
The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

author:Friends Herald

Selected works

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Xue Neng Yellow River" 180*97cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲"Tamahashi Character Collection" 230*60cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Yuan Good Question On Five Poems" 138*23cm*4 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Yuan Hao Qing Mountain Residence Miscellaneous Poems" 138*34cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Orchid Pavilion Preface" 180*60cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ Part of the "Orchid Pavilion Preface"

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Star Shift, Ground Cover" 180*48cm, 2021

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Yuan Hao Qing Qiu Huai" 138*34cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "YuanHaowen Xing Xiangzi Shi in the Huaijiang River" 138*34cm 2020

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Tao Yuanming Drinking Seven Songs" 180*50cm 2021

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲"Wisteria Sketch" 45*34cm, 2018

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Moon Season" 68*34cm, 2014

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Cheng Huai Guan Dao Lying down to swim" 5*5cm, 2018

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

▲ "Free and Leisure", 2*2cm, 2014

Brick edge essay

Jade seal, also known as jade seal, because its strokes are round and symmetrical, the knots are smooth and symmetrical, and the shape is like chopsticks, so it is named. The jade seal is taken off by the style of the carved stones of Mount Taishan and Langya in the Qin Dynasty, the glyph is rectangular, the knot is evenly full, and Zeng Yun in the Qing Dynasty Chen Feng's "Imitation and Printing": "The two ends of the seal strokes are fat and thin, and the last one who does not come out is called Yu Zhen, and the seal book is authentic." "This is the name of the jade.

I have a special love for the seal book, and the jade basket is also immersed in the vein for a long time, I think that the so-called jade must first achieve full strength, god melts the pen smoothly, and then hides the head and tail, the force is in the word, the pen is strong, and then the structural arrangement changes the degree of harmony, the curve is appropriate, in order to be able to accommodate each other, the beauty of the peace and tranquility.

For example, if the method of using the pen is to taste the leaks of the house, fold the strands, cone painting sand, printing mud, etc. in the book theory, take its muscles and bones, and hide it deeply, just like Sun Qianli's theory of "the seal is still gentle and clear"; in the final state, Qin Xiaozhuan uses the basis of the ancient texts of the Six Kingdoms to match with the script, laying the normative grammar, the outer square and the inner circle, symmetry and appropriateness, just like the refinement of the Zhong Ding Yi instrument, and the Fengfang "Book Tips" has clouds: "The book of the ancients will pass through the seal, and then the structure is ancient, so that the transformation is exquisite", all of which are the former sages who immerse themselves in the elegance of the seal In the final realm of writing, before writing, it is necessary to concentrate on meditation, intending to be written first, anticipating the glyphs, such as for the supreme being, and the rate of the "Teaching Tips" says: "Every pen must be in the circle, the strength of the force is heavy and light, and the concentration is meditative", which is the state of mind of the seal, such as concentration, such as meditation, dry heart, and sluggishness, then the mystery of the book must not be allowed.

Xin Ugly Mid-Autumn Festival in the upper book house

The art of calligraphy and painting by young calligrapher and painter Wang Xin

Wang Xinnan, born in April 1985, is a native of Xinzhou, Shanxi. He graduated from Taiyuan Normal University with a bachelor's degree in 2009 and from Shaanxi Normal University with a master's degree in fine arts in 2012. In 2021, he was admitted to the China Academy of Arts, pursuing a doctorate degree in fine arts, and the research direction of Chinese calligraphy creation, mr. Li Yi, the supervisor.

He is currently the secretary of the Teaching and Labor Party Branch of the Department of Calligraphy of Taiyuan Normal University, the director of the Practice and Practice Teaching and Research Department, and a lecturer. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a director of the Chinese Workers' Calligraphers Association (All-China Federation of Trade Unions), a creator of the Shanxi Book Court, a member of the Education Committee of the Shanxi Calligraphers Association, a standing director of the Shanxi Young Calligraphers Association, a deputy secretary-general of the Calligraphy Education Professional Committee of the Shanxi Education Association, a vice chairman of the Jinzhong Young Calligraphers Association, a director of the Taiyuan Calligraphers Association, a director of the Taiyuan Artists Association, a member of the Shanxi Artists Association, and an assistant teacher of the Dingjia 2019 Ancient Character Creation Seminar (Chinese Character Museum). (Source: Li YiShuya)

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