
Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

There are many ordinary scenes in life, ordinary people feel commonplace, and often turn a blind eye, but poets have a unique vision, and find unusual in the ordinary. Although they are sentimental, they are also meticulous in observation and rich in associations, so that they can accurately extract many valuable elements in the creative materials.

For example, a strong wind may leave a falling flower on the ground, which will trigger the author's emotions, they gallop their thinking, capture inspiration, and cross time and space to create masterpieces that have been handed down to the world. The following two miscellaneous poems by Yuan Ming are easy to understand and rich, and the Qing Dynasty talents are indeed unique in insight.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights
Miscellaneous Poems on the Lake (Part 1) Qing Dynasty: Yuan Ming Fengling Gao ascended to perform the martial arts stage, and the wind on the stone came. King Qian Ying Wu Kang Wang was weak, the same jiangshan and two talents.

Yuan Mei grew up in Hangzhou, although he settled in Jinling after middle age, he still can't forget his relatives and friends there, and he often goes back to visit and visit the old garden with great interest. The poet also moved several times while living in Hangzhou, and each time he recorded his feelings in the poems, which also expressed the author's mental journey at different times.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights

The author once boarded the martial arts stage in Fengling, where Qian Wei, the king of Wuyue, had trained soldiers and horses. Although standing on a high place, I can no longer see the flag waving and dust flying, nor can I hear the sound of horse drums and trumpets, but the author can still gallop his imagination and convey his inner yearning with vivid language.

"The wind on the stone is coming", this sentence is magnificent and makes people think endlessly. The wind blows strongly on the stone, reminiscent of the famous poem of Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, and the poet imagines those princes and ministers sitting on the martial arts stage, enjoying the wonderful performances while hoping that the heroes of the world can follow their subordinates and make meritorious achievements.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights

The third sentence suddenly turned, "Qian Wang Ying Wu Kang Wang Weak", the author from Wu Yue Wang thought of Kang Wang Zhao Shuo, a heroic martial artist, a weak one, can be described as a sharp contrast. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Qian Wei protected the people and resisted the intrusion of all sides, he protected the border and the people, the economy prospered, and built Jiangnan into a rich land of fish and rice.

However, Zhao Zhuo did not want to forge ahead, took a corner of peace, and surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, while the anti-war people adopted a strategy of suppression and alienation, but in the end, they still could not avoid the end of the Southern Song Dynasty. "The same country and the mountains are two talents", the poet sighed, the same regime established in Hangzhou, the results are very different, but also prominently express the author's love and hatred attitude.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights
Miscellaneous Poems on the Lake (Part 2) Peach blossoms are difficult to find, and people can't help but feel sorry for being late. I said that it is better to be late here, and I want to spend more than I see flowers.

The gist of the poem is: peach blossoms are blown down by the wind and are difficult to find. Tourists come late, miss the flowering period, and constantly feel sorry. The poet thinks that being late is more meaningful, because his thoughts and imaginations of peach blossoms are more profound than the impression after seeing peach blossoms.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights

The author uses contrasting techniques to show his feelings that are different from others. When everyone was annoyed by missing the blooming peach blossoms, the poet thought from a different perspective, turning the shortcomings into satisfaction and expressing his profound feelings.

The pleasure of the poet is not in being there, but in imagining and anticipating the process in the mind. If he had been there and seen the peach blossoms in full bloom, perhaps not as brilliant as he had imagined, he might have been even more disappointed.

Yuan Ming's two miscellaneous poems are easy to understand and rich in content, and the Qing Dynasty talents really have unique insights

The poem is easy to understand, but the reverie is infinite. Just like people often eagerly look forward to visiting places of interest and monuments, and look forward to some surprising harvests. However, once the original appearance was really presented in front of his eyes, he suddenly felt bored.

The same is true of poetry creation, the true interest of poets lies in temperament, and many scenes are not real scenes, but the poet's imagination and borrowing themes. But art is higher than life, and the reader will also look inward, with a full heart and inner wisdom, to obtain and enhance the pleasant experience, and in some ways to resonate with the author's emotions.

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