
When the love sinus first opened, the pure girl decided to leave, and it was a thing or a person to meet again

author:Light blue light

If you love each other, you will definitely hope to stay together for a lifetime, the so-called love does not have to be together, but the sadness and helplessness of not being able to stay together for various reasons, a self-comforting and self-deprecating statement. In the vast sea of people, who have you met? Who met you again?

When the love sinus first opened, the pure girl decided to leave, and it was a thing or a person to meet again

Ah Cheng was an employee of a rural credit cooperative, and Juanzi was one of Ah Cheng's many depositors, and at that time she was holding a large handful of change in her hand to save, although the money was crumpled, but every corner of each sheet had traces of hard paving. Ah Cheng had never seen a girl as pure as Juanzi. After many contacts, Ah Cheng slowly moved his heart to Juanzi, and when he didn't see Juanzi come for a month, his heart was empty. Juanzi is a secondary school student, she comes from a poor mountainous area, and there are younger siblings who are studying at home, Juanzi has to go out and work several jobs at the same time in addition to studying, and the pile of change is the family's life-saving money.

After Ah Cheng knew, for the sake of Juanzi, he began to quit smoking, quit drinking, and no longer bought brand-name clothes. Ah Cheng anonymously put all the money he saved into Juanzi's passbook. Once, Juanzi came to get the money, and Ah Cheng's eyes were sharp, and he saw Juanzi's middle finger bandaged with a small piece of gauze. Juanzi laughed softly: "It doesn't matter, I don't pay attention to breaking things when moving things." Ah Cheng took this matter to heart and carried a large bag of things to see Juanzi, but Ah Cheng did not enter the campus and left a message for Juanzi with a small note.

Juanzi found Ah Cheng and said to him, "Don't hide from me, I know it's you, from the way you look at me, I know." ”

This time, Juanzi came to say goodbye to Ah Cheng, she was going back to her hometown, her parents told her a family affair, the other family is very rich, so many years for her seriously ill parents have been very caring, without the support of the other family, her younger brothers and sisters can not study.

That night, Ah Cheng was very drunk, and his eyes were covered with blood. He didn't expect Juanzi to be so determined, all of a sudden he was rejected thousands of miles away, and how he forgot all the past, when the love sinus first opened, he didn't understand whether it was worth it, love turned upside down for the happiness in front of him, young and crazy people don't know, whether to pay feelings should learn to be stingy, vigorous will only urge sorrow and joy, every love is not willing, only bitterness has no choice...

Years later, Ah Cheng went to Daliangshan for a conference. In front of a rural school at the foot of the hotel's hill, he met a woman who timidly shouted Ah Cheng's name. At this time, Ah Cheng was already the president of a bank in the city, and he was accompanied by his wife. Ah Cheng stared at her for half a day, and he really couldn't remember who this bloated woman in front of him was.

After a while, Ah Cheng returned to God, suddenly realized, and slapped himself fiercely, how could it be Juanzi?

Ah Cheng has been sleepless all night, his mind is full of the shadow of Juanzi's youth, and the feelings of many years are like firewood under the hot sun, ignited in the dark night with a touch of memory. Ah Cheng has always hidden his thoughts about Juanzi, he never told his wife, nor did he tell anyone.

At dawn, Ah Cheng tries to ask the locals and learns that Juanzi teaches at that school. "Juanzi, she is a poor person, she suffers from a family genetic disease, her appearance has changed, and she lives alone. Many years ago, I heard that when she was studying, a boy from a good family took a fancy to her, but she did not agree, but she kept telling the people around her how the boy was good to her. In the end, she is afraid of harming others and tiring them. She's pathetic. ”

Ah Cheng's heart was stung hard. He never imagined that the original resolute rejection actually contained such affection. Later, Ah Cheng went to the school to look for Juanzi, but was told that Juanzi was not there.

At the end of the meeting, Ah Cheng boarded the car back to the city with an uneasy and self-condemning heart. Just as the car was about to start, a staff member ran up to him and hurriedly handed him a letter. Sitting in a bumpy, bumpy car, he opened the envelope, which contained a note he had written to her years ago when she had injured her finger, with a line on the back: "Sorry, forget me." His eye sockets were moist again.

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