
Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

author:Charming Huaiyin

On November 5, Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate and guide, emphasizing the need to closely follow the deployment requirements of the district party committee and district government and the annual target tasks, redouble our efforts and continue to struggle, and strive to plant "green development 'evergreen trees', modern pastoral 'landscape trees', park construction 'industrial trees', and mass life 'happy trees'", explore a development path with the characteristics of three trees, and make greater contributions to the high-quality leapfrog development of the whole region. Jiang Anmin, member of the Standing Committee of the District Cpc Committee and political commissar of the District People's Armed Forces Department, and Xu Yuan, deputy district governor and director of the District Public Security Sub-Bureau, participated in the investigation.

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

In the Huai'an High-tech Zone Light Industry Technology (Sanshu) Industrial Park, Wang Jianjun listened to the project introduction, park construction and other reports, and walked into Huai'an Kaihuai Liquor Co., Ltd. to understand the production process, production and operation. He said that the light industry science and technology industrial park is one of the characteristic plates of the "1 + 6" park, and it is necessary to firmly grasp the "bull nose" of the project, make good use of existing resources, increase the intensity of project attraction and construction, cultivate more backbone enterprises, and continuously expand the scale of the park and strengthen the industrial economy. Wang Jianjun also encouraged the responsible persons of enterprises to increase investment in research and development, improve product quality, expand the scale of production, make brand characteristics, and better drive local economic development and the masses to become rich.

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

The "lotus shrimp co-cultivation" industry is the "wealth code" for the rich people in Simenzha Village to increase their income, and the scale of cultivation has reached 3700 mu. After a detailed understanding of the industrial scale, operation mode and development results of the "lotus shrimp co-cultivation" in Simenzha Village, Wang Jianjun demanded that the positive effect of typical guidance should be brought into play, the successful experience of Simenzha Village should be summarized and promoted, the land circulation rate should be continuously improved, and the path of agricultural industrialization, scale and characteristics should be taken well, so as to promote the local agricultural industry to make scale, brand and influence.

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

During the investigation, Wang Jianjun presided over a symposium to listen to the economic and social development of Sanshu Town in recent years, the focus of work in the next stage, and the suggestions of relevant departments on the development of Sanshu Town.

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

On the next step of the three trees town,

Wang Jianjun stressed

It is necessary to strengthen the township economy and establish a pillar of high-quality development. It is necessary to implement the project with the greatest efforts, accelerate the promotion of the project in hand, actively excavate information, dock the project, and ensure that the project will make new breakthroughs. It is necessary to pay close attention to the assessment indicators, strengthen analysis and judgment, further increase the advantages, make up for the shortcomings, and strive to contribute to the assessment indicators for the high-quality development of the whole region and the city. It is necessary to conscientiously take stock of resources, actively strive for upward mobility, and strive for more funds, policies, and projects to land in Sanshu Town to provide a stronger impetus for accelerating development.

It is necessary to shape the characteristics of highlights and create high-quality development advantages. Excavate and make good use of the unique cultural elements and geographical indications of Sanshu characteristics, focus on the origin of "Three Trees" and historical sites such as Zhuluo Dam, integrate the historical origin with the future agricultural development, town and village construction, and park construction of Sanshu Town, inject new era connotations into Sanshu, and make Sanshu Town more recognizable, popular and brand-oriented. It is necessary to continue to increase the intensity of land circulation, optimize the structure of the agricultural industry, create a line of agricultural culture and tourism along the canal, and strive to make the agriculture in Sanshu Town more dynamic and bright. It is necessary to make further efforts in the construction of towns and villages, focus on promoting the comprehensive improvement of the road environment and the living environment, do a good job in the "second half" of the improvement of farmhouses, improve the level of village construction and management, and play an exemplary role in the construction of towns and villages in the whole region. It is necessary to put the construction of the park in an important position in the development of the whole town, promote the technological transformation and upgrading of the enterprises in the park, increase the intensity of project construction, and create a growth point and important support for the economic development of the whole town and even the whole region.

It is necessary to cultivate the feelings of the people and share the fruits of high-quality development. It is necessary to further optimize public services, promote new improvements in the quality of education, medical care, culture and other services, and solve the problem of the people's "urgency, difficulty, and expectation" with heart and soul. It is necessary to accelerate the hardening of village roads, blacken urban and rural and town roads, and focus on the implementation of the infrastructure improvement work in all aspects around the Entrance and Exit of Lingqiao Expressway and Sanshu Port, so as to show the good image of Sanshu Town. It is necessary to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, continue to strengthen village-level industries, enhance the collective revenue capacity of villages, and drive the masses to get rich and increase income.

It is necessary to strictly manage the party and administer the party and consolidate the guarantee of high-quality development. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp political construction and enhance the resoluteness and execution of party members and cadres in implementing the decision-making and deployment of the central and provincial, municipal, and district party committees. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp the foundation of the grass-roots units, carry out in depth the "two in two together" action of building new merits, and constantly enhance the cohesion, appeal, and combat effectiveness of grass-roots party organizations and party members. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp the building of the contingent, do a good job in the "second half" of the article on the change of towns and villages and the work of changing the term of office of the district and town people's congresses, and at the same time deepen the use of the "three mechanisms" to stimulate the responsibility and enthusiasm of cadres and officers. It is necessary to unswervingly grasp the management of the party and administer the party, run strict requirements through the entire process and in all aspects of party building, resolutely rectify the corruption problems and unhealthy tendencies around the masses, and maintain a good political ecology.

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate
Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

On the same day, Wang Jianjun also conducted field research on Sanshu Health Center and Shurui Home Community.

Rong Media Reporter: Jiang Jiajia Liu Xulian

Photo editor: Liu Xulian

Editor of this issue: Liu Huailing

Reviewer: Ju Fuqing Yang Jianfeng

Final Judge: Wu Lichao

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate
Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate
Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate
Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

Submission email: [email protected]

Contact number: 83315078

Wang Jianjun, secretary of the district party committee, went to Sanshu Town to investigate

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