
Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

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The author of the words "Partridge Heaven" is a Yuan Dynasty, called Wei Chu.

Last year and this year, but I arrived home, and this year we look at each other and the end of the world. A spring heart is idle, and the two sideburns and autumn frost are fine. Mountains meet water, water Mingxia. The remnants of the forest are illuminated by the return of the crows. When the countryside is cleaned up, the children and daughters (luan) make tea at night.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Wei Chu

First look at the first two sentences "Last year and this day but arrived home, this year we look at each other and the end of the world", this time last year I arrived home, and this time this year I looked at the end of the world, that is to say, less than a year is the other side of the sky. This kind of bitter hatred that gathers less and leaves more can be described as a precursor! It has been a long journey, a search, on the road, and this year it is still on the road, and it seems to be on the road forever. Comparing the two compartments, the reunion and separation are so precious, and the feeling of home is of course very warm. Where is this year? The words "and the end of the world" and "again" indicate that they have been more than once, drifting on the road and wandering the end of the world, so the sigh of career and the helplessness of life are profoundly seen in this word. Therefore, the purity of hard thinking is also revealed.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Drifting on the road, wandering the end of the world

Look at the second two sentences: "A spring heart is idle, and the two sideburns and autumn frost are fine." The two sideburns are frosted, which is a metaphor, and there may be a big gap compared to the poet's real age. Of course, the two sideburns are not very heavy, and "fine and flowery" shows that the degree of whiteness is still very fine, but it is only slightly white. But the appearance of white hair, for anyone up to forty, at first sight is a frightening fact. And this "white", need to go forward to find the cause, in addition to the two sentences of "going to the age", it is this "a spring of idleness". Everyone may wish to pay attention to this "idle" word, it seems that once people are busy, they will feel full, and once they are idle, especially if the spirit is not supported, they are either bored or sick, and the spirit seems to be scattered, and they suddenly become commissioned. This experience, may be the older the more you are, the more. Therefore, people cannot be idle, and when they are idle, they often have problems, they are worried, they are idle, they are idle, they are idle, they are idle, and at the same time, they must be haunted by some kind of melancholy, so that they cannot be dispersed for a long time, so Xin Renjie said that "idle sorrow is the most bitter", and now Zhu Ziqing also said that "these days my heart is quite unstable" Yunyun.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Ichiharu has nowhere to go

Of course, why idleness is the most bitter, is because the empty grip is empty, always unclear and unclear, making people restless and restless. More specifically, the writer is actually suffering from the si family. Throughout the spring, people are in a feeling of emptiness that cannot go home. In addition, let us not forget that spring is also a special and sentimental season, as the great Russian writer Turgenev said in "Steppe and Woods", "In spring it is easy to part, in spring, happy people will also be attracted to distant places...". In addition to this, a "spring" word is also worth noting. It not only points out the time when the word was written, but also explains the writing atmosphere of the word composition. That is to say, in such a particularly sentimental season, the whole word is wrapped in a layer of regrets that are easy to pass away and cannot be enjoyed. In addition, this word is also secretly related to the writing scene behind.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Spring is also the season of sentimentality

Let's look at "mountains meet water, water Mingxia", this "Ming" word as a verb, corresponding to the previous "connecting" word. Mountains are connected to water, and the surface of the water reflects the glow of the sun. These six characters have a view, see length. Of course, this "Xia" is not the first sun but the sunset. "Full of forest residues to see the return of crows", the crow is the crow that returns home in the evening, and it is rarely seen in mountain villages or wilds today. Historically, around the Tang Dynasty, crows were considered sacred birds and considered auspicious, and people generally did not harm them. And when humans sacrifice, they also let these sacred birds grab food. The wisdom of this bird is very high, and later because it likes to eat carrion, especially when someone dies, the crows will fly in pieces and make people disgusted, so they are gradually regarded as ominous.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home


Here, again, it is understood in terms of the positive imagery in classical poetic imagery. The image of the crow returning home in the evening and its scene has always been a warm picture in the classical sky, doesn't Ma Zhiyuan also say "dead vines and old trees faint crows, small bridges and flowing water people"? Mountains and water, the water reflects the sunset of the sunshine all over the forest, the low and long illumination, the crows dotted, circling, a family of old and young, quacking to return to the nest This is a particularly warm scene under the sunset. However, the reader must understand that on the side of the warm return of the crow group is the loneliness and loneliness of the poet's heart. When we read classical poetry, we should pay special attention to these implications. In the face of the noisy and homecoming crows, I borrowed Mr. Zhu Ziqing's words in "Lotus Pond Moonlight", that is, "The bustle is theirs, I have nothing." The lively scene of crows returning is actually a kind of contrast. The warmer and livelier the crow's homecoming, the more it can reflect the loneliness and frustration of the poet wandering to the end of the world.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Returning crows

Then there is the reunion of the two sentences "When is the time to clean up the countryside, and the children's group will make tea at night", which is the voice of the lyricist from the bottom of his heart. The voice of these two sentences, because of the foreshadowing of the front, appears sincere and natural. "When" indicates how urgent the mood is. Yes, the reunion scene is warm, how he looks forward to returning home, back to his wife and children! From the perspective of the use of the dictionary, these two sentences of course allude to Tao Yuanming, and the writer also wants to go to the official return garden, but he is not like Tao Yuanming's "return to the xi ci" to "carry the young lead pot" and "yue qin", but a very life-like reunion of children and children, boiling fragrant tea at night. This point is quite similar to today's Fujian people, in a light and harmonious atmosphere, not to find their own happiness and intoxication, but to "enjoy with home". What a wonderful and heartwarming moment. The family sat around and faced their wives and children face to face to quench the thirst in their hearts. And "night boiled tea" is also very chewy, just imagine, the whole world is quiet, sitting around the stove, a family's joy really begins.

Wei Chu's "Partridge Heaven", a "and" word, expresses the pain of wandering away from home

Ancient family reunions

The longing that this word shows at the end reflects the lyricist's bitter homesickness and infinite attachment to his wife and children. Of course, in the middle it also uses contrast, but also uses contrast, as for the end, in addition to thirst, it also expresses a kind of hope. Because thoughts are not despair, thoughts can be expected, and can be achieved through hard work, and thus express a strong desire.


Partridge Sky

Prairie and Woods


"Lotus Pond Moonlight"