
The name of China is their inland fish chapter

author:Huashang Daily
The name of China is their inland fish chapter

Fish species diversity is both an important part of biodiversity and a profound reflection of ecosystem changes. However, due to human interference and destruction, the diversity of aquatic species is under serious threat, and protecting the aquatic ecological environment is the most powerful protection we can give them.

Chinese mainland a total of 1363 species (including subspecies) of fish native to 17 orders and 47 families and 303 genera. The special environment of Chinese mainland has bred some endemic fish, such as the Chinese schizothorn fish.

However, it is very regrettable that with the construction of a large number of hydropower stations, many of the original aquatic systems have been disrupted, so that many native fish have been fragmented and distributed, and the depth of China's research and investigation of native fish is limited, and many native inland fish may have become extinct before they have been discovered. Even if most of the photos we show you today do not have clear photos, some even the photos have not been preserved, which is very regrettable! I hope that through the following demonstration, let us protect them and cherish them like our own eyes.

1. Chinese sturgeon

The Chinese sturgeon is fusiform in shape, covered with 5 longitudinal columns of bone plates, with a transverse mouth and 2 pairs of whiskers on the lower part of the snout, which is cylindrical. It is a first-class key protected wild animal in China, known as the "giant panda in the water". Large river migratory fish. It inhabits the coastal waters, migrates to the Jinsha River in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River after sexual maturity, and spawns and breeds in autumn. The juveniles drift with the river water, arrive at the mouth of the Yangtze River in May and June of the following year, feed and grow at the mouth of the Yangtze River for about 3 months, and enter the sea for fertilization in August and September until sexual maturity and then undergo a retrospective reproductive migration. The maximum weight is up to 560 kg and the body length is more than 4 m. Omnivorous fish, mainly animal foods. Due to the Yangtze River Gezhou Dam blocking the migration channel, although there are artificial breeding and stocking populations, but the resources are seriously declined, the wild population is in a critical state, the Chinese sturgeon is the only species of extant sturgeon fish across the Tropic of Cancer, which has important scientific research and ecological value in fish zoogeography.

2. Chinese crucian carp (distributed in Shaanxi)

The Chinese crucian carp is a small cluster fish with a positioned mouth, a slanted posterior cleft, and a thin lip and no need. There is an ventral ridge between the base of the ventral fin and the anus. The scales are large and the lateral lines are incomplete. It prefers to live in ponds, rice paddies, ditches, reservoirs and rivers with fresh water quality; it prefers to swim in clusters, swim rapidly, grow slowly, and the first-year-old fish can reach sexual maturity, and the reproductive season is in May-June, and the amount of eggs is small. Individuals are small, easy to raise, and can be used as experimental material fish and water cluster breeding bait fish.

3. Chinese salmon (distributed in Shaanxi)

Pán៓ (pí) has a flattened body, a small head, and no need for the corners of the mouth. The lateral line is incomplete. During the reproductive season, the male is unusually brightly colored, with pearls on the snout and around the orbit. Benthic fish, prefer to inhabit still water, grassy water bodies, generally 3-6 cm long. April to June is the spawning period, and there is a habit of laying eggs in the river mussels. Small fish, can be used as ornamental fish. Chinese salmon females are larger than males.

4. Chinese barb catfish (distributed in Shaanxi)

The Chinese barbed catfish (bā) has a long and lateral flattened body, a sharp barb in the dorsal fin flesh, a cone-shaped head, a blunt snout, a sub-sub-mouth, horseshoe-shaped, and two pairs. The Chinese barb catfish is one of the rare and endemic indigenous fish in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and prefers to live in the clear water of the rapids. Broad-temperate demersal fish overwinter in deep pit caves in the main tributaries in winter, and breed and fatten in the tributaries in the spring to form a short-distance migration. April to June is the spawning season, omnivorous fish, and natural resources are gradually decreasing.

5. Chinese knotted fish

Chinese knotted fish have flattened body, pointed snout, and anterior protrusion. It belongs to the middle and lower class of fish, and usually inhabits the slow flow of the main stream of rivers. Juveniles feed on zooplankton, adults omnivores, and are mainly aquatic invertebrates. The spawning period is from July to September, breeding in the rapids at the bottom of the pebbles. It is a major economic fish.

6. Chinese schizothorax (distributed in Shaanxi)

The Chinese schizothopterus is long and laterally flattened orally conical. The mouth is inferior, transversely lobed, and curved. The anterior edge of the lower jaw has sharp horn and must be paired with 2 pairs. The thorax has distinct fine scales after the gill isthmus. The back is dark grey or bluish grey, the abdomen is grayish yellow or silvery-white, the caudal fin is red, and the rest of the fins are bluish grey. It is distributed in the upper reaches of the Jialing River. Individuals are small, slow-growing, have low economic value and account for a very small proportion of catches. Food is mainly algae and plant detritus. It is a benthic fish. It prefers to inhabit the pebble bottom, clear water quality, and fast flow rate of the river.

7. Central Warsaw loach (distributed in Shaanxi)

The Middle Warsaw loach, a species endemic to China, has a long and flattened body. The head is small, the mouth is sub-inferior, it has 3 pairs of whiskers, the eyes are small, the underside of the spines is forked, the end exceeds the posterior edge of the eye, and there are 7-9 black-brown transverse spots from the posterior edge of the gill cap to the base of the nil fin. The breeding season is from April to July, and mainly feeds on aquatic insects. Small fish with ornamental value.

8. Chinese loach (distributed in Shaanxi)

The Chinese loach is long, flattened on the sides and flattened on the polar side of the head. The end of the undercical spine reaches the center of the eye. The lower part of the mouth, 3 pairs of whiskers, short tail stalk, truncated tail fin, body brownish yellow, along the midline of the body with 6-15 large brown-black spots, dorsal midline with 7-19 brown-black rectangular or saddle-shaped large spots. Individuals living in rapids have generally large and few spots, while individuals living in stratostorms and still water have smaller and more spots. Small strata omnivorous fish, which live in slow river flows, feed mainly on small benthic invertebrates and algae.

9. Chinese loach near the original

Chinese near-original loach, thin lips, simple structure. The sides of the body are covered with brown transverse stripes. The end of the pectoral fin does not reach the beginning of the ventral fin. The gill foramen are narrow and limited to the dorsal side of the head. It prefers benthic life in a stream with many gravel and rapid waters.

10. Chinese catfish

Chinese catfish, elongated, the front back is gradually flattened, flattened backwards. The head length is less than the body height. The kiss is blunt, and the nostrils are far away. The mouth is shallow and curved, and the upper jaw is longer than the lower jaw. The jaw whiskers are longer than the head and up to the middle of the pectoral fin. Cephalothorial mitochondrions are on the side of the body and are in a 6-7 longitudinal row. There are brown spots on the dorsal side and fins, grayish white on the ventral side, and a black longitudinal spot on the body side.

11. Chinese striped pectoral bass (distributed in Shaanxi)

Zhào is an endemic species in China. The body is elongated, the front of the dorsal fin is flattened, the lower mouth is shallowly curved, the head is broad, there are 4 pairs of whiskers, the chest has suction cups, and the face is rough. The side line is complete. The dorsal fin is located between the pectoral and ventral fins. The caudal fin is forked. The dorsal side is grayish brown and the ventral side is pale yellow. There is a horizontal black spot under the dorsal fin and the adipose fin, and the fin is yellow. It is a small benthic fish that prefers rapids and river beaches, attaches to rocks using suction cups, feeds mainly on aquatic insects, and has a breeding period of 5-6 months, and fertilized eggs are sticky.

12. Chinese bass

It has a long body, flattened sides, a broad and flattened head, slightly shorter than the head length, and a flat abdomen. The lower part of the mouth is slightly curved. Must be 4 pairs, small eyes. The dorsal fin is short and without hard spines, the caudal fin is truncated, the lateral line is complete, the whole body is brownish gray, and the abdomen is grayish white. Naked and scaleless, it is a demersal fish that lives in rapids and rocky rivers, mainly eating aquatic insect larvae, and is an endangered species in China.

13. Chinese medaka

Chinese medaka, elongated, flattened on the sides and straight on the back. The ventral circle is curved. The head is moderately large and the top of the head is flat and wide. Oral position. The eyes are large and the eye diameter is longer than the snout. The body is covered with large, thin round scales, without lateral lines. The dorsal fin is located at the rear. The caudal fin is flattened. Clusters live in small, shallow waters. Spawning is laid in batches from May to August. Feeds on zooplankton and mosquito larvae.

14. Chinese loach

Chinese loach, snake-shaped. The head is small and pointed. The mouth is at the end of the mouth, and the snout is short and blunt. There are thorns under the eyes. The body is covered with small round scales. The first dorsal fin is specialized as 32 to 33 separated hard spines. No ventral fins. The fin has 3 small separated spines. Benthic fish, which live in shallow areas of aquatic grasses, feed on aquatic insects and small fish and shrimp. The spawning period is from June to July.

15. Chinese less scaly mandarin fish

Chinese lesser-scaled mandarin fish, flattened on the side of the body, curved dorsal margin, slightly flattened abdomen. The upper and lower jaws are slightly equal or the lower jaws are slightly protruding. There are fewer scales, and the lateral line has pore scales 58-82. Body color grayish brown or tan. There are 3 dark radial stripes behind the eyes and 4 dark transverse bands on the side of the body with irregular spots.

16. Middle Warsaw Pond Fish

Lǐ , a small freshwater demersal fish , lives at the bottom of lakes , rivers and ditches , preferring to inhabit shallow areas where weeds and gravel are mixed. Slow movement and weak swimming ability. Feeds on small fish, shrimp, earthworms, mosquito larvae, aquatic insects and crustaceans. The reproductive period is from 4 to 6 months. Eggs are laid in batches in mussel shells. The eggs are oval in shape, sticky, and adhere to the inner wall of the nest. Males have a habit of guarding their nests and protecting their eggs. Photography by Ning Feng

It World Nature Classroom Weekend takes you to communicate with nature

■ Public welfare nature sharing meeting

Nature Movie Night – Butterflies

Saturday, May 11, 18:30-20:30, Nature Movie Night – Butterflies. Professor Li Yufei, a well-known butterfly expert, was specially invited to lead everyone into the beautiful French countryside, understand the colorful butterflies, and experience the harmonious beauty of man and nature in the mountains.

Event Location: Blue Ocean Wind - Manxiang Wanbang Book City (No. 37, Fengcheng 2nd Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an City)

■ "Volunteer for the Conservation of Rare Species in Qinling Mountains"

Single-day experience

Jointly held by the Shaanxi Wildlife Conservation Association and the Shaanxi Rare Wild Animal Rescue and Breeding Research Center, I hope that through a day of natural experience activities, I can understand the scientific knowledge of rare species in Qinling Mountains, as well as master the basic knowledge of wildlife rescue, and harvest rare parent-child time!

Venue: ZhouzhilouGuantai Shaanxi Provincial Rare Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Research Center

Cost: 360 yuan / person (including course design, teaching aids, lunch and nature guidance instructor fees)

■ Take you to bird watching:

"Spring Bird Observation of the World Horticultural Exposition"

Step into nature and feel the wonders of the bird world and start a wonderful lifestyle!

Location: Exit A2 of Xianghuwan Station

Cost: 60 yuan / person (including course design, teaching aids, natural guide fees)

■ Weekly insect class:

Lesson 3 "Water Killer"

For big friends and children who like insects, take you into the wonderful world of insects! Make you an insect master!

Location: Five Lakes of Yanming Lake Park, Xi'an

Cost: 180 yuan (one large and one small or two large and one small, including course design, teaching aids, nature guide fees)

■ Recruitment target: 6 years old or older, children flying alone or parent-child participation! Full capacity of 30 people

■ Activity registration method: Pay attention to the "it world" WeChat public account, leave a message "event name + name + phone number" information, send it to us, and the staff will reply to the confirmation in time.

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