
The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

author:The descendants of the four fields on history

In the history of China's Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a perverted dynasty established by perverted families through usurpation, a short-lived dynasty that existed for only 24 years and then vanished. It was the Northern Qi regime established by Gao Yang, a humble Han Chinese. Don't look at it only existed for 28 years, but due to the internecine killing within this perverted family, it still experienced 3 generations and 7 emperors, and finally was destroyed by the Northern Zhou. Because the successive emperors of the Northern Qi regime were perverted people, their various perverted pasts during their reign were too strange, so later historians called the Northern Qi Dynasty a "beast dynasty".

The founder of the Northern Qi Dynasty was Gao Huan. Originally from Bohai County, his ancestors had been officials of the Taishou rank since the two Jin Dynasties, and when his grandfather Gao Mi was moved to Huaishuo Town for breaking the law, his family was moved to Huaishuo Town. The town is inhabited by xianbei people, so the Gao family that followed the customs has since become a humble Han chinese.

The Southern and Northern Dynasties were an era of tyrants, and Gao Huan was undoubtedly an outstanding representative among them. In his early years, he participated in the peasant uprising because of the compulsion of his life, and then first defected to Ge Rong, and then betrayed Erzhu Rong. In the baptism of fire and blood, Gao Huan soon became a political and military master of that era.

After Erzhu Rong's death, Gao Huan, who had advised Erzhu Rong to claim the title of emperor, took the opportunity to raise an army to destroy the Erzhu clan, and was made the grand chancellor and the king of Bohai by Emperor Xiaowu of Northern Wei for his merits, and from then on he completely controlled the military and political power of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

Gao Huan held power for sixteen years, during which time he forced away the Xiaowu Emperor Yuan Xiu, whom he had established, and then established the Xiaojing Emperor Yuan Shanjian, resulting in the division of Northern Wei into Western Wei and Eastern Wei.

Western Wei Yuwentai was also a fierce man, and he raised the banner of Emperor Xiaowu and rebuked Gao Huan for plotting rebellion, while Gao Huan said that Yuwentai was an anti-vassal, and from then on, Eastern and Western Wei continued to fight for Zhengshuo.

Gao Huan and Yuwen Tai both had the feeling of "both Shengyu and He Shengliang", although the wars between Eastern Wei and Western Wei had their own victories and losses, but in the end no one defeated anyone. For this reason, Gao Huan died in melancholy.

Gao Huan's son Gao Cheng was already very disrespectful to Emperor Xiaojing of Eastern Wei during his father's lifetime, but just as he was preparing to usurp the throne, a fortuitous accident caused him to die at the hands of his own slaves.

Gao Yangwenxun, the second son of Gao Huan, who held military power, rushed from Jinyang day and night to Yecheng, and quickly took control of the military and political power of the DPRK with a thunderbolt that was too fast to hide his ears. This low-key person who is usually despised by people is decisive and crisp in doing things, and the rewards and punishments are clear, and a few things are praised by everyone.

By this time, Gao Yang believed that there was no need to keep the Eastern Wei imperial court. He then forced Emperor Xiaojing of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to take his place and change the name of the country to Qi.

At the beginning of Gao Yang's reign, due to his ability to make talents and his own outstanding military and political talents, his reign as emperor was the strongest period of the Northern Qi regime. Even when his father Gao Huan's old rival Yuwen Tai was fighting against him, he could not help but sigh when he saw the Northern Qi generals he led with strict appearance and clear armor: "King Gao is not dead!" ”

The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

However, such a promising emperor began to indulge in adultery and violence when he was satisfied, until he developed to the point of perversion. He often went out to make trouble after getting drunk, even in the cold winter moon. Occasionally sperm worms on the brain, drunk when seeing a woman with a slight posture in the folk and raping on the spot. Once drunk, he dragged a pedestrian to ask how today's son, the pedestrian replied with a disrespectful word, and he swung his sword on the spot and cut off the man's head.

Gao Yang's greatest hobby was to gather his courtiers and then rob a large number of women and order them to perform male and female affairs in front of him. In this regard, those who are ashamed often hide their faces, and only Gao Yang enjoys the performance while drinking.

His mother, Empress Lou, saw her fornication and admonished him to his face, and Gao Yang actually wanted to marry his mother to Hu Ren, and Empress Lou fainted in anger. Although he repented afterwards, he still indulged in wine.

In the tenth year of Northern Qi Tianbao (599 AD), due to excessive alcohol, he was about to die, in order to save the Gao clan, he actually ordered that all 721 people in the Northern Wei clan, both men, women and children, including Emperor Xiaojing, be executed, and then throw all their bodies into the Zhanghe River to feed the fish. Because the fish in the Zhanghe River often have human limbs in their stomachs, fishermen on both sides of the Zhanghe River do not eat the fish there for a long time.

After killing all the Yuan, Gao Yang's life came to an end. In October of that year, Gao Yang died violently, only 34 years old when he died.

The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

After Gao Yang's death, his throne was inherited by the crown prince Gao Yin, but soon Gao Yin's throne was usurped by his sixth uncle Gao Yan.

Gao Yan was the only person with normal nerves among the Emperors of Northern Qi, but this normal person of the Gao family was only because he had promised his mother not to kill Gao Yin before usurping the throne, and as a result, he later broke his promise and found a reason to kill his nephew.

This incident became his heart disease, thinking that he could not kill his brother by killing his nephew, and since then he has often had nightmares, which eventually tortured him into mental abnormality. In order to drive away the demons, he often led a few followers to the countryside to hunt. During a hunting trip, Gao Yan accidentally fell off his horse due to a nervous trance, and since then he has been ill.

Gao Yan originally wanted to pass the throne to his son Gao Bainian, but when he thought of his younger brother Gao Zhan, the King of Changguang, who was anxious to ascend to the throne, he summoned his brother and ordered him to inherit the throne after his death, and his only request was to hope that Gao Zhan would treat his wife and children kindly. Gao Yan was only 27 years old at the time of his death.

Immediately after Gao Zhan ascended the throne, he forgot his promise to his brother. He not only wantonly appointed small people, but also exerted the good wine and lust of the Gao family to the extreme. He not only forced the empresses of all his brothers below Gao Cheng, but also regardless of the affection of Gao's women, as long as Gao Zhan's favor, he took it at one rate. Gao Yan's son Gao Bainian was only because his mother was raped by Gao Zhan, and because he said a dissatisfied word in anger, he was hacked to death by Gao Zhan's people.

Because Gao Zhan's heavy use of traitors and Shi Kai and Lu Lingxuan, the Northern Qi Dynasty became darker and darker under the influence of this man and woman. Gao's old enemy, yuwen Shi, saw this as a good time to eliminate the Northern Qi regime, so they began to launch a war to pacify Northern Qi.

In the face of Yuwen Tai's aggressive attack, Gao Zhan actually listened to the warlock's words and passed the throne to his 19-year-old son Gao Zhen, who died of indulgence in alcohol soon after, at the age of 32.

The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

Gao Wei is not as good as his father Gao Zhan, Gao Zhan's dizziness is not only self-aware, but Gao Wei is just blindly fainting. In order to consolidate his rule, he, at the instigation of He Shikai, successively removed the pillars of the two great powers, Xiang Hu Luguang and Lanling Wang Gao Changgong.

After the deaths of Huo Luguang and Gao Changgong, there were no more figures in Northern Qi to compete with the newly established Northern Zhou regime, and the Northern Zhou Emperor Yuwen Yong took advantage of the eastern expedition and captured the city of Yi in one fell swoop. Gao Zhen and his son were both captured by the Northern Zhou army on their way to the Southern Dynasty Chen Kingdom, and the Northern Qi regime was destroyed.

The perverted past of the perverted families and the perverted dynasties they established

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