
Yao Wenyuan died at a coincidental time, low-key and buried with his wife, and even did not dare to erect a tombstone

author:399 Contentment

On January 25, 1981, the verdict of Yao Wenyuan's trial finally came down, considering that his role in the "Gang of Four" was limited, and many of the things he did were arranged by Jiang Qing and others, so his sentence was relatively light, and he was only sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Yao Wenyuan died at a coincidental time, low-key and buried with his wife, and even did not dare to erect a tombstone

Yao Wenyuan is half a Shanghainese, although he is a native of Zhuji City, Zhejiang, but he was born in Shanghai, he developed very well in Shanghai, so that by virtue of his ability, he is called "pen pole".

He has successively served as the editor of Sprout Magazine, The Literary and Art Monthly, and the editorial board of Liberation Daily, so it can be seen that Yao Wenyuan is a person with real talent and practical learning, but he has used it in the wrong place.

Yao Wenyuan, who came with Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao and others, did a lot of bad things, but he was lucky enough to become the only person in the Gang of Four to get out of Qincheng Prison alive.

In January 1996, Yao Wenyuan was released from prison after completing his sentence, and after his release, Yao Wenyuan enjoyed nearly ten years of freedom and family life, and died of diabetes on December 23, 2005 at the age of 74.

Yao Wenyuan died at a coincidental time, low-key and buried with his wife, and even did not dare to erect a tombstone

Yao Wenyuan's death was officially announced on January 6, 2006, and this news attracted the attention of many overseas media because the time of his death was too special.

Shortly before his death, on November 10, 1965, The Wen Wei Po in Shanghai published his "Comment on the Newly Edited Historical Drama "Hai Rui Dismissal"), which coincided with the 40th anniversary of his death.

Chinese is more sensitive to how many "anniversaries", so his death has attracted the attention of many people, and the year after his death, that is, in 2006, it is exactly the 30th anniversary of the smashing of the "Gang of Four", which inevitably reminds people of him again and reminds people of that period of history.

After Yao Wenyuan's death, few people know where he was buried, so there seems to be no tombstone for him everywhere, which also became a "mystery" at that time.

Yao Wenyuan died at a coincidental time, low-key and buried with his wife, and even did not dare to erect a tombstone

It was not until 2009, when an article entitled "Strolling in Front of Yao Wenyuan's Tomb" was published, that people learned that he was buried in Shanghai and buried with his wife, and that his name was not left on the tombstone, which was equivalent to no tombstone, so it has always been known.

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