
The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

author:Quantum exploration

From the philosophers of the ancient Greek era, the first science has begun to be conceived, and the early science and philosophy are discussed together, because the human cognition of the world and the universe at that time was still very shallow, most of the knowledge was based on imagination and speculation to summarize the experience, and human common sense often had a certain gap with the nature of things.

For example, human beings living on the earth, if there is no corresponding knowledge, it is actually difficult to believe that the continent under their feet is actually spherical, until today there are many people who support the "level theory" can explain this very well, with the development of science and technology, science and philosophy are gradually separated, religious theology is also slowly declining, science has become the basis for the rapid development of human civilization.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

Galileo is the founder of modern science, he is known as the "father of observational astronomy", "the father of modern physics", "the father of scientific method", "the father of modern science". After Galileo, a greater scientist emerged, Newton, who also pointed the way to scientific research.

These two scientists are physicists, and most of the famous scientists in human history are physicists, because the direction of physics research is the nature of the universe, and various physical theories are the "truths" that apply in the entire observable universe, and each theory is the most profound understanding of the composition and motion of matter in the universe.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

So, in today's technologically advanced world, does human physics still have unsolved or temporarily unexplained phenomena?

The answer is yes, there is still a lot of room for progress in the science of human civilization, and the physical theory seems to be perfect, but in fact, there are still many problems that cannot be solved now. It is often seen on the Internet that "the end of science is theology", but this sentence is not true, because theology has an end, and science has no end!

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

Newton's classical mechanics helped humans re-understand the world from a physical point of view, but classical mechanics can only solve most of the things that happen on Earth, and when humans began to explore the universe, they found that there are many "loopholes" in classical mechanics, especially in the microscopic field and when objects move at the speed of light, the concept of classical mechanics is not so applicable.

Fortunately, after Newton, there was Einstein, a genius physicist, who redefined gravity, proposed the theory of relativity to solve many cosmological problems, and also provided a lot of help for the development of quantum mechanics, and was one of the founders of quantum mechanics.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

After the birth of relativity and quantum mechanics, it has replaced classical mechanics as the theoretical basis of human physics, and the first problem of modern physics also comes from these two theories, relativity theory most of the time describes the large-scale structure of the universe, such as the movement of light, the gravitational force between celestial bodies on space-time, and quantum mechanics mainly describes the motion of microscopic particles, and the scale described by the two theories is completely different.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

The main contradiction between the two theories is that there is a problem with the interpretation of the four fundamental forces in the universe, the electromagnetic force, the strong force, the weak force, and the gravitational force. In the theoretical system of quantum mechanics, the forces in the universe are transmitted by elementary particles, in addition to gravity, the three basic forces can currently be explained by quantum theory, and no elementary particles transmitting gravity have been found, so scientists have also invented "gravitons" that transmit gravity.

In the theory of relativity, the description of gravity is "geometric", gravity is actually the essential property of space-time, the gravitational force in our cognition is actually the "bending" of space-time, the greater the mass of the object, the greater the gravitational force, this is because the existence of the object has an impact on space-time, space-time is "bent", the curvature of space-time causes the surrounding objects to move towards the curved center of space-time, which is why the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

Obviously, the theory of relativity's explanation of gravity is very perfect, and it is also the most recognized theory at present, and if you think about it from this perspective, you will find that gravity is not actually a force, but a characteristic of the universe, a four-dimensional space-time.

Relativity solves gravity, but can not solve the other three fundamental forces, like gravity with a geometric space thinking to explain, and quantum mechanics from the perspective of elementary particles to solve the three fundamental forces, but can not explain how gravity is transmitted, the contradiction between these two theories is currently one of the biggest problems in human physics!

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

In the process of exploring the universe, scientists have found that a lot of data is inconsistent with our theory, there are a lot of violations of the law of universal gravitation, and our theory should be correct, so there should be some kind of phenomenon that we have not observed.

After a lot of research, scientists believe that there may be a kind of "dark matter" that humans can't see in our universe, these dark matter exists in large quantities in galaxies, and there is a large amount of dark matter in our galaxy, and it is precisely because of the existence of dark matter that the stability of the Milky Way can be explained, in combination with microwave background radiation anisotropy observations, and the Standard Model of the Universe to speculate that 85% of the matter in the universe is dark matter, and visible matter is only a small part of the entire universe!

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

More than dark matter is dark energy, dark matter accounts for 26.8% of the total mass of the universe, dark energy accounts for 68.3% of the total mass of the universe, dark energy is the essential energy that drives the movement of the universe, and the expansion of the universe is driven by dark energy.

There are many mysteries about dark matter, first of all, dark matter does not radiate light, nor reflects light, which is completely different from our common sense of matter, but dark matter also produces gravity, and the relative density may be very high, so does dark matter have properties that some normal matter does not have? Is dark energy constantly dark matter? These are all problems that plague scientists.

Antimatter is the opposite state of normal matter, but antimatter is not dark matter, they exist normally, and they also react with light, but when positive and negative matter meets, the two sides will cancel each other out, and then the whole mass is converted into energy and released.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

From a physical point of view, the positive and negative particles in the universe should be relatively equal, but humans have not found antimatter bodies around the earth, which means that there may not be a large number of antimatter in the universe, let alone antimatter planets.

How the universe transitioned from the early symmetry of positive and negative matter to the current state of all positive matter is a big problem that plagues theoretical physicists, we can not explain why there is so little antimatter for the time being, the current human research on antimatter is not deep enough, there is no doubt that antimatter and dark matter, will have a huge impact on us in the future.

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

The contradiction between relativity and quantum mechanics, dark matter and dark energy, asymmetry of positive and negative matter.

Solving any of these three puzzles could change our view of the universe and may even affect the future direction of human civilization, and the unity of quantum mechanics and relativity means that we can perfectly explain the four fundamental forces in the universe, which will take our physics a step further.

The study of dark matter will affect our understanding of the universe, and even the use of dark matter or dark energy may change modern technology, and antimatter can become a powerful energy source, its energy release intensity is higher than the fusion change, the future use of antimatter may allow the spacecraft to travel at subluminal speed space!

The three major problems of physics, each of which makes people confused, if solved will make human civilization go further The first problem: the contradiction between quantum mechanics and relativity Strange dark matter and dark energy positive and negative matter asymmetry three problems

These three problems are actually difficult for human beings to solve at present, because it is difficult for humans to solve these problems on the earth, and a large number of observations must be made for galaxies and unknown fields, waiting for future humans to leave the earth, and after more developed technology, these problems may be solved.

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