
Zhuge Liang's strategy of knowing people

author:Lin Xing 888

In the Zhuge Liang Collection, there is an article "Knowing Human Nature" that reads: "Human nature, there are gentle and deceitful, there are those who are externally respectful and internally deceived, there are those who are brave outside and inside, and there are those who try their best and are disloyal." There are seven ways to know people, namely:

Ask right and wrong and look at it. That is, to understand their aspirations and beliefs through attitudes towards some major issues of right and wrong.

Poor rhetoric and judgment. That is, to debate with him on a number of issues to understand his views and resilience.

Consulting is based on scheming and judging. That is, ask him to give advice on certain difficult problems to understand his intellectual talent.

Tell him to look at it with difficulty and look at his courage. See if he can stand up in the face of difficulties and disasters and bravely shoulder heavy burdens.

Drunkenness looks at its nature with wine. Expose his true nature after getting drunk, and spit out the truth after drinking.

It is good to look at it. Observe whether he can remain incorruptible in the face of money and wealth.

Look at his faith. See if he can keep his promise and complete it on time for the things he has been entrusted with.


1. According to the above materials, what aspects of Zhuge Liang's strategy of understanding people is embodied? What can be learned?

2. Give examples of what basic principles leaders should adhere to? Why?

3. What are the common misconceptions in leadership? How to avoid these misunderstandings ?

1. According to the above materials, what aspects of Zhuge Liang's strategy of understanding people is embodied?

According to the above materials, Zhuge Liang's strategy of knowing people embodies seven aspects, namely, people's ambition, knowledge, talent, courage, character, integrity, and integrity.

(1) The ambition of talents was examined. "Asking right and wrong and looking at their aspirations" means understanding their aspirations and beliefs through attitudes towards some major issues of right and wrong. If a person does not have lofty ambitions and ideals, he will be short-sighted and blind. Zhuge Liang himself, as an outstanding politician at that time, his masterpiece "Longzhong Pair" can be seen that he had lofty ambitions at that time, and saw the situation of three divisions of the world, and history later proved that his views were correct. Therefore, he requires talents to also have lofty ambitions and ideals.

(2) The knowledge aspect of talents is examined. "To argue with words and to see his knowledge" means to argue with him on certain issues in order to understand his views and adaptability. Governing the country requires high-quality people. If an illiterate person can hardly imagine being able to do a good job in the country's major affairs, in the same way, the national affairs are complicated, complex, and ever-changing, and a person without good adaptability will be overwhelmed and unable to start.

(3) The talent aspect of talents was examined. "Consult with a scheming and a view of his talents", that is, ask him to give advice on certain difficult problems to understand his intellectual talents. In the same way, a talent without talent, in the face of a complex situation, can not come up with a best way to solve the problem, will make the people suffer.

(4) The courage of talents was examined. "Tell him to look at his courage by difficulties" to see if he can stand up in the face of difficulties and disasters and bravely shoulder heavy burdens. This was especially important in ancient times. For example, fighting the enemy, before the war starts, the enemy is intimidated. And this courage should be understood as a person's inner strength, not in the outward tallness and strength of the strong.

(5) The character aspects of talents are examined. "Drunk with wine to see his nature", expose his nature after drunkenness, and spit out the truth after drinking. How a person's moral quality and character are can be seen at critical times. The so-called "drunkenness and truth". If a person is consistent in appearance, speaking and doing the same, of course, he is a good talent.

(6) The integrity of talents was examined. "Look at his honesty in the face of his wealth" to observe whether he can remain incorruptible in the face of money and wealth. A good person does not waver in the face of the lure of money. This is particularly important for the fight against corruption in today's society.

(7) The integrity of talents was examined. "Look forward to seeing what he believes" to see if he can keep his promise and complete it on time for the things he has been entrusted with. A good talent should be loyal to the cause, keep promises, should not be in violation of the yin, and should be serious about the work.

What can be learned?

From the above, we can see that Zhuge Liang's strategy of knowing people at that time was very scientific. Many of them are worth learning from modern people. The modern concept of talent requires that talents be red and specialized, and have both ability and political integrity. People's knowledge, talent, integrity, integrity and other qualities are particularly important for modern people. It's just that the content reflected has the characteristics of the times. For example, in good faith, modern people demand loyalty to the people and to the cause of socialist construction, rather than loyalty to a certain person or group as in feudal society. Some qualities are the same from ancient times to the present, such as people's knowledge, talents, and incorruptibility, and any society needs talents with outstanding abilities and honesty and integrity. In modern times, there are also such as Jiao Yulu, Kong Fansen and so on. These are all worth learning from.

(1) Leaders should adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity. Having both ability and political integrity is the most common criterion for modern talents. Virtue ranks first, and the ambition, character, honesty, and honesty of the people in the previous Zhuge Liang's knowledge of people can all be regarded as the connotation of morality, of course, the most important thing about the morality embodied by modern talents is whether there is the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly. Only with this kind of thinking, other aspects will also be strict with themselves. People's knowledge and talents are ranked second. A talented and unvirtuous person is much more harmful to society than a virtuous and untalented person. For example, many modern leaders who have made mistakes have given up the idea of serving the people wholeheartedly, and have only cared about the promotion of their personal positions and the satisfaction of selfish desires, causing heavy losses to society and the country.

(2) Leaders should adhere to the principle of long-term and comprehensive understanding. The long-term principle requires leaders to observe a talent and draw conclusions about a talent, which should take a little longer. On the one hand, because there is a process of talent growth, on the other hand, the leader observes a person not only based on the first impression, see the people's hearts for a long time, and how a person is, usually can not see, in the key time to know what kind of person this is. For example, the older people who are doing practical things at the grassroots level are good in all aspects, but they have not been promoted. On the contrary, many young people rise again and again in a very short period of time, and as a result, many leaders who make mistakes are such people. The principle of comprehensiveness requires that leaders observe a talent in a comprehensive, meticulous, and in-depth manner. We must not look at people "in terms of partial generalities." It is necessary to examine not only how good their working ability is, but also to examine things other than their working ability. For example, a certain place stipulates that officials who are not filial to their elderly people cannot be promoted. There used to be no one high official who gave his lover thousands of dollars and gave his mother only 100 yuan a month. How can such a person who is still so kind to his old man hope that he will be good to the people?

(3) Leaders should adhere to the principle of employing people without doubt and doubting people. Employing people without doubt means that appointing a person must believe in him, rest assured and bold to let him do it, do not always look at him with a suspicious eye, and even send someone to supervise him. During the Ming Dynasty, there were no East and West Factories and Jinyi Guards, which specialized in supervising the words and deeds of officials, and finally caused the entire official field to be separated from their families every time they went to the court. Suspect people do not need to use if they do not believe in someone, do not reuse, since they do not trust someone, this person must have shortcomings, and at the critical time may not be bad things, then resolutely do not use. For example, before Zhuge Liang died, he said that Wei Yan had anti-bones and could not be reused, after Zhuge Liang's death, Wei Yan really rebelled.

3. What are the common misconceptions in leadership?

The common misunderstandings in leaders who recognize people violate the basic principles and manifest themselves in reality in various ways: if there is a leader who cannot adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity, he only sees one of them, such as this person is loyal, honest and reliable, regardless of whether he has talent or not, and promotes him, the result is a mediocre or even a slave. Or focus only on their talents and knowledge, regardless of their moral character, and as a result, they will make mistakes or even commit crimes within a few years. Some leaders look at people with "first impressions" and preconceived notions, no matter how good this person is in the future. Some leaders "look at people in a partial and general way" and only see the good aspects and the bad aspects. Some leaders like to be flattered, to throw in their favor, and to those who are honest and willing to do things without asking. Some leaders do not see talented subordinates, think that they will take his place, and are very jealous.

How to avoid these misunderstandings ?

In view of the common misunderstandings in the understanding of leaders, they should be prevented and avoided from the following aspects

(1) Leaders should strengthen the overall quality of individuals. Because leaders have to face all kinds of complicated situations and deal with all kinds of difficult problems, only by improving their personal cultivation and strengthening their personal moral level can they stand tall, see far, and be able to understand people and people. If the leaders themselves are not good, how can they hope that they can identify which talents are excellent?

(2) Leaders should adhere to the basic principle of knowing people. In accordance with the spirit of the Party's cadre line, those who have both political integrity and ability should be promoted. Through long-term comprehensive examination, it is believed that an excellent person should be promoted. Do not doubt the person who appointed.

(3) Leaders should learn to face various temptations and pressures. There are too many temptations in modern society, and as a leader, if you are not careful, you will fall into the trap. For example, in the face of money and beauty, some people can't hold on, in reality, not many people have promoted people who should not be promoted by buying and selling officials, and many people have promoted their lovers to become officials. On the other hand, leaders also have to face pressure from their superiors, and when the pressure of their superiors conflicts with policies and laws, as a leader, they have to make difficult choices. Therefore, leaders should learn the methods and techniques to face various temptations and pressures.

(4) Leaders should be selfless and choose talents from the perspective of career. Leaders should be broad-minded and should not be promoted because they have prejudices against someone, nor can they be promoted because someone has a relationship. There should be a clear distinction between public and private, and everything should be known and selected from the perspective of being conducive to work and from the starting point of being conducive to the cause. Give everyone a fair and just opportunity to compete.

Zhuge Liang's strategy of knowing people

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