
The director of "Thor 3" will direct disney's "Magic Hotel" starring scarlett and producing

The director of "Thor 3" will direct disney's "Magic Hotel" starring scarlett and producing

According to foreign media the disinsider, "Thor 3" director Taiga Viditti has signed a contract to direct Disney's "Tower of Terror", which is adapted from Disney's amusement project the twilight zone tower of terror, which starred Kirsten Dunst in 1997 as a TV movie of the same name.

The director of "Thor 3" will direct disney's "Magic Hotel" starring scarlett and producing

1997 Magic Hotel

In June, Disney announced that it would launch a new version of "Magic Hotel", written by Josh Kurey, director of "Toy Story 4", starring "Widow Sister" Scarlett Johansson and acting as a producer. Although Scarlett and Disney have experienced a two-month legal dispute that has made the film's future uncertain, after the two sides settled, the development of "Magic Hotel" went normally.

The director of "Thor 3" will direct disney's "Magic Hotel" starring scarlett and producing

Taiga Viditti's last directorial work, Jojo's Whimsical World, won the 2020 Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay, as well as a nomination for Best Picture. He has finished filming Thor 4: Love and Thunder and will write and direct a "Star Wars" series of films. The "acting addicted" director also starred in roles in "Out of Control Player" and "X Task Force: Full Assemblage".

The director of "Thor 3" will direct disney's "Magic Hotel" starring scarlett and producing

Viditti played Antoine in Runaway Player

(Edit: Rica)

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