
Answers to the "Needham Question"

author:Push the heart out of the heart

The famous "Needham problem", why did modern China not produce science like the West? Conversely, why did Western civilization produce the scientific and industrial revolution?

1, in fact, the East is not without advanced civilization, the civilization of the Song Dynasty is still very advanced, the mind is also very open, it can be said that the old China is the most open dynasty! However, the military strength is weak, resulting in the process of civilization being interrupted by The Mongolian Yuan! The later Daming was rebuilt after a hundred years of war, and civilization is groping for renewal. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, because the manchu rulers were on the weaker side, in order to consolidate their rule, they implemented a closed country and suppressed the development of the people more severely! During this period, the development of Eastern civilization was very slow and lagging behind!

2. The two civilizational leaps in the West were based on the Western Expedition of Eastern Civilization. The first time, the Battle of Hengluo in the Tang Dynasty, the Oriental papermaking technology was officially introduced to the West, and the West began to have paper to write and write from then on, and Western civilization gradually stepped into the era of xinshi! The second time, the Mongolian Western Expedition, the Mongolian Western Expedition brought a large number of Eastern craftsmen, a large number of technology and equipment were introduced to the West, and the steel smelting technology was officially introduced to Europe from this period, and Europe also ended the era of not being able to make iron pots!

3, the Mongol Western Expedition objectively weakened the medieval dark rule of Western Europe, the raging of the Black Death is also the Western European people no longer superstitious religion, coupled with the contact with the advanced civilization of the East, Western Europe slowly got rid of the medieval dark quagmire! Lightly armed, they began to continuously absorb the advanced technology of the East and began to overtake in curves.

4, out of curiosity and yearning for the East, Western Europe wants to go to the East, but the land route is not accessible, so the sea route was chosen, and the prelude to navigation was also opened. With the expansion of navigation, more new things are exposed, the horizon is broadened, and the mind is more free and liberated. And the seafaring plunder has made the wealth of Western pirate countries have been amazingly improved! At the same time, the East was caught in the mud of a closed country!

5. The British started the steam revolution by chance, and neighboring Western European countries followed suit, and Western countries began to industrialize. Western civilization, also from this period, completely surpassed Eastern civilization in terms of productivity! What remains is that the gap is widening step by step, and the Western pirates are plundering backward countries step by step...

Summary: The gap between The East and the West is actually opened in this way, and it has nothing to do with some messy things in the mouths of many people! Before the West was strong, so the West held the right to speak, and the robbers would always beautify the behavior, so many people envied, blindly believed, and went astray. Learn to look for the truth from history!

Answers to the "Needham Question"

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