
In Tibet to catch up with the footsteps of the times - 13 years of Lhasa of the Tibetan youth Baima Jinzhu

author:China News Network
In Tibet to catch up with the footsteps of the times - 13 years of Lhasa of the Tibetan youth Baima Jinzhu

The infographic shows Baima Jinzhu giving a voluntary lecture in Norbulingka. China News Service issued by the interviewee Baima Jinzhu courtesy of the picture

(70 years of peaceful liberation of Tibet) In Tibet to catch up with the footsteps of the times - 13 years of Lhasa of tibetan youth Baima Jinzhu

Beijing, 16 Aug (China News Service) Title: Catching up with the footsteps of the times in Tibet -- 13 years in Lhasa, where Tibetan youth Baima Jinzhu was born

China News Service reporter Xing Liyu

"The speed of your learning and progress has not kept pace with the pace of development and change in Lhasa, and it is time to reflect." When teaching Tibetan history part-time at Tibet University, Baima Jinzhu often urged students to do so.

Born and raised in the pastoral area of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, Baima Jinzhu was admitted to Tibet University in 2008, majoring in tourism management, and came to Lhasa for the first time. "Tibet today has changed a lot more than I saw back then, especially Lhasa." Baima Jinzhu said.

In 2008, liuwu new district, where Baima Jinzhu company is located, "except for the Lhasa railway station, there is nothing around." Nowadays, it has become a high-tech zone, and many high-tech, creative enterprises and high-quality enterprises with local characteristics have settled here. "It's been a huge change." Baima Jinzhu said that in the midst of it, he personally felt the city of Lhasa, which has a history of more than a thousand years, and was rejuvenated with new vitality and vitality.

In 2012, after studying broadcast hosting at the Communication University of China, Baima Jinzhu declined the preferential treatment of a Beijing media and chose to return to Lhasa.

"There is a popular saying among tibetan youths and teenagers who go to Tibetan classes or universities in the interior, 'Going out is to better come back,'" Baima Jinzhu said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from China News Agency, adding that there will be no shortage of "Baima Golden Pearl" in Beijing's talent concentration, and in Tibetan land, there may be a lack of a person like him. Bai Ma Jinzhu said: "This land has nurtured me, giving me the opportunity to go out and see the wider world, and I have the obligation to come back and feed it and do my best to make it better." ”

After returning to Lhasa, Baima Jinzhu became a grassroots civil servant and dealt with villagers every day. When he first went to the countryside to work, he sent a circle of friends and said, "Fortunately, I am still very young, and I can do more for my father and fellow countrymen and for this land."

From township civil servants to county seats, to Tibet Television station to become professional program hosts, and then into two listed companies to accumulate management experience. In 2019, Baima Jinzhu founded his own business, Tibet Hatsumi Culture Co., Ltd.

The company's business mainly has two aspects, one is for entrepreneurs, language expression and stage roadshow ability training; the other is as a cultural consultant, for some enterprises in the product, packaging error use of Tibetan cultural elements, etc., in the pattern, text, copywriting translation and other aspects of professional guidance and help.

In his spare time, Baima Jinzhu also told the history of Tibet, Tibetan culture and folklore, etc. through social media such as Douyin, hoping that everyone would understand Tibet objectively and truthfully. He also brings free goods on the Douyin platform for farmers' and herdsmen's cooperatives, rural collective economies and some entrepreneurs who have struggled to start, and the platform service fee is also subsidized by himself. In this regard, the company's colleagues are worried that he has "collapsed" the company, and his parents are strongly supportive. Some of the farmers and herdsmen who received help did not hesitate to travel for many days from their remote villages to Lhasa to thank them in person. At the beginning, Baima Jinzhu, who could not put down his face as a live broadcast with goods, saw that he could really help the villagers, and he was firmly confident to continue.

In 2010, after hearing a tour guide tell the wrong history of Tibet, with the idea that "only correct explanation can the outside world understand Tibet objectively and fairly", Baima Jinzhu began to give voluntary explanations to the Tibet Museum, Norbulingka or Potala Palace once a month. As of Last December, Baima Jinzhu has volunteered to give 108 lectures. He said: "As long as I can talk about it, I will continue to talk about it." ”

Company business, amateur hosting, live streaming with goods, voluntary explanations, oral history classes on Tibet for graduate students, etc., Baima Jinzhu is busy every day.

"Although busy, I am very grateful for this wonderful era," Baima Jinzhu said, "in the past 13 years, I have watched Lhasa get better little by little, develop faster, and bring more opportunities to young people." ”

Baima Jinzhu's great-grandfather and grandmother were once the descendants of serfs, and after they were liberated, they worked hard to provide for their children's schooling. Bai Ma Jinzhu's mother thus became the first female college student in the local area, and now after retirement, she is still taking young people to start a business. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pema Jinzhu was surprised to find that her mother was studying MBA courses and business English online.

"This is the best time in Mom's eyes," Bai Ma Jinzhu said. For the future, he said that his mother is still catching up with the pace of the times, how can young people stop. (End)

Source: China News Network

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