important part of the political and legal departments, and the political attribute is the primary attribute, and we must take a clear-cut stand in stressing politics. It is necessary to adhere to the party's absolute leadership over judicial administrative work, adhere to political construction as the guide, put political construction in the first place, firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and ensure that the political stance, political direction, political principles, and political road are highly consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. It is necessary to do a good job in arming with scientific theories, conscientiously study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and at present, it is especially necessary to conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Political and Legal Work Conference, firmly establish the "three adherences", clarify the "four duties and tasks", and play a functional role in the "three accelerated advancement" and the strategy of peaceful township construction and rural revitalization.

The second is to focus on social management innovation activities and further promote the management of special groups. First, from the perspective of innovating social management and building a harmonious society, we should make every effort to do a good job in community corrections and resettlement, help and education, and prevent and reduce re-offending. The second is to continue to promote the use of trajectory positioning and face recognition, and now the supervision has changed from "civil air defense" to "technical defense" to improve the management level. The third is to strengthen the management and handling of corrections personnel who violate supervision and management regulations, make warnings in accordance with laws and regulations, request public security punishments, put forward proposals for revoking suspended sentences and being imprisoned for enforcement, and adopt corresponding punishments and strict management measures to ensure the effectiveness of corrections. The fourth is to strengthen departmental cooperation and strengthen coordination and linkage with the public security, procuratorate, law, prison, and village committees. Combined with the detailed rules for the implementation of community corrections, improve systems such as investigation and assessment, receiving income corrections, assessments, rewards and punishments, acceptance of prisons, and removal of corrections, to standardize law enforcement conduct. The fifth is to enrich the content, carriers and methods of education and corrections, and implement personalized corrections plans. Combined with the types and proportions of crimes in our town, we will focus on carrying out education on laws and regulations in the fields of eliminating organized crime and eliminating evil forces, cracking down on gambling crimes, rectifying the problem of narcotics and narcotics, forest protection, and environmental protection. Sixth, do a good job of social adaptation assistance, hold technical training courses such as passion fruit and beekeeping, and further implement measures for the connection, placement, and assistance and education of persons released after completing their sentences.

The third is to strengthen the work of resolving social contradictions and disputes, and build a solid first line of defense for maintaining social harmony and stability. Strengthen guidance for people's mediation efforts, actively coordinate with relevant departments such as courts and public security, strengthen support and guidance for people's mediation efforts, form a joint force, and ensure the effectiveness of people's mediation efforts. Pay attention to the investigation of social contradictions and disputes, establish and complete mechanisms for the investigation of information on contradictions and disputes, promptly discover all kinds of emerging, tendentious, and potential factors that may lead to contradictions and disputes, periodically collect and report them, and change the investigation and handling after the incident into prior prevention. Form a joint force for large-scale mediation work, give full play to the basic role of people's mediation, strengthen the connection and cooperation between people's mediation and administrative mediation and judicial mediation, and ensure the effective resolution of contradictions and disputes. Complete and strengthen the team of full-time and part-time mediators, innovate the form of people's mediation work, explore and promote new mediation methods such as WeChat mediation, online mediation, and video mediation, make good use of the advantages of village-level legal advisers, and absorb professionals and social forces from the industry such as lawyers, psychological counselors, and social workers to participate in the people's mediation team.

The fourth is to take the construction of the rule of law as an opportunity to deepen the work of popularizing the law and governing according to law. Deeply carry out publicity and education activities on the theme of respecting the Constitution, studying the Constitution, abiding by the Constitution, safeguarding the Constitution, and applying the Constitution, organize and carry out a series of publicity activities on the National Constitution Day and the oath of oath to the Constitution for organ staff, and promote the implementation of the study and publicity of the Constitution to heat up and deepen again. Strictly grasp the implementation of the responsibility system of "who enforces the law and who popularizes the law", and promote the interpretation of the law by case. Carry out in-depth publicity on the rule of law, carry out publicity on the rule of law around areas such as the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, the production of narcotics and narcotics, telecommunications fraud, explosives and mining, and traffic violations, and carry out publicity on the rule of law around local laws and regulations such as the management of fireworks and firecrackers, the protection of red cultural relics, and the promotion of civilized behavior, as well as the creation of civilized cities throughout the country. Promote the "key minority" of leading cadres to take the lead in respecting the study of the law, abiding by the law, and using the law, focusing on public employees, and highlighting the publicity and education on the rule of law among the "key minority" of leading cadres. Carry out the activity of "entering the organs and units by law"; Improve the annual study law examination system; Coordinate and implement the system of central party committee group study of law, carry out special training on the rule of law for town and village cadres and special lectures on the rule of law. Actively promote the creation of democratic rule of law demonstration villages, and improve the grass-roots governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule by virtue. Persist in the integrated development of rule of law culture with regional culture, industry culture, and folk culture, advance the construction of rule of law cultural positions at the town and village levels, and escort the town's economic development and social harmony.

Source: Shanshui White Sand

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