
Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

author:Xin Momo's small food light
Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

My child especially likes to visit the supermarket, because I promised her that she could choose two small snacks, although snacks are not good for the body, but it is no problem to eat them once in a while, otherwise the children will not know what "junk food" tastes like. My daughter has a soft spot for sweets, so every time she will wander in the cookie area, and then buy those cookies with flowery green packaging, if it is other snacks, I will do these, not only the selection of materials is safe and there are no additives, much healthier than that sold!

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

Last time my daughter saw waffles sold in the supermarket, she asked me to go home and make them for her. Waffles are a small dessert with a high value and delicious taste, the shape is gridded, can be made into a square or round, with cream, fruit, ice cream, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and so on to taste better. The freshly baked finished product is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a strong milk aroma, which can be used as a breakfast or snack or as an afternoon tea, so it is deeply loved by everyone. Making waffles is actually not difficult, as long as there is a waffle baking pan can be easily done, low difficulty and high success rate, no longer need to go to the supermarket or dessert shop to buy it!

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

Ingredients required: 170 grams of low gluten flour 30 grams of caster sugar 50 grams of whole egg liquid 50 grams of pure milk 1 gram of salt 1.5 grams of resistant high sugar dry yeast 30 grams of softened butter 30 grams of mochi (filling) Appropriate amount of bean paste (filling) appropriate amount

Preparation steps:

1. Put all the ingredients except butter and filling into the bread machine mixing bucket in turn, start the kneading process and start kneading the dough.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

2. After kneading the dough into shape, add the pre-softened butter and continue to knead until smooth.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

3. Remove the kneaded dough and put it in a container, cover with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place for fermentation.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

4. When the dough is fermented to twice as large, remove and move to the operating table to press the exhaust.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

5. Then divide into nine small doughs evenly, roll rounds separately to cover the plastic wrap to prevent air drying.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

6. Take a small dough and press it by hand into a crust and wrap it into the filling, and seal the closure tightly. I use two kinds of fillings, mochi and bean paste, and I can choose the filling according to my personal taste, or I can not put it.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

7. Wrap all the small doughs in a smooth filling and cover with plastic wrap for 15-20 minutes.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

8. Replace the light food machine with a waffle baking sheet and preheat it thoroughly, placing a dough in the middle.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

9. Cover the lid for baking, about a minute or so will appear water vapor, when smelling the aroma, open the lid to observe the waffle coloring.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

10. Remove the waffle surface as burnt yellow, move to the baking net and let it dry until it is not hot.

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]

11. A nutritious and delicious milky waffle is ready, especially simple, have you learned?

Children name to eat waffles, skillful mothers make their own, healthy nutrition without additives, better than buying [milky waffles]


If you are too late in the morning, you can knead the dough the night before, then put it in the refrigerator to ferment overnight, and then bake it in the morning, which can save time. Do not leave during the baking process, and observe the coloring of the waffles at any time to avoid the occurrence of large roasting paste.

Have you ever bought waffles at a sweet shop or supermarket? If my sharing is helpful to you, please like, collect and forward, if there are any questions and suggestions, you can leave me a message below the article, and everyone discusses and learns from each other! Pay attention to Xin Momo's small food light, I will share a variety of high-quality food here every day, welcome to visit!


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