
The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

author:Human fireworks know the taste

On December 24, 1946, American soldiers openly raped Shen Chong, a Peking University girl, on Beiping Street, causing an uproar across the country. The Beiping underground party acted quickly, cleverly using several private newspapers with influence in the country to take the lead in exposing the truth of the incident, and pointed the spearhead at the atrocities committed by the US military. As soon as the "Shen Chong Incident" was disclosed, it immediately caused a great uproar in public opinion throughout the country. Originally, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the US military came to China to resist the War of Resistance and became An ally of China, which was welcomed by the heartfelt support of the Chinese people; but after the war, the US military not only did not withdraw, but instead expanded military bases everywhere in China, trying to make the garrison permanent for a long time. The military discipline of the Us soldiers was corrupt and misbehaving, and it quickly evolved into a major public nuisance in society.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

American soldiers in World War II

According to incomplete statistics from the Ministry of Social Welfare of the Nanjing Government, in just ten months from September 1945 to July of the following year after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the US military committed tens of thousands of robberies, mass beatings, fraud, and rape in various parts of China, killing and injuring more than 1,500 Chinese people, and countless women were violated. According to the Shanghai Social Bureau, in less than four months from September to December 1945 alone, there were 495 incidents of injuries to the JEeps of THE US troops stationed in Shanghai, injuring 336 people and killing 18 people. All cases are ultimately a result, and U.S. military criminals are subject to "extraterritorial jurisdiction" (the jurisdiction exercised by a state in the territory of another country is also called extraterritorial jurisdiction). According to the provisions of the treaty, a Contracting Party shall apply its own laws to its own nationals in the territory of the other Contracting Party, exercising its own jurisdiction, and its nationals shall not be bound by the laws of the Host State and shall have jurisdiction over the courts) "Protection is exempt from prosecution, and it is difficult for Chinese law and the victim to pursue its crimes."

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

Student of the Republic of China

At 9:30 a.m. on New Year's Day in 1947, Chiang Kai-shek, his wife Song Meiling, and important party, government, and military officials in Nanjing returned home after holding a memorial service at the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing. The difficulties that the students of this petition gave chiang kai-shek were: "Resolutely and severely punish the criminals who raped peking university girls" and "US imperialism should get out of China!" The heavily armed guards, like a great enemy, tried to disperse the students by force, but chiang kai-shek stopped them. Chiang Kai-shek vowed to warn college students that the government would severely punish criminals and give justice to the victims. On the spot, Chiang Kai-shek instructed Foreign Minister Wang Shijie to make solemn representations with General Marshall, the SPECIAL ENVOY of the US President, in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and demanded that the US military hand over the murderer and publicly punish him severely.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

Chiang Kai-shek and his wife

George Carterett Marshall, American politician, five-star general, chief of staff of the U.S. army during World War II, strategic adviser to President Roosevelt, together with General Eisenhower and Marshal Montgomery, was known as the "Allied Big Three." Marshall was selected by Time magazine as the "Newsmaker" of the Year in 1943, when the magazine enthusiastically praised him as "the trustee of the motherland" and "indispensable man." His outstanding military exploits made him the most eye-catching figure in the global military during World War II. Born on December 31, 1880, Marshall was a mischievous boy from an early age, and was admitted to the Virginia Military Academy in 1897. After graduation, he has been serving in the army. In April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany, and Marshall was promoted to captain.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

In 1945, de Gaulle shook hands with Marshall

In the summer of 1938, Marshall was appointed Deputy Secretary of war. On the afternoon of September 1, 1939, Marshall was inaugurated as chief of staff of the United States Army, just as the Germans blitzkrieg against Poland and World War II officially broke out. Marshall won $900 million from President Roosevelt to form a 280,000-strong Army and 250,000 re-equipped National Guard. With Marshall's tireless efforts, the United States launched an unprecedentedly powerful war machine, building the U.S. military into an invincible mechanized army, with more than 8 million troops at its peak, and thousands of aircraft, tanks, weapons and other combat materials continuously imported into the Allied forces. Marshall played a mainstay role in victory in the war.

After Pearl Harbor, the United States officially declared war on Japan and joined the anti-fascist camp. Landing on the west coast of France, opening up the second european battlefield, and defeating fascist Germany as soon as possible was a major wish of Marshall. By the Tehran Conference, Marshall's plan was supported by the United States and the Soviet Union, and under Marshall's organization, the British Isles had stockpiled a large number of American soldiers waiting to cross the sea, and britain had to agree. Marshall had reason to believe that he would serve as Supreme Commander if the Allies launched an offensive against the Nazi forces entrenching Europe. The heads of state of government and the Allied powers of the United States and Britain also unanimously agreed to his assumption of this position.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

Anglo-American Allied forces landed in Normandy

At this moment, the U.S. military is active in the six major battlefields of the world at the same time, and Marshall sits in Washington, strategizing and dealing with Yuru. That is why General Pershing wrote to the President, making it clear that "no one else who serves as chief of staff can compare with him." Roosevelt was also hesitating at this time, and he really did not want Marshall to leave him for the European battlefield. Marshall, on the other hand, recommended that Eisenhower take over as chief of staff, but the latter expressed no interest in the complicated "stall" and preferred to stay in Europe and lead an army group to fight under Marshall. Roosevelt kicked the ball to Marshall, letting him make his own choice. Marshall silently gave up the opportunity to live forever in battle history, ceding the position of supreme commander to Eisenhower. Marshall's lifelong dream was stranded, and his inner pain could be imagined. Marshall's pain actually shows that if a person's ability has reached the point where others are irreplaceable, it is not a good thing. Just as the pen holder of many units has never been promoted, because the leader often worries, who will write me the material when he leaves? He never expressed his feelings to anyone, but he did not quit the president and suddenly made a global expedition.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

In December 1945, General Marshall reviewed the troops

In December 1944, Marshall was promoted to five-star general for his outstanding service, after he declined to be a candidate for president in 1944 and the House of Representatives to award him the highest rank ever held by the U.S. Army, Field Marshal. His humble qualities won wide acclaim among the Allied military and civilians. After the end of the war in the summer of 1945, Churchill wrote to Marshall praising him as the "organizer of victory." After Japan's surrender, Marshall decided to resign as chief of staff, leaving the glory of victory to others, leaving MacArthur as a representative of the Allied forces to accept Japan's surrender, Eisenhower to succeed him as chief of the general staff, and preparing to go into hiding. Looking back on Marshall's exploits in World War II, Truman praised: "Millions of people have served the nation with excellence. Admiral Marshall five-star contributed to the victory of the country. ”

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

Beijing Bell and Drum Tower

In December 1945, just after the end of World War II, President Truman could not wait to appoint General Marshall to China as the head of the "Special Envoy of the President of the United States" and the head of the "Peace Mission", which is enough to show that the US Government attaches great importance to and is deeply concerned about the situation in China. General Marshall was not only a formulator of the U.S. global strategy, but also a rare "China passer," who served as a military attaché at the U.S. Embassy in China in his early years and established personal friendships with Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Soong sisters. Marshall was more optimistic before coming to China, because the Kuomintang and the Communist Party had already reached a number of political agreements on the establishment of a coalition government during the "Chongqing Negotiations" that attracted worldwide attention.

There is no doubt that no matter which side of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party holds power alone, it is not the end that the Americans hope to see, and the political system designed by the US government for China is a "multi-party system", that is, the KmT and the COMMUNISTs are interdependent and mutually contained, so that it conforms to the "greatest interests" of the United States and reflects the "Will of the United States" on a world scale. But it turned out that General Marshall was wrong, and although the Kuomintang and the Communists had cooperated twice, they had a deep disagreement with each other.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

The Chinese workers' movement

As the saying goes, how can a mountain accommodate two tigers, not to mention that the political ideas between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are completely different and represent different class interests. The reason why the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation failed was because the workers' and peasant movements under the leadership of the Communist Party violated the interests of the bourgeoisie and the landlord class, which the Kuomintang regime could not tolerate. After the victory of the War of Resistance, the two parties faced the problem of a showdown, and the so-called Chongqing negotiations were nothing more than Chiang Kai-shek's delay in time. Of course, the CCP knows this very well, so it is also actively preparing for war. The only people in the dark are the Americans, especially General Marshall, who are naïve to think that China can act according to the road map to peace he has devised.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

Chongqing negotiations

Today, the "Shen Chong Incident" is a fuse that directly announces the failure of American mediation. When a huge demonstration team surrounded the U.S. military headquarters in Peiping, General Marshall asked, "Where are the Chinese police?" Why not stop it? "Staff officers reported that the municipality had been informed, but they had no clear attitude. Marshall's face darkened, and he realized the gravity of the situation. Once upon a time, the US military during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was still the most popular international ally of the Chinese people, and American soldiers driving jeeps could see the enthusiastic smiling faces of the Chinese people wherever they went, and Chinese youth fanatically worshipped the United States and regarded them as a great savior. However, only one year after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the "Honeymoon between China and the United States" came to an end, the American soldiers became street rats, and they were so strongly hated and opposed by the people, was it Chinese ungrateful to cross the river and tear down the bridge, or was the essence of the American colonialist policy revealed? I believe Marshall did not know for a moment.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

American Soldier

Just after New Year's Day in 1947, Chiang Kai-shek met separately with General Marshall, the special envoy of the President of the United States, and held long secret talks with him. According to documents later disclosed, the core content of their talks was whether the Nanjing government would continue to "suppress the Communists." "Suppressing the Communists" of course means that the results of the Chongqing negotiations have been reduced to a bubble, and Marshall's previous efforts have been wasted. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek, who had an ambitious army of 4 million in his hands, was no longer the Chairman Chiang Kai-shek who obeyed the Orders of the Americans during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression; he was already full of wings and was called the "International Big Four" on the international stage along with the heads of state of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. He replied categorically to the US envoy: In the 1930s, jiangxi suppressed the Communist Party, and there was no assistance from you at that time, but we still achieved our goal. The suppression of the Communist Party is an internal matter in China, and it must be resolved by the Chinese themselves. The meeting broke up unhappily.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

The Long March of the Red Army

Just a week after Chiang Kai-shek met with the U.S. presidential envoy, the White House spokesman officially announced the departure of General Marshall and his return to China, while announcing the withdrawal of the peace mission and the reduction of the U.S. military presence. History has mercilessly mocked American diplomats. The Nanjing government held a brief but solemn farewell ceremony for the return of the US envoy to China, and Chiang Kai-shek personally awarded General Marshall an international medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the cause of peace in China. However, although Marshall left in China, his Marshall plan blossomed in Europe. In April 1948, the United States passed the Foreign Aid Act, which was signed by President Truman and came into force, commonly known as the Marshall Plan.

The departure of the famous American general Marshall from China stemmed from the dissatisfaction of his kuomintang-communist road map for peace

General Marshall

From 1948 to 1951, the U.S. Communist Party provided more than $13 billion in aid to 17 European countries, including Britain, France, West Germany, and Italy, accounting for about 13 percent of the annual budget of the United States. This assistance is mainly used for post-war reconstruction and economic development in Western European countries. The Marshall Plan was undoubtedly the most successful diplomatic operation and the largest foreign aid operation ever undertaken by the United States, and it became Marshall himself's most successful work. In 1953, Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his "European Renaissance Program." On October 16, 1959, Marshall died quietly from her hospital bed at Walter Reed Hospital at the age of 73. (Peng Zhongfu /Finishing)

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