
Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

Our World Natural Heritage Site, Coco Siri, was once selected as a World Natural Heritage Site because of the unique and special natural ecosystem of Coco Siri, especially the adaptation of many rare wild animals to the highland environment. The average altitude of Coco Siri is about 4200 meters, with little oxygen, thin air and extremely poor climatic conditions. However, under such extreme conditions, many animals survive here, and these animals make full use of their physical conditions and special survival skills to live safely in the Coco Siri area of the "forbidden area of life".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > Tibetan antelope</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The Tibetan antelope is the first place in the animal "ranking" of Coco Xili without any controversy. Tibetan antelopes are extremely resilient to plateau climates because they have a slightly raised nose. The Tibetan antelope has a wide nose and large nostrils. There is an "air bag" in each nostril to help with breathing. With these special structures in their noses, Tibetan antelopes can run at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour on airless plateaus, while wolves known for their ability to run sigh at them. Lakes such as "Zhuo Nai Lake" and "Sun Lake" on the Coco Siri Plateau provide an ideal fertility place for the tenacious animals of the Tibetan antelope. Every summer, tens of thousands of female Tibetan antelopes come to this safe place to sound offspring. After the end of summer, they embarked on a long journey home with their newborns.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > Tibetan wild donkey</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

Unlike the "stars" mentioned above, the Tibetan wild donkey is the only single-hoofed animal that lives on the vast Coco Siri Plateau, and it does not rely on long fur to withstand the cold. In addition, its coat color also has a fairly bright color, especially in the summer. The wild donkeys in Tibet are not afraid of cold, not afraid of sun, not afraid of thirst. They couldn't drink water for a few days. Tibetan wild donkeys are also "long-distance runners" on the plateau. It can run 40 or 50 km at a time and has a top speed of 64 km/h. They especially love racing. After overtaking, they will suddenly stop, turn around and return to the car, posing as a victor and making people laugh.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > wild yak</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The wild yak is undoubtedly large and strong, and it can be said to be a "heavyweight" animal on the Coco Siri Plateau. Its body hair is long and rich, like wearing a coconut shell raincoat. It can shelter from the wind and rain, climb ice, and lie on the snow. Its unique structure adapted to highland life also includes 14 pairs of ribs. Although its ribs are only one pair more than other cattle, because the extra ribs will make the wild yak's chest wider, of course, it can also accommodate larger internal organs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > Tibetan hartebeest</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

Compared with Tibetan antelope, Tibetan antelope belongs to the authentic antelope. In fact, Tibetan antelopes are classified as sheep. The Tibetan antelope is a rare highland antelope that can reach an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. Their body hair is greyish brown and their abdomen is white. In strong sunlight, they are very close to yellow sand. For this reason, they are also known as "Tibetan yellow sheep". The Tibetan antelope has a large white spot on its hip that sparkles in the sun like a mirror, so it is also called "mirror sheep".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > plateau pika</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

This small animal with no tail and round like a hairball has many special ways of adapting to the highland environment. It is considered a key species to maintain the stability of alpine meadow ecosystems. Their greatest skill is digging holes. The cave is bifurcated and meandering. They are very complex. There are as many as five or six holes. Interestingly, highland pika caves can also be used by many land birds to hide from predators and bad weather. Among them, birds such as white-waisted snow finches and brown-necked snow finches can also nest in the plateau pika hole, forming a strange phenomenon of "birds and mice in the same cave".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > black-necked crane</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The meltwater of the towering Gradandan Ice Peak forms countless networked rivers, which flow into large rivers and lakes such as Tuotuo River, Yun'erqu River and Chuma River, and then form a "natural wetland ecosystem", which provides a very ideal and comfortable habitat and breeding ground for China's unique black-necked cranes. Among the 15 precious cranes that exist on Earth, the black-necked crane is the last species of crane to be discovered by mankind, and the "magical" crane is also the only crane that lives on the plateau.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > Tibetan brown bear</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The brown bears that live in Coco Xili belong to the Qinghai-Tibet subspecies, and their differentiation is to further adapt to the cold climate of the plateau. Some scholars believe that it is an independent species closely related to brown bears, so it is also known as The Tibetan Brown Bear. It is the smallest brown bear, only about 1.3 meters tall. Its body color is also "peculiar" than other bears. It is considered the most beautiful bear.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="16" > the bearded vulture</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The name of the bearded vulture is named after a small tuft of black mane under the corner of the mouth, which is shaped like a beard, so it is called the bearded vulture. The wingspan of the bearded vulture can reach about 3 meters. Its head and neck are not as bare as other vultures, but have rusty white intact feathers. It had a circle of dark, long eyebrow-like stripes around its eyes, as if it were wearing a pair of glasses. Because it eats rotten flesh, its feet hooked with iron hooks have degenerated, but its mouth has become particularly powerful, like steel tongs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > spiked loach</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The special conditions of Coco Siri and the altitude have a series of influences on the fish here, and the fish here are obviously different from those in other places, and there will be a clear "regionality". The thorny plateau loach belongs to the "spiny plateau loach". Its body is less than 30 cm long, there are no scales on the surface of the body, and its eyes are small. Interestingly, males have secondary sexual characteristics, especially during the breeding season. Usually there are thickened flesh pads or raised small spines on the snout and back of the pectoral fin, hence the name.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" > Qinghai sand lizard</h1>

Inventory of the 10 "famous" animals on China's Coco Xili Plateau Tibetan antelope Tibetan wild donkey wild yak Tibetan hare plateau pika black-necked crane Tibetan brown bear beard vulture thorn plateau loach Qinghai sand lizard

The only reptile that is Coco Xili should be the Qinghai Sand Lizard. The Qinghai sand lizard has a small body, the surface of the body is covered with spots and stripes of different depths, and there is a small white dot between the two eyes on the head, called the "upper eye". In the genus Sand Lizard in China, the only one with sex chromosome differentiation is the Qinghai Sand Lizard, which shows that the Qinghai Sand Lizard is a more special lizard, and its evolutionary process is closely related to the geological changes of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In order to adapt to the high altitude environment, Qinghai sand lizards also adopt a very "unique" breeding strategy: only one nest of eggs per year, increase the number of eggs in each nest, and delay the larval maturation.

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