
restrain! Two men in Gao'an forged real estate certificates and mortgaged "borrowed" 1.74 million yuan...

author:Beiqing Net

Business is losing money

Funds are urgently needed

Two men


Forgery of title deeds

Loans to banks and financial companies

Committed fraud of 1.74 million yuan

In January last year, Zhu and Huang mou did business in the early stage, caused losses due to poor management, and there was no financial resources during the epidemic, in order to fill the shortage of funds. Therefore, on the grounds that they needed to buy 10 Golden Dragon Hulk commercial vehicles, the two took the real estate deeds of Huang and his friend Li to forge and borrowed 1.74 million yuan from the financial company.

On the repayment date, the financial company urged Zhu and Huang to repay the loan, and the two prevaricated for various reasons. At this time, the staff of the financial company felt that something was wrong, and quickly inquired about the materials that the two people applied for at that time, and did not think that the real estate certificate was actually fake. In a hurry, he immediately called the police.

restrain! Two men in Gao'an forged real estate certificates and mortgaged "borrowed" 1.74 million yuan...
restrain! Two men in Gao'an forged real estate certificates and mortgaged "borrowed" 1.74 million yuan...

After receiving the police, the criminal police brigade and the data cloud combat center successfully arrested the criminal suspects Zhu Mou and Huang Mou in Jiujiang City on October 28 through video tracking, analysis and judgment. At present, the criminal suspects Zhu X and Huang X have been criminally detained by the police in accordance with the law, and the investigation and handling of the case and the recovery of stolen goods and losses are being carried out simultaneously.

When we provide loans to others, we must polish our eyes, carefully examine the authenticity of the materials provided by the other party, review the use of the loan, and if necessary, ask lawyers and other legal persons to draft loan contracts, verify the authenticity of the mortgaged property, avoid taking chances, being deceived, and keeping our own "money bags".

Source: Gao'an Public Security Criminal Police Brigade

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